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AbstractCandidateHarvester - Class in
An abstract partial implementation of CandidateHarvester.
AbstractCandidateHarvester() - Constructor for class
AbstractResponseCollector - Class in org.ice4j
AbstractResponseCollector() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.AbstractResponseCollector
AbstractTcpListener - Class in
An abstract class that binds on a set of sockets and accepts sessions that start with a STUN Binding Request (preceded by an optional fake SSL handshake).
AbstractTcpListener(int) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on port number port on all IP addresses on all available interfaces.
AbstractTcpListener(int, List<NetworkInterface>) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on port number port on all the IP addresses on the specified NetworkInterfaces.
AbstractTcpListener(List<TransportAddress>) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on the specified list of TransportAddresses.
AbstractTcpListener.AcceptThread - Class in
A Thread which will accept new SocketChannels from all ServerSocketChannels in AbstractTcpListener.serverSocketChannels.
AbstractTcpListener.ChannelDesc - Class in
Contains a SocketChannel that ReadThread is reading from.
AbstractTcpListener.PushBackIceSocketWrapper - Class in
An IceSocketWrapper implementation which allows a DatagramPacket to be pushed back and received on the first call to AbstractTcpListener.PushBackIceSocketWrapper.receive(DatagramPacket).
AbstractTcpListener.ReadThread - Class in
AbstractUdpListener - Class in
A class which holds a DatagramSocket and runs a thread (AbstractUdpListener.thread) which perpetually reads from it.
AbstractUdpListener(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new SinglePortUdpHarvester instance which is to bind on the specified local address.
AbstractUdpListener.Buffer - Class in
Represents a buffer for the purposes of SinglePortUdpHarvester.
AbstractUdpListener.MySocket - Class in
Implements a DatagramSocket for the purposes of a specific MyCandidate.
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Checks whether a particular DatagramPacket, received from one of the underlying sockets of thins merging socket, should be accepted and provided for reception from this MergingDatagramSocket.
accept(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Blocking method waits for connection.
accept(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Allows to set up the remote address directly.
accept(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Blocking method waits for connection.
accept(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Blocking method waits for connection.
accept(SocketImpl) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Accepts a connection.
accept() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in interface org.ice4j.socket.DatagramPacketFilter
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket is accepted by this filter i.e.
accept() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DTLSDatagramFilter
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket is accepted by this filter i.e.
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket looks like the beginning of HTTP(S) client communication.
accept() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
accept() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Checks whether a particular DatagramPacket, received from one of the underlying sockets of thins merging socket, should be accepted and provided for reception from this MergingDatagramSocket.
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RtcpDemuxPacketFilter
Returns true if this RtcpDemuxPacketFilter should accept p, that is, if p looks like an RTCP packet.
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket represents a STUN message and whether it is part of the communication with the STUN server if one was associated with this instance.
accept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TurnDatagramPacketFilter
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket represents a TURN message which is part of the communication with the TURN server associated with this instance.
acceptBySocketsOrThis(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Accepts a DatagramPacket received by this socket and queues it for receipt through either this multiplexing socket or its multiplexed sockets whose DatagramPacketFilters accept p.
accepted(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Notifies this MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer that a particular DatagramPacket was received from it, and was accepted (as opposed to e.g.
acceptMethod(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
Determines whether this DatagramPacketFilter accepts a DatagramPacket which represents a STUN message with a specific STUN method.
acceptMethod(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TurnDatagramPacketFilter
Determines whether this DatagramPacketFilter accepts a DatagramPacket which represents a STUN message with a specific STUN method.
acceptQ - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
The (ordered) list (i.e.
acceptSelector - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The Selector which waits for incoming network connections on all MuxingServerSocketChannel.muxingServerSocketChannels.
acceptSession(Socket, String, DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Accepts a session.
acceptSession(Socket, String, DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Accepts a session.
acceptThread - Variable in class
The thread which accepts TCP connections from the sockets in AbstractTcpListener.serverSocketChannels.
AcceptThread() - Constructor for class
Initializes a new AcceptThread.
acceptThread - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Thread that will wait new connections.
acceptThread - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The Thread which waits for and accepts incoming network connections on all MuxingServerSocketChannel.muxingServerSocketChannels.
accumulatedCount - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
Total count recorded in buckets.
ack - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
ack_notify - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
active - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
The MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer considered active, i.e.
activeTasks - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
The set of MessageProcessingTask's which are not yet finished it's, processing, tracking of active tasks is necessary to properly cancel pending tasks in case NetAccessManager.stop() is called.
add(CandidateHarvester) - Method in class
Adds a specific CandidateHarvester to this CandidateHarvesterSet and returns true if it is not already present.
add(DelegatingSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Adds a DelegatingSocket instance to this merging socket.
add(IceSocketWrapper) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Adds the socket instance wrapped by wrapper to this merging socket.
add(DatagramSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Adds a DatagramSocket instance to this merging socket.
add(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
add(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Adds a packet represented by a byte[] with a corresponding offset and length to this queue.
add(byte[], int, int, Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Adds a packet represented by a byte[] with a corresponding offset and length, and a context object to this queue.
add(T) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Adds a specific packet (T) instance to the queue.
add(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
Registers the addition of a packet to the corresponding queue.
addAttributeID(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Adds the specified attribute type to the list of unknown attributes.
addAttributes(Request) - Method in class
Adds the Attributes to a specific Request which support the long-term credential mechanism using the LongTermCredential associated with this instance.
addAuthorizedAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class
Adds a specific address to the list of authorized remote addresses.
addBuffer(AbstractUdpListener.Buffer) - Method in class
Adds pkt to this socket.
addCandidate(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Adds a specific LocalCandidate to the list of LocalCandidates harvested for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate by this harvest.
addCandidateHarvester(CandidateHarvester) - Method in class
Adds harvester to the list of harvesters that this agent will use when gathering Candidates.
addChecksListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Add a CheckListener.
addIndicationListener(TransportAddress, MessageEventHandler) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Registers a specific MessageEventHandler for notifications about STUN indications received at a specific local TransportAddress.
addIndicationListener(TransportAddress, MessageEventHandler) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Adds a new MessageEventHandler which is to be notified about STUN indications received at a specific local TransportAddress.
addLocalAddresses(List<TransportAddress>) - Method in class
Adds to AbstractTcpListener.localAddresses those addresses from transportAddresses which are found suitable for candidate allocation.
addLocalCandidate(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Add a local candidate to this component.
addLongTermCredentialAttributes(Request, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Adds the Attributes to a specific Request which support the STUN long-term credential mechanism.
addMappedAddress(InetAddress, InetAddress) - Method in class
Adds a mapping between publicAddress and localAddress.
addMappedAddresses() - Method in class
Adds the mapped addresses known from MappingCandidateHarvesters.
addMappedPort(int) - Method in class
Adds port as an additional port.
addMessageListener(EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler<?>) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Registers a specific MessageTypeEventHandler for notifications about received STUN messages.
addMessageListener(TransportAddress, EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler<?>) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Registers a specific MessageTypeEventHandler for notifications about STUN messages received at a specific local TransportAddress.
addMuxingServerSocketChannel(MuxingServerSocketChannel) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Adds a specific MuxingServerSocketChannel to the (global) list of existing MuxingServerSocketChannels and schedules acceptance of incoming network connections on it.
addMuxServerSocketChannel(MuxServerSocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Adds a specific MuxServerSocketChannel to the list of MuxServerSocketChannels created by and delegating to this instance.
addOldIndicationListener(TransportAddress, MessageEventHandler) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Registers a specific MessageEventHandler for notifications about old indications received at a specific local TransportAddress.
addOldIndicationListener(TransportAddress, MessageEventHandler) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Adds a new MessageEventHandler which is to be notified about old indications received at a specific local TransportAddress.
addPairChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds l to the list of listeners registered for property changes if CandidatePairs.
addRates - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
addRateStatistics - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
Calculate the average rate of addition of packets in a 200ms window.
addRemoteCandidate(RemoteCandidate) - Method in class
Adds a remote Candidates to this media-stream Component.
addRemoteCandidates(List<RemoteCandidate>) - Method in class
Adds a List of remote Candidates as reported by a remote agent.
addRequestListener(RequestListener) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Add a RequestListener to the listener list.
addRequestListener(TransportAddress, RequestListener) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Add a RequestListener for a specific NetAccessPoint.
addRequestListener(RequestListener) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sets the listener that should be notified when a new Request is received.
addRequestListener(TransportAddress, RequestListener) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Add a RequestListener for requests coming from a specific NetAccessPoint.
address - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
The address represented by this message;
ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4 - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Indicates that this attribute is transporting an IPv4 address
ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6 - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Indicates that this attribute is transporting an IPv6 address
ADDRESS_FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Address Family not Supported error code.
AddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
This class is used to represent Stun attributes that contain an address.
AddressAttribute(char) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Constructs an address attribute with the specified type.
addressChecked - Static variable in class
Whether we have already checked and found the mapping addresses.
addressFiltersInitialized - Static variable in class
A boolean value that indicates whether the host candidate address filters have been initialized or not.
addShortTermCredentialAttributes(Request) - Method in class
Adds the Attributes to a specific Request which support the STUN short-term credential mechanism if the mechanism in question is utilized by this StunCandidateHarvest (i.e.
addShortTermCredentialAttributes(Request) - Method in class
Adds the Attributes to a specific Request which support the STUN short-term credential mechanism if the mechanism in question is utilized by this StunCandidateHarvest (i.e.
addSocket(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class
Creates a new AbstractUdpListener.MySocket instance and associates it with the given remote address.
addSocket(DatagramSocket, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class
Adds a new Socket to this candidate, which is associated with a particular remote address.
addSocket(IceSocketWrapper) - Method in class
addSocket(IceSocketWrapper) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Creates and starts a new access point based on the specified socket.
addSocket(IceSocketWrapper, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Creates and starts a new access point based on the specified socket.
addSocket(IceSocketWrapper) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Creates and starts a Network Access Point (Connector) based on the specified socket.
addSocket(IceSocketWrapper, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Creates and starts a Network Access Point (Connector) based on the specified socket and the specified remote address.
addSocketChannel(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class
Initializes one of the channels in AbstractTcpListener.serverSocketChannels,
addSocketToComponent(Socket, Component, DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Makes socket available to component and pushes back datagramPacket into the STUN socket.
addStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds l to the list of listeners tracking changes of the IceProcessingState of this Agent
addStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds l to the list of listeners tracking changes of the CheckListState of this CheckList
addToCheckList(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Adds candidatePair to this stream's check list.
addToValidList(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Adds pair to the valid list that this stream is maintaining.
addUpdateRemoteCandidates(RemoteCandidate) - Method in class
Update the media-stream Component with the specified Candidates.
adjustMTU() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Adjusts MTU
Agent - Class in
An Agent could be described as the main class (i.e.
Agent() - Constructor for class
Creates an empty Agent with no streams, and no address.
Agent(String) - Constructor for class
Creates an empty Agent with no streams, and no address.
Agent(Level) - Constructor for class
Creates an empty Agent with no streams, and no address.
Agent(Level, String) - Constructor for class
Creates an empty Agent with no streams, and no address.
Agent.StunKeepAliveRunner - Class in
A class to schedule and perform Stun keep-alive checks
agentTasksScheduler - Static variable in class
The ScheduledExecutorService to execute Agent's scheduled tasks
alive - Variable in class
A flag that determines whether we have received a STUN response or not.
alive - Variable in class
A flag that determines whether we have received a STUN request or not.
allChecksCompleted() - Method in class
Determines whether all checks in this CheckList have ended one way or another.
allComponentsAreNominated() - Method in class
Returns true if there is at least one nominated CandidatePair in the valid list for every Component of this stream and false otherwise.
allComponentsHaveSelected() - Method in class
Returns false if there is at least one nominated CandidatePair who doesn't have a selected address yet, and true otherwise.
ALLOCATE_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN allocate error response code.
ALLOCATE_REFRESH_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN allocate refresh request code.
ALLOCATE_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN allocate request code.
ALLOCATE_REQUEST_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ALLOCATE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN allocate response code.
ALLOCATE_RESPONSE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ALLOCATION_MISMATCH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Allocation Mismatch error code.
ALLOCATION_QUOTA_REACHED - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Allocation Quota reached error code.
ALLOW_LINK_TO_GLOBAL_REACHABILITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
A property that allows us to specify whether we would expect link local IPv6 addresses to be able to reach globally routable ones.
ALLOWED_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property which specifies a ";"-separated list of IP addresses that are allowed to be used for host candidate allocations.
ALLOWED_INTERFACES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the allowed interfaces property which specifies the allowed interfaces for host candidate allocations.
allowedAddresses - Static variable in class
The list of allowed addresses.
allowedInterfaces - Static variable in class
Holds the list of allowed interfaces.
ALTERNATE_SERVER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Alternate server attribute.
ALTERNATE_SERVER_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
AlternateServerAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The ALTERNATE-SERVER attribute indicates the IP address and port of an alternate server the client could use.
AlternateServerAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.AlternateServerAttribute
ALWAYS_SIGN - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property that allows us to tell the stack to always sign STUN messages with a FINGERPRINT attribute.
ANY_LOCAL_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Reference to IPv4 or 0::0 IPv6 address for "wildcard" matching purposes.
applicationData - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Any object that the application would like to correlate to a transaction.
applyOption(short, byte[], long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Applies kind of option and it's data
applyWindowScaleOption(short) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Applies window scale option with given scale_factor
applyXor(TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorMappedAddressAttribute
Returns the result of applying XOR on the specified attribute's address.
applyXor(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorMappedAddressAttribute
Returns the result of applying XOR on this attribute's address, using the specified XOR mask.
array - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Backing byte array
assertWriteLimit(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Checks if new write position is correct
assignFoundation(Candidate<?>) - Method in class
Assigns to candidate the foundation that corresponds to its base, type and transport properties or a new one if no foundation has been generated yet for the specific combination.
attemptSend(SendFlags) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
This method checks if it's time to send a packet(ack or retransmit anything)
Attribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
After the header are 0 or more attributes.
Attribute(char) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Creates an empty STUN message attribute.
AttributeDecoder - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The class provides utilities for decoding a binary stream into an Attribute class.
AttributeDecoder() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeDecoder
AttributeFactory - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
This class provides factory methods to allow an application to create STUN / TURN / ICE Attributes from a particular implementation.
AttributeFactory() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
attributePresentities - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
attributes - Variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The list of attributes contained by the message.
attributeType - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
The type of the attribute.
attributeValue - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
authorities - Variable in class
The list of CredentialsAuthoritys registered with this manager as being able to provide credentials.
authorizedAddresses - Variable in class
The set of remote addresses, which this socket is allowed to receive from.
authorizedAddressesSyncRoot - Variable in class
available() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this socket without blocking.
available() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
available() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
AwsCandidateHarvester - Class in
Uses the Amazon AWS APIs to retrieve the public and private IPv4 addresses for an EC2 instance.
AwsCandidateHarvester() - Constructor for class
Creates an AWS harvester.


b - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
The byte array with one element which is used by the implementation of in order to delegate to the implementation of[], int, int) for the purposes of simplicity.
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Bad request error code.
base - Variable in class
The base of a server reflexive candidate is the host candidate from which it was derived.
BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel<T extends ServerSocketChannel> - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a ServerSocketChannel which delegates (its method calls) to another ServerSocketChannel.
BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel(T) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
Initializes a new BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel instance which is to delegate (its method calls) to a specific ServerSocketChannel.
BaseDelegatingSocketChannel<T extends SocketChannel> - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a SocketChannel which delegates (its method calls) to another SocketChannel.
BaseDelegatingSocketChannel(T) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
Initializes a new BaseDelegatingSocketChannel instance which is to delegate (its method calls) to a specific SocketChannel.
BaseStunMessageEvent - Class in org.ice4j
Represents an EventObject which notifies of an event associated with a specific STUN Message.
BaseStunMessageEvent(StunStack, TransportAddress, Message) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
Initializes a new BaseStunMessageEvent associated with a specific STUN Message.
bCtrl - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SSegment
bind(InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Binds this socket to the specified port number on the specified host.
bind(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
Forwards to BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel.delegate and returns this.
bind(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
Forwards to BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.delegate and returns this.
bind(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Binds this DatagramSocket to a specific address and port.
bind(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
bind(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
bind(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
bind() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Binds/installs this channel so that it provides this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket with a permission to send data to the TransportAddress associated with this instance.
BIND_RETRIES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property containing the number of binds that we should should execute in case a port is already bound to (each retry would be on a new random port).
BIND_RETRIES_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The default number of binds that we would try implementation should execute in case a port is already bound to (each retry would be on a different port).
BIND_WILDCARD - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property that tells if we should bind to the wildcard address instead of the (usually more specific) harvest candidate addresses.
BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN binding error response code.
BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
BINDING_INDICATION - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN binding request code.
BINDING_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN binding request code.
BINDING_REQUEST_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
BINDING_RESPONSE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
BINDING_SUCCESS_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN binding success response code.
bindingTimeStamp - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The time stamp in milliseconds at which RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel.bindingTransactionID has been used to bind/install this Channel.
bindingTransactionID - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The ID of the transaction with which a CreatePermission Request has been sent to bind/install this Channel.
BLOCKED_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property which specifies a ";"-separated list of IP addresses that are not allowed to be used for host candidate allocations.
BLOCKED_INTERFACES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the allowed interfaces property which specifies the blocked interfaces for host candidate allocations.
blockedAddresses - Static variable in class
The list of blocked addresses.
blockedInterfaces - Static variable in class
Holds the list of blocked interfaces.
BlockingRequestSender - Class in org.ice4j.stunclient
A utility used to flatten the multi-thread architecture of the Stack and execute the discovery process in a synchronized manner.
BlockingRequestSender(StunStack, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Creates a new request sender.
bound(long, long, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
bound - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The indication which determines whether a confirmation has been received that this Channel has been bound.
buckets - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
Counters are kept in buckets (circular buffer), with one bucket per millisecond.
buf - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
A buffer to receive data into.
buffer - Variable in class
The buffer which stores the data so far read from the channel.
Buffer(byte[], int) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new Buffer instance.
buffer - Variable in class
The actual data.
Buffer() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.Buffer
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class
The size for newly allocated Buffer instances.
buffered - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Stored bytes count
build(int, IceMediaStream) - Static method in class
Use builder pattern to allow creation of immutable Component instances, from outside the current package.
build(Agent, String) - Static method in class
Use builder pattern to provide an immutable IceMediaStream instance.
build(byte[], int, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
Use builder pattern to allow creation of immutable RawMessage instances, from outside the current package.
ByteFifoBuffer - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util
First in - first out byte buffer
ByteFifoBuffer(int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Creates buffer of specified size
bytes_to_long(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Reads 32 bit unsigned int from the buffer at specified offset
bytes_to_short(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Reads 16 bit unsigned int from the buffer at specified offset


C - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
C means it's conditional based on some other aspect of the message.
CACHE_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The capacity of the byte[] cache, if it is enabled.
calculateHmacSha1(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Encodes message using key and the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm as per RFC 2104 and returns the resulting byte array.
calculateStunConnCheckRTO() - Method in class
Calculates the value of the retransmission timer to use in STUN transactions, used in connectivity checks (not to confused with the RTO for the STUN address harvesting).
calculateStunHarvestRTO() - Method in class
Calculates the value of the retransmission timer to use in STUN transactions, while harvesting addresses (not to confuse with the RTO for the STUN transactions used in connectivity checks).
calculateTa() - Method in class
Calculates the value of the Ta pace timer according to the number and type of IceMediaStreams this agent will be using.
calculateXorCRC32(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Calculates and returns the CRC32 checksum for message after applying the XOR_MASK specified by RFC 5389.
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel scheduled periodic task which performs STUN keep-alive checks
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel execution of current and further connectivity checks
cancel() - Method in class
Cancel task.
cancel() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Attempts to cancel processing of MessageProcessingTask.rawMessage
cancel() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Cancels the transaction.
cancel() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
Cancels the transaction.
cancel() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack.ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector
Cancels execution of scheduled expired transactions collector if it is running
cancelClockTask(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
cancelled - Variable in class
Indicates whether this Runnable should continue running.
cancelled - Variable in class
If the task has been cancelled.
cancelled - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Indicates that MessageProcessingTask is cancelled and should not process RawMessage anymore.
cancelled - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Determines whether the transaction is active or not.
cancelTransaction(TransactionID) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Cancels the StunClientTransaction with the specified transactionID.
cancelTransactionsForAddress(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Stops all transactions for the specified localAddr so that they won't send messages through any longer and so that we could remove the associated socket.
Candidate<T extends Candidate<?>> - Class in
A candidate represents a transport address that is a potential point of contact for receipt of media.
Candidate(TransportAddress, Component, CandidateType, T) - Constructor for class
Creates a candidate for the specified transport address and properties.
candidate - Variable in class
The Candidate that we will be encapsulating.
CandidateAttribute - Class in
CandidateAttribute() - Constructor for class
CandidateAttribute(Candidate<?>) - Constructor for class
Creates an attribute instance
CandidateExtendedType - Enum in
Enumeration which lists the different available methods used to discover new candidates.
CandidateExtendedType(String) - Constructor for enum
Creates a CandidateExtendedType instance with the specified name.
CandidateHarvester - Interface in
A CandidateHarvester gathers a certain kind of Candidates (e.g.
CandidateHarvesterSet - Class in
Implements Set of CandidateHarvesters which runs the gathering of candidate addresses performed by its elements in parallel.
CandidateHarvesterSet() - Constructor for class
Initializes a new CandidateHarvesterSet instance.
CandidateHarvesterSetElement - Class in
Represents a CandidateHarvester as an element in a CandidateHarvesterSet.
CandidateHarvesterSetElement(CandidateHarvester) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new CandidateHarvesterSetElement instance which is to represent a specific CandidateHarvester as an element in a CandidateHarvesterSet.
CandidateHarvesterSetTask - Class in
Represents a task to be executed by the specified executorService and to call CandidateHarvester.harvest(Component) on the specified harvesters.
CandidateHarvesterSetTask(CandidateHarvesterSetElement, Collection<Component>, TrickleCallback) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new CandidateHarvesterSetTask which is to call CandidateHarvester.harvest( on a specific harvester and then as many harvesters as possible.
CandidatePair - Class in
CandidatePairs map local to remote Candidates so that they could be added to check lists.
CandidatePair(LocalCandidate, RemoteCandidate) - Constructor for class
Creates a CandidatePair instance mapping localCandidate to remoteCandidate.
CandidatePair.PairComparator - Class in
A Comparator using the compareTo method of the CandidatePair
CandidatePairState - Enum in
Each candidate pair in the a list has a CandidatePairState.
CandidatePairState(String) - Constructor for enum
Creates a CandidatePairState instance with the specified name.
CandidatePrioritizer - Class in
Compares candidates based on their priority.
CandidatePrioritizer() - Constructor for class
candidatePrioritizer - Variable in class
A Comparator that we use for sorting Candidates by their priority.
candidates - Variable in class
The map which keeps all currently active Candidates created by this harvester.
candidates - Variable in class
The list of Candidates harvested for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate by this harvest.
candidateSockets - Variable in class
The collection of IceSocketWrappers that can potentially be used by the ice4j user to read/write from/to this candidate.
CandidateTcpType - Enum in
Represents the TCP types for ICE TCP candidates.
CandidateTcpType(String) - Constructor for enum
Creates a CandidateTcpType instance with the specified name.
candidateType - Variable in class
The type of this candidate.
CandidateType - Enum in
According to the ICE specification, Candidates have a type property which makes them server reflexive, peer reflexive, relayed or host).
CandidateType(String) - Constructor for enum
Creates a CandidateType instance with the specified name.
canReach(Candidate<?>) - Method in class
Determines whether this Candidate'sTransportAddress is theoretically usable for communication with that of dst.
canReach(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Determines whether this TransportAddress is theoretically capable of communicating with dst.
capacity - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The capacity of this PacketQueue.
cause - Variable in class org.ice4j.StunFailureEvent
The Exception that caused this failure.
CHANGE_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Change request attribute.
CHANGE_REQUEST_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
CHANGED_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Changed address attribute.
CHANGED_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ChangedAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The CHANGED-ADDRESS attribute indicates the IP address and port where responses would have been sent from if the "change IP" and "change port" flags had been set in the CHANGE-REQUEST attribute of the Binding Request.
ChangedAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangedAddressAttribute
Creates a CHANGED_ADDRESS attribute
changeIpFlag - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
This is the "change IP" flag.
changePortFlag - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
This is the "change port" flag.
ChangeRequestAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
This class represents the STUN CHANGE-REQUEST attribute.
ChangeRequestAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Creates an empty ChangeRequestAttribute.
channel - Variable in class
The actual SocketChannel.
channel - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
The ServerSocketChannel of this instance.
channel - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
The SocketChannel (to be) returned by DelegatingSocket.getChannel().
Channel(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Initializes a new Channel instance which is to provide this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket with a permission to send to a specific peer TransportAddress.
CHANNEL_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Channel number attribute.
CHANNEL_NUMBER_NOT_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The constant which represents a channel number value signaling that no channel number has been explicitly specified.
CHANNEL_NUMBER_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
CHANNELBIND_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN ChannelBind error response code.
CHANNELBIND_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN ChannelBind request code.
CHANNELBIND_REQUEST_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
CHANNELBIND_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN ChannelBind response code.
CHANNELBIND_RESPONSE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ChannelData - Class in org.ice4j.message
The ChannelData message are used in TURN protocol after a client has bound a channel to a peer.
ChannelData() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
channelData - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
CHANNELDATA_CHANNELNUMBER_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The length in bytes of the Channel Number field of a TURN ChannelData message.
CHANNELDATA_LENGTH_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The length in bytes of the Length field of a TURN ChannelData message.
ChannelDataEventHandler - Interface in org.ice4j.stack
The interface is used for collecting incoming ChannelData messages from the NetAccessManager (and more precisely - MessageProcessors).
channelDataEventHandler - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
The instance that should be notified when an incoming ChannelData message has been processed and ready for delivery
channelDataIsPreferred - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The indicator which determines whether this Channel is set to prefer sending DatagramPackets using TURN ChannelData messages instead of Send indications.
channelDataMessage - Variable in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
The ChannelData Message associated with this event.
ChannelDataMessageEvent - Class in org.ice4j
The class is used to dispatch incoming ChannelData messages.
ChannelDataMessageEvent(StunStack, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, ChannelData) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
Initializes a new ChannelDataMessageEvent associated with a specific ChannelData Message.
channelDataPacket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The DatagramPacket in which this Channel sends TURN ChannelData messages through RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.channelDataSocket.
channelDataSocket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The DatagramSocket through which this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket actually sends and receives the data it has been asked to RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.send(DatagramPacket) and RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.receive(DatagramPacket).
channelDataSocketAccept(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket is accepted by RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.channelDataSocket (i.e.
channelDataSocketAcceptMethod(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Determines whether RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.channelDataSocket accepts DatagramPackets which represent STUN messages with a specific method.
ChannelDesc(SocketChannel) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new ChannelDesc with the given channel.
channelNumber - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Channel number.
channelNumber - Variable in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
The channel number.
channelNumber - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The TURN channel number of this Channel which is to be or has been allocated using a ChannelBind Request.
ChannelNumberAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The CHANNEL-NUMBER attribute is used to known on which channel the TURN client want to send data.
ChannelNumberAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
channelNumberEquals(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Determines whether the channel number of this Channel is value equal to a specific channel number.
channelNumberIsConfirmed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The indicator which determines whether the associated TURN server has confirmed the allocation of RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel.channelNumber by us receiving a success Response to our ChannelBind Request.
channels - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The list of per-peer Channels through which this RelayedCandidateDatagramSockets relays data send to it to peer TransportAddresses.
checkDestination(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Checks destination port number.
checkedForSSLHandshake - Variable in class
Whether we had checked for initial "pseudo" SSL handshake.
checkForNewChannels() - Method in class
CheckList - Class in
A check list is a list of CandidatePairs with a state (i.e.
CheckList(IceMediaStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a check list with the specified name.
checkList - Variable in class
The CheckList that this PaceMaker will be running checks for.
checkList - Variable in class
The CHECK-LIST for this agent described in the ICE specification: There is one check list per in-use media stream resulting from the offer/answer exchange.
checkListCompletionCheckers - Variable in class
Timer that is used to let some seconds before a CheckList is considered as FAILED.
checkListeners - Variable in class
Contains PropertyChangeListeners registered with this Agent and following its changes of state.
CheckListState - Enum in
Everty CheckList is associated with a state, which captures the state of ICE checks for that media stream.
CheckListState(String) - Constructor for enum
Creates a CheckListState instance with the specified name.
checkListStatesUpdated() - Method in class
After updating check list states as a result of an incoming response or a timeout event the method goes through all check lists and tries to assess the state of ICE processing.
checkLocalUserName(String) - Method in class
Verifies whether username is currently known to this server and returns true if so.
checkLocalUserName(String) - Method in interface
Verifies whether username is currently known to this authority and returns true if so.
checkLocalUserName(String) - Method in class
Verifies whether username is currently known to any of the CredentialsAuthoritys registered with this manager and and returns true if so.
checkLocalUserName(String) - Method in class
Determines whether username is currently known to this authority
checkPorts(int, int, int) - Method in class
Checks if the different ports are correctly set.
checkStarted() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Makes shure the discoverer is operational and throws an StunException.ILLEGAL_STATE if that is not the case.
checkSymmetricAddresses(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class
Returns true if the Response in evt had a source or a destination address that match those of the Request, or false otherwise.
children - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
The Map of EventDispatchers which keep the registrations of STUN request and indication listeners registered for STUN requests and indications from specific local TransportAddresses.
classLogger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the Agent class for logging output.
classLogger - Static variable in class
The class logger.
classLogger - Static variable in class
Our class logger.
classLogger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the MergingDatagramSocket class and its instances for logging output.
classLogger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the ConnectivityCheckClient class for logging output.
classLogger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the ConnectivityCheckServer class and its instances for logging output.
classLogger - Static variable in class
The class logger.
classLogger - Static variable in class
Our class logger Note that this shouldn't be used directly by instances of IceMediaStream, because it doesn't take into account the per-instance log level.
classLogger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the LocalCandidate class for logging output.
classLogger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
The Logger used by the MergingDatagramSocket class and its instances for logging output.
cleanup() - Method in class
Closes any inactive channels registered with AbstractTcpListener.readSelector.
clientTransactions - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Stores active client transactions mapped against TransactionID-s.
clock_check(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Calculates timeout in ms for current operation
clockExecutor - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
clockTaskRunner - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
clone() - Method in class
Returns a reference to this attribute.
clone(DatagramPacket) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Initializes a new DatagramPacket instance which is a clone of a specific DatagramPacket i.e.
clone(DatagramPacket, boolean) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Initializes a new DatagramPacket instance which is a clone of a specific DatagramPacket i.e.
close() - Method in class
close - Variable in class
Triggers the termination of the threads of this instance.
close() - Method in class
Triggers the termination of the threads of this MultiplexingTcpHarvester.
close() - Method in class
Closes this socket.
close - Variable in class
Triggers the termination of the threads of this instance.
close() - Method in class
Triggers the termination of the threads of this instance.
close() - Method in class
Removes the association of the remote address with this socket from the harvester's map.
close(GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket) - Method in class
Notifies this TurnCandidateHarvest that a specific RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket is closing and that this instance is to delete the associated TURN Allocation.
close() - Method in class
Close the harvest.
close(RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket) - Method in class
Notifies this TurnCandidateHarvest that a specific RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket is closing and that this instance is to delete the associated TURN Allocation.
close(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Shuts down the protocol which enters closed state
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Closes this datagram socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Closes this datagram socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Closes this datagram socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Closes this datagram socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Closes this socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
close(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Closes this MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer, stopping it's reading thread, and, if necessary removing it from the merging socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedDatagramSocket
Closes this datagram socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
Closes this datagram socket.
close(MultiplexedDatagramSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Closes a specific MultiplexedDatagramSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this DatagramSocket.
close(MultiplexedSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Closes a specific MultiplexedSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this Socket.
close(MultiplexedXXXSocketT) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Closes a specific MultiplexedDatagramSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this DatagramSocket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Closes this datagram socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
Closes this datagram socket.
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
closeAbandonedSocketChannels() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Weed out SocketChannels which were classified/filtered into MuxServerSocketChannel but were not accepted (out of it) for a long time.
closeAbandonedSocketChannels(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
Weeds out abandoned SocketChannels from MuxServerSocketChannel.acceptQ i.e.
closed - Variable in class
The flag which indicates that this DatagramSocket has been closed.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Whether this socket has been closed.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The indicator which determines whether this instance has started executing or has executed its GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.close() method.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
The indicator which determines whether this instance has started executing or has executed its GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate.close() method.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
The indicator which determines whether this instance has started executing or has executed its GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.close() method.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
The flag which indicates whether this socket is closed.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
A flag used to signal to MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.thread to finish.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The indicator which determines whether this instance has started executing or has executed its RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.close() method.
closed - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Whether this queue has been closed.
CLOSED_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
If the connection is closed, once per minute
closedown(IOException) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
This metod is called in case of en error.
closeLock - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
closeNoExceptions(Channel) - Static method in class
Closes a Channel and swallows any IOException.
closeNoExceptions(Channel) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Closes a Channel and swallows any IOException.
closeNoExceptions(Channel) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
Closes a Channel and swallows any IOException.
collector - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack.ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector
Runnable which walks StunStack.serverTransactions, check if transaction is expired and if so - remove it from StunStack.serverTransactions.
comparator - Static variable in class
A Comparator using the compareTo method of the CandidatePair.
compare(CandidatePair, CandidatePair) - Method in class
Compares pair1 and pair2 for order.
compare(Candidate<?>, Candidate<?>) - Method in class
Compares the two Candidates based on their priority and returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first Candidate has a lower, equal, or greater priority than the second.
compareCandidates(Candidate<?>, Candidate<?>) - Static method in class
Compares the two Candidates based on their priority and returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first Candidate has a lower, equal, or greater priority than the second.
compareTo(T) - Method in class
Compares this Candidate with the specified one based on their priority and returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if this Candidate has a lower, equal, or greater priority than the second.
compareTo(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Compares this CandidatePair with the specified object for order.
compareUnsignedLong(long, long) - Static method in class
Compares a and b as unsigned long values.
completedHarvests - Variable in class
The list of StunCandidateHarvests which have been successfully completed i.e.
completedResolvingCandidate(Request, Response) - Method in class
Completes the harvesting of Candidates for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
completedResolvingCandidate - Variable in class
The indicator which determines whether this StunCandidateHarvest has completed the harvesting of Candidates for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
completedResolvingCandidate(Request, Response) - Method in class
Completes the harvesting of Candidates for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
completedResolvingCandidate(StunCandidateHarvest) - Method in class
Notifies this StunCandidateHarvester that a specific StunCandidateHarvest has been completed.
completedResolvingCandidate(Request, Response) - Method in class
Completes the harvesting of Candidates for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
Component - Class in
A component is a piece of a media stream requiring a single transport address; a media stream may require multiple components, each of which has to work for the media stream as a whole to work.
Component(int, IceMediaStream, KeepAliveStrategy) - Constructor for class
Component(int, IceMediaStream, KeepAliveStrategy, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Component with the specified componentID as a child of the specified IceMediaStream.
component - Variable in class
The owning Component.
component - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
STUN stack.
componentID - Variable in class
A component id is a positive integer between 1 and 256 which identifies the specific component of the media stream for which this is a candidate.
components - Variable in class
The Components whose addresses we will be harvesting in this task.
components - Variable in class
Maps a local "ufrag" to the single Component instance with that "ufrag".
components - Variable in class
Returns the list of components that this media stream consists of.
componentSocket - Variable in class
The ComponentSocket instance which, if enabled, will serve as the single socket instance for this Component, merging received packets from all of its candidates.
ComponentSocket - Class in
Extends MergingDatagramSocket with functionality specific to an ICE Component.
ComponentSocket(Component, Logger) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new MergingDatagramSocket instance.
computeGTalkPriority() - Method in class
Computes the priority for this Candidate based on the procedures defined in the Google Talk specification.
computeGTalkPriorityForType(CandidateType) - Method in class
Computes the priority this Candidate would have if it were of the specified candidateType and based on the procedures defined in the Google Talk specification.
computeInitialCheckListPairStates() - Method in class
Computes and resets states of all pairs in this check list.
computePriority() - Method in class
Computes the priority for this Candidate based on the procedures defined in the ICE specification..
computePriority() - Method in class
A candidate pair priority is computed the following way:
Let G be the priority for the candidate provided by the controlling agent.
computePriorityForType(CandidateType) - Method in class
Computes the priority this Candidate would have if it were of the specified candidateType and based on the procedures defined in the ICE specification.
config(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message with level Level.CONFIG, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured for this Logger.
connCheckClient - Variable in class
The entity that will be taking care of outgoing connectivity checks.
connCheckServer - Variable in class
The entity that will be taking care of incoming connectivity checks.
connCheckTranID - Variable in class
The TransactionID of the client transaction for a connectivity check over this pair in case it is in the CandidatePairState.IN_PROGRESS state.
connect() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Enqueues connect message and starts connection procedure
connect(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Connects without the timeout.
connect(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
On Android, we must not use the default connect implementation, because that one deals directly with physical resources, while we create a socket on top of another socket.
connect(String, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Connects this socket to the specified port on the named host.
connect(InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Connects this socket to the specified port number on the specified host.
connect(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Connects this socket to the specified port number on the specified host.
connect(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
connect(InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Connects the socket to a remote address for this socket.
connect(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Connects this socket to a remote socket address.
connect(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
connect(SocketAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
CONNECT_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connect Error Response code.
CONNECT_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connect Request code.
CONNECT_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connect Success Response code.
CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Connection Already Exists error code.
CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_INDICATION - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connection Attempt Indication code.
CONNECTION_BIND_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connection Bind error code.
CONNECTION_BIND_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connection Bind Request code.
CONNECTION_BIND_SUCCESS_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connection Bind Success Response code.
CONNECTION_ID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Connection Id attribute.
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_OR_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Connection Timeout or Failure error code.
ConnectionIdAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The connection ID attribute defined in RFC 6062: Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Extensions for TCP Allocations.
ConnectionIdAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
connectionIdValue - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
The connection Id value.
ConnectivityCheckClient - Class in
The class that will be generating our outgoing connectivity checks and that will be handling their responses or lack thereof.
ConnectivityCheckClient(Agent, ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class
Creates a new ConnectivityCheckClient setting parentAgent as the agent that will be used for retrieving information such as user fragments for example.
ConnectivityCheckClient.PaceMaker - Class in
A class to control periodically scheduled runnable that actually sends the checks for a particular check list in the pace defined in RFC 5245.
connectivityChecker - Variable in class
Sends connectivity checks at the pace determined by the Agent.calculateTa() method and using either the trigger check queue or the regular check lists.
connectivityCheckRecognizer - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The DatagramPacketFilter which is able to determine whether a specific DatagramPacket sent through a RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket is part of the ICE connectivity checks.
ConnectivityCheckServer - Class in
The class that would be handling and responding to incoming connectivity checks.
ConnectivityCheckServer(Agent) - Constructor for class
Creates a new ConnectivityCheckServer setting parentAgent as the agent that will be used for retrieving information such as user fragments for example.
connectLock - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Connector - Class in org.ice4j.stack
The Network Access Point is the most outward part of the stack.
Connector(IceSocketWrapper, TransportAddress, Consumer<RawMessage>, ErrorHandler) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Creates a network access point.
connectSocket(Socket, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
CONSENT_FRESHNESS_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
How often a STUN Binding request used for consent freshness check will be sent(value in milliseconds).
CONSENT_FRESHNESS_MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The maximum number of retransmissions of a STUN Binding request without a valid STUN Binding response after which consent freshness is to be considered unconfirmed according to "STUN Usage for Consent Freshness".
CONSENT_FRESHNESS_MAX_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The number of milliseconds without a valid STUN Binding response after which a STUN Binding request is to be retransmitted according to "STUN Usage for Consent Freshness".
CONSENT_FRESHNESS_ORIGINAL_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The number of milliseconds without a valid STUN Binding response after which a STUN Binding request is to be retransmitted according to "STUN Usage for Consent Freshness".
CONSENT_FRESHNESS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
The value of the consentFreshness property of CandidatePair which indicates that the time in milliseconds of the latest consent freshness confirmation is unknown.
consentFreshness - Variable in class
The time in milliseconds of the latest consent freshness confirmation.
consentFreshnessInterval - Variable in class
consentFreshnessMaxRetransmissions - Variable in class
consumeReadData(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Aligns current read position by count
consumeWriteBuffer(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Advances current buffer's write position by count bytes
contains(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Verifies whether the specified attributeID is contained by this attribute.
containsAttribute(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns true if the this Message contains an attribute with the specified type or false otherwise.
containsCandidate(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Determines whether a specific LocalCandidate is contained in the list of LocalCandidates harvested for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate by this harvest.
containsNomineeForComponent(Component) - Method in class
This method takes into account only candidates in the checklist. In case of peer reflexives candidates nominated, they do not appears in checklist but in valid list.
ContentDependentAttribute - Interface in org.ice4j.attribute
ContentDependentAttributes have a value that depend on the content of the message.
conv - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
copy(DatagramPacket, DatagramPacket) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Copies the properties of a specific DatagramPacket to another DatagramPacket.
copy - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Whether this PacketQueue should store the byte[] or T instances added to it via one of the add methods (if false), or create and store a copy (if true).
copy_buffer(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Wrapped system function arrayCopy
countHostCandidates() - Method in class
Returns the number of host Candidates in this Agent.
countHostCandidates() - Method in class
Returns the number of host Candidates in this stream.
countLocalHostCandidates() - Method in class
Returns the number of local host candidates currently registered in this Component.
crc - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
The CRC32 checksum that this attribute is carrying.
create(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Creates either a stream or a datagram socket.
create3489BindingResponse(TransportAddress, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a BindingResponse in a 3489 compliant manner, assigning the specified values to mandatory headers.
createAllocateRequest() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create an allocate request without attribute.
createAllocateRequest(byte, boolean) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create an allocate request to allocate an even port.
createAllocationErrorResponse(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a allocation error response according to the specified error code.
createAllocationErrorResponse(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a allocation error response according to the specified error code.
createAllocationResponse(Request, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a AllocationResponse in a 5389 compliant manner containing at most 4 attributes
LIFETIME attribute
createAllocationResponse(Request, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a AllocationResponse in a 5389 compliant manner containing at most 4 attributes
LIFETIME attribute
createAndRegisterStunSocket(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Since we are most certainly going to use all local host candidates for sending and receiving STUN connectivity checks, and possibly for STUN harvesting too, we might as well create their STUN sockets here and register them with the StunStack.
createBindingErrorResponse(char, String, char[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a binding error response according to the specified error code and unknown attributes.
createBindingErrorResponse(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a binding error response with an ERROR-CODE attribute.
createBindingErrorResponse(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a binding error response according to the specified error code.
createBindingErrorResponseUnknownAttributes(char[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a binding error response with UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES error code and the specified unknown attributes.
createBindingErrorResponseUnknownAttributes(String, char[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a binding error response with UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES error code and the specified unknown attributes and reason phrase.
createBindingIndication() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a default binding indication.
createBindingRequest() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a default binding request.
createBindingRequest(long) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a default binding request.
createBindingRequest(long, boolean, long) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a default binding request.
createBindingResponse(Request, TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a BindingResponse in a 5389 compliant manner containing a single XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute
createBoundSocket(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Creates socket bound to local sockAddr
createCandidatePair(LocalCandidate, RemoteCandidate) - Method in class
Initializes a new CandidatePair instance from a LocalCandidate and a RemoteCandidate.
createCandidates(Response) - Method in class
Creates new Candidates determined by a specific STUN Response.
createCandidates(Response) - Method in class
Creates new Candidates determined by a specific STUN Response.
createCandidates(Response) - Method in class
Creates new Candidates determined by a specific STUN Response.
createChangedAddressAttribute(TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a changedAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port
createChangeRequestAttribute() - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a ChangeRequestAttribute with "false" values for the changeIP and changePort flags.
createChangeRequestAttribute(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a ChangeRequestAttribute with the specified flag values.
createChannelBindErrorResponse(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a Channel Bind Error Response with given error code.
createChannelBindErrorResponse(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a Channel Bind Error Response with given error code and reasonPhrase.
createChannelBindRequest(char, TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a ChannelBind request.
createChannelBindResponse() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a Channel Bind Success Response.
createChannelNumberAttribute(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a ChannelNumberAttribute.
createCheckList(List<CandidatePair>) - Method in class
Creates and adds to checkList all the CandidatePairs in all Components of this stream.
createCheckList(Component, List<CandidatePair>) - Method in class
Creates and adds to checkList all the CandidatePairs in component.
createComponent(IceMediaStream, Transport, int, int, int) - Method in class
Creates a new Component for the specified stream and allocates potentially all local candidates that should belong to it.
createComponent(IceMediaStream, Transport, int, int, int, KeepAliveStrategy) - Method in class
Creates a new Component for the specified stream and allocates potentially all local candidates that should belong to it.
createComponent(IceMediaStream, Transport, int, int, int, KeepAliveStrategy, boolean) - Method in class
Creates a new Component for the specified stream and allocates potentially all local candidates that should belong to it.
createComponent(KeepAliveStrategy, boolean) - Method in class
Creates and adds a component to this media-stream The component ID is incremented to the next integer value when creating the component so make sure you keep that in mind in case assigning a specific component ID is important to you.
createConnectErrorResponse(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a Connect error response according to the specified error code.
createConnectErrorResponse(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a Connect error response according to the specified error code.
createConnectionAttemptIndication(int, TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectionAttempt Indication in a 6062 compliant manner containing only CONECTION-ID-ATTRIBUTE attribute and XOR-PPER-ADDRESS attribute.
createConnectionAttemptIndication(int, TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectionAttempt Indication in a 6062 compliant manner containing only CONECTION-ID-ATTRIBUTE attribute and XOR-PPER-ADDRESS attribute.
createConnectionBindErrorResponse(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectionBind error response according to the specified error code.
createConnectionBindErrorResponse(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectionBind error response according to the specified error code.
createConnectionBindRequest(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectionBindRequest in a 6062 compliant manner containing only CONECTION-ID-ATTRIBUTE attribute.
createConnectionBindResponse() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectionBind Response in a 6062 compliant manner.
createConnectionIdAttribute(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a new ConnectionIdAttribute of the specified connectionIdValue
createConnectionIdAttribute() - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a new ConnectionIdAttribute.
createConnectRequest(TransportAddress, Request) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectRequest in a 6062 compliant manner containing only
createConnectRequest(TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a ConnectRequest in a 6062 compliant manner containing only XOR-PEER-ADDRESS attribute.
createConnectResponse(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a Connect Response in a 6062 compliant manner containing a single CONNECTION-ID-ATTRIBUTE attribute
createCorrespondingErrorResponse(char, char, String, char...) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns the Error Response object with specified errorCode and reasonPhrase corresponding to input type.
createCPUBoundScheduledExecutor(String, int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.ice4j.util.ExecutorFactory
Create ScheduledExecutorService with number of threads up to number of CPU cores on machine
createCreatePermissionErrorResponse(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a create permission error response.
createCreatePermissionRequest(TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a new TURN CreatePermission Request with a specific value for its XOR-PEER-ADDRESS attribute.
createCreatePermissionResponse() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a create permission success response.
createDataAttribute(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a DataAtttribute.
createDataAttributeWithoutPadding(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a DataAtttribute.
createDatagramSocket(InetAddress, int, int, int) - Method in class
Creates a DatagramSocket and binds it to the specified localAddress and a port in the range specified by the minPort and maxPort parameters.
createDataIndication(TransportAddress, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a Data Indication.
createDestinationAddressAttribute(TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a DestinationFromAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port
createErrorCodeAttribute(byte, byte) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an ErrorCodeAttribute with the specified error class and number and a default reason phrase.
createErrorCodeAttribute(byte, byte, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an ErrorCodeAttribute with the specified error class, number and reason phrase.
createErrorCodeAttribute(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an ErrorCodeAttribute with the specified error code and a default reason phrase.
createErrorCodeAttribute(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an ErrorCodeAttribute with the specified error code and reason phrase.
createEvenPortAttribute(boolean) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a EventAttribute.
createFingerprintAttribute() - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an empty FingerprintAttribute with a 0 check sum.
createFixedThreadPool(int, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.util.ExecutorFactory
Creates a ExecutorService with limited number of threads which are released after idle timeout.
createGoogleAllocateRequest(String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create an allocate request for a Google TURN relay (old TURN protocol modified).
createHarvest(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Creates a new GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest instance which is to perform TURN harvesting of a specific HostCandidate.
createHarvest(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Creates a new GoogleTurnSSLCandidateHarvest instance which is to perform TURN harvesting of a specific HostCandidate.
createHarvest(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Creates a new StunCandidateHarvest instance which is to perform STUN harvesting of a specific HostCandidate.
createHarvest(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Creates a new TurnCandidateHarvest instance which is to perform TURN harvesting of a specific HostCandidate.
createHarvesters(int) - Static method in class
Creates a new SinglePortUdpHarvester instance for each allowed IP address found on each allowed network interface, with the given port.
createIceControlledAttribute(long) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an IceControlledAttribute object with the specified tie-breaker value
createIceControllingAttribute(long) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an IceControllingAttribute with the specified tie-breaker value
createKeepAliveMessage(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Creates a new STUN Message to be sent to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep a specific LocalCandidate (harvested by this instance) alive.
createKeepAliveMessage(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Creates a new STUN Message to be sent to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep a specific LocalCandidate (harvested by this instance) alive.
createLifetimeAttribute(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a LifetimeAttribute.
createLocalCandidates(Component) - Method in class
Creates and returns the list of LocalCandidates which are to be added by this TcpHarvester to a specific Component.
createLongTermCredential(StunCandidateHarvest, byte[]) - Method in class
Creates a LongTermCredential to be used by a specific StunCandidateHarvest for the purposes of the long-term credential mechanism in a specific realm of the STUN server associated with this StunCandidateHarvester.
createLongTermCredential(StunCandidateHarvest, byte[]) - Method in class
Creates a LongTermCredential to be used by a specific StunCandidateHarvest for the purposes of the long-term credential mechanism in a specific realm of the TURN server associated with this TurnCandidateHarvester.
createMagicCookieAttribute() - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a MagicCookieAttribute.
createMappedAddressAttribute(TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a MappedAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port
createMediaStream(String) - Method in class
Creates a new media stream and stores it.
createMessageIntegrityAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an empty MessageIntegrityAttribute.
createMuxServerSocketChannel(DatagramPacketFilter) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Initializes a new MuxServerSocketChannel instance which is to delegate to this instance and is to demultiplex incoming network connections and packets using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
createNewReservationTokenAttribute() - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Creates a Reservation Token object.The Reservation Token itself is generated using the following algorithm: The first 6 bytes of the id are given the value of System.currentTimeMillis().
createNewRFC3489TransactionID() - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Creates a RFC3489 transaction id object.The transaction id itself is generated using the following algorithm: The first 8 bytes of the id are given the value of System.currentTimeMillis().
createNewTransactionID() - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Creates a transaction id object.The transaction id itself is generated using the following algorithm: The first 6 bytes of the id are given the value of System.currentTimeMillis().
createNonceAttribute(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a NonceAttribute.
createPacket(byte[], int, int, Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Creates a new packet (T instance) with the given byte[], offset, length and context.
CREATEPERMISSION_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN CreatePermission error response code.
CREATEPERMISSION_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN CreatePermission request code.
CREATEPERMISSION_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN CreatePermission response code.
createPermissionErrorResponse(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a create permission error response.
createPriorityAttribute(long) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a Priority attribute with the specified priority value
createRealmAttribute(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a RealmAttribute.
createReceiveChannelDataThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
createReflectedFromAttribute(TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a ReflectedFromAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port
createRefreshErrorResponse(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a refresh error response
createRefreshErrorResponse(char, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a refresh error response.
createRefreshRequest() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a new TURN Refresh Request without any optional attributes such as LIFETIME.
createRefreshRequest(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a refresh request.
createRefreshResponse(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Creates a refresh success response with given lifetime.
createRelayedCandidate(Response) - Method in class
Creates a RelayedCandidate using the XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS attribute in a specific STUN Response for the actual TransportAddress of the new candidate.
createRelayedCandidate(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class
Creates a new RelayedCandidate instance which is to represent a specific TransportAddress harvested through StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate and the TURN server associated with StunCandidateHarvest.harvester.
createRelayedCandidate(Response) - Method in class
Creates a RelayedCandidate using the XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS attribute in a specific STUN Response for the actual TransportAddress of the new candidate.
createRelayedCandidate(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class
Creates a new RelayedCandidate instance which is to represent a specific TransportAddress harvested through StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate and the TURN server associated with StunCandidateHarvest.harvester.
createRequestedAddressFamilyAttribute(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a new RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute of the specified family
createRequestedTransportAttribute(byte) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a RequestedTransportAttribute.
createRequestToRetry(Request) - Method in class
Creates a new Request instance which is to be sent by this StunCandidateHarvest in order to retry a specific Request.
createRequestToRetry(Request) - Method in class
Creates a new Request instance which is to be sent by this StunCandidateHarvest in order to retry a specific Request.
createRequestToStartResolvingCandidate() - Method in class
Creates a new Request which is to be sent to StunCandidateHarvester.stunServer in order to start resolving StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
createRequestToStartResolvingCandidate() - Method in class
Creates a new Request which is to be sent to StunCandidateHarvester.stunServer in order to start resolving StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
createRequestToStartResolvingCandidate() - Method in class
Creates a new Request which is to be sent to StunCandidateHarvester.stunServer in order to start resolving StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
createReservationTokenAttribute(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a ReservationTokenAttribute.
createResponseAddressAttribute(TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a ResponseFromAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port
createScheduledExecutor(int, String, int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.ice4j.util.ExecutorFactory
Creates pre-configured ScheduledExecutorService instance with defaults suitable for ice4j
createSendIndication(TransportAddress, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a Send Indication.
createSendKeepAliveMessageThread() - Method in class
Creates and starts the StunCandidateHarvest.sendKeepAliveMessageThread which is to send STUN keep-alive Messages to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep the Candidates harvested by this instance alive.
createSendRequest(String, TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a old Send Request.
createSendThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Creates GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate.sendThread which is to send GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate.packetsToSend to the associated TURN server.
createSendThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Creates RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.sendThread which is to send RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.packetsToSend to the associated TURN server.
createServerReflexiveCandidate(Response) - Method in class
Creates a ServerReflexiveCandidate using StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate as its base and the XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute in response for the actual TransportAddress of the new candidate.
createServerReflexiveCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Creates a new ServerReflexiveCandidate instance which is to represent a specific TransportAddress harvested through StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate and the STUN server associated with StunCandidateHarvest.harvester.
createServerSocket(InetAddress, int, int, int, Component) - Method in class
Creates a ServerSocket and binds it to the specified localAddress and a port in the range specified by the minPort and maxPort parameters.
createSharedSecretErrorResponse() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a shared secret error response.
createSharedSecretRequest() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a shared secret request.
createSharedSecretResponse() - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
Create a shared secret response.
createSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(String, int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.ice4j.util.ExecutorFactory
Create ScheduledExecutorService with single executor thread
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Creates a socket and connects it to the specified port number at the specified address.
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Creates a socket and connect it to the specified remote address on the specified remote port.
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote host at the specified remote port.
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote host on the specified remote port.
createSocket(DatagramSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Creates a socket that will run on given datagramSocket
createSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Creates the PseudoTcp socket and binds it to any available port on the local host machine.
createSocket(DatagramPacketFilter) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Initializes a new multiplexed socket instance which is to be associated with a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
createSocketImpl() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
createSoftwareAttribute(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a SoftwareAttribute.
createSourceAddressAttribute(TransportAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a SourceFromAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port
createStunDatagramPacketFilter(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Creates a new StunDatagramPacketFilter which is to capture STUN messages and make them available to the DatagramSocket returned by LocalCandidate.getStunSocket(TransportAddress).
createStunDatagramPacketFilter(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Creates a new StunDatagramPacketFilter which is to capture STUN messages and make them available to the DatagramSocket returned by LocalCandidate.getStunSocket(TransportAddress).
createStunHarvesters(String[]) - Static method in class
Creates STUN mapping harvesters for each of the given STUN servers, and waits for address discovery to finish for all of them.
createTransactionID(StunStack, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Returns a TransactionID instance for the specified id.
createTrickleUpdate(Collection<LocalCandidate>) - Static method in class
Generates and returns a set of attributes that can be used for a trickle update, such as a SIP INFO, with the specified localCandidates.
createUnboundDatagramSocket() - Method in interface org.ice4j.socket.DatagramSocketFactory
Creates an unbound DatagramSocket: - i.e return new DatagramSocket((SocketAddress) null).
createUnknownAttributesAttribute() - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates an empty UnknownAttributesAttribute.
createUPNPCandidate(IceSocketWrapper, String, int, Component, GatewayDevice) - Method in class
Create a UPnP candidate.
createUseCandidateAttribute() - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a UseCandidateAttribute
createUsernameAttribute(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Create a UsernameAttribute.
createUsernameAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a new UsernameAttribute instance.
createXorMappedAddressAttribute(TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a XorMappedAddressAttribute for the specified address.
createXorPeerAddressAttribute(TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a XorPeerAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port
createXorRelayedAddressAttribute(TransportAddress, byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeFactory
Creates a XorRelayedAddressAttribute of the specified type and with the specified address and port.
CredentialsAuthority - Interface in
The CredentialsAuthority interface is implemented by applications in order to allow the stack to verify the integrity of incoming messages containing the MessageIntegrityAttribute.
CredentialsManager - Class in
The CredentialsManager allows an application to handle verification of incoming MessageIntegrityAttributes by registering a CredentialsAuthority implementation.
CredentialsManager() - Constructor for class
credentialsManager - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
The CredentialsManager that we are using for retrieving passwords.
CTL_CONNECT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
CTL_EXTRA - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
CTRL_BOUND - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
currentlyScheduledClockTask - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
CustomizableThreadFactory - Class in org.ice4j.util
A thread factory which supports customizing name prefix of created threads and if produced threads are daemons or not.
CustomizableThreadFactory(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.CustomizableThreadFactory


DATA - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Data attribute.
data - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Data value.
data - Variable in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
The data.
data - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
DATA_INDICATION - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN data indication code.
DATA_INDICATION_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
The length of the data contained in this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
The HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
The length of the data contained in this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute.
DATA_LENGTH_FOR_IPV4 - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute in the case of an IPv4 address.
DATA_LENGTH_FOR_IPV6 - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
The length of the data contained by this attribute in the case of an IPv6 address.
DATA_LENGTH_ICE_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
The length of the data contained in this attribute
DATA_LENGTH_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
The length of the Data contained in the Priority Attribute
DATA_LENGTH_USE_CANDIDATE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.UseCandidateAttribute
Data length.
DATA_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
DataAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The DATA attribute contains the data the client wants to relay to the TURN server or the TURN server to forward the response data.
DataAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Creates a new instance of this class with padding enabled.
DataAttribute(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Creates a new instance of this class.
DATAGRAM_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Receive buffer size used for receiving packets TODO: this should be checked with MTU ?
DatagramBuffer - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Associates a ByteBuffer with a DatagramPacket so that the ByteBuffer may be used for writing into a byte array and the DatagramPacket may be used for reading from the same byte array.
DatagramBuffer(int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DatagramBuffer
Initializes a new DatagramBuffer instance with a specific capacity of bytes shared between a ByteBuffer and a DatagramPacket.
datagramPacket - Variable in class
The DatagramPacket which will be used on the first call to AbstractTcpListener.PushBackIceSocketWrapper.receive(DatagramPacket).
datagramPacket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DatagramBuffer
The DatagramPacket which is associated with the ByteBuffer Timestamped.o and shares its data with.
DatagramPacketFilter - Interface in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a filter which selects or deselects DatagramPackets.
datagramSocket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Either the socket represented by this instance, if it is a DatagramSocket instance, or null if it is not.
DatagramSocketFactory - Interface in org.ice4j.socket
Classes implementing this interface follow the factory pattern, generating DatagramSocket objects for use by other classes in the stack.
debug(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
An alias for Logger.fine(String).
debugName - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Debug name used to identify peers in log messages
decode(byte[], char, char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AttributeDecoder
Decodes the specified binary array and returns the corresponding attribute object.
decode(byte[], char, char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
decode(byte[], char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Constructs a message from its binary representation.
decode(byte[], char, char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Constructs a message from its binary representation.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Copies the value of the data attribute from the specified attributeValue.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to the message and attributeValue arrays.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to the message and attributeValue arrays.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Copies the value of the nonce attribute from the specified attributeValue.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Reconstructs the priority value from the given byte array and stores it in the 'long' variable
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Copies the value of the realm attribute from the specified attributeValue.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Copies the value of the reservationToken attribute from the specified attributeValue.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Copies the value of the software attribute from the specified attributeValue.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UseCandidateAttribute
Decodes the USE-CANDIDATE attribute's body, which is empty
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Copies the value of the username attribute from the specified attributeValue.
decodeAttributeBody(byte[], char, char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorOnlyAttribute
Sets this attribute's fields according to attributeValue array.
DEF_ACK_DELAY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
DEF_RTO - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The default capacity of a PacketQueue.
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Default timeout for connect operation
DEFAULT_CONVERSATION_ID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
Default conversation ID
DEFAULT_MAX_CHECK_LIST_SIZE - Static variable in class
The default maximum size for check lists.
DEFAULT_MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The number of times to retransmit a request if no explicit value has been specified by org.ice4j.MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS.
DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The maximum number of milliseconds a client should wait between consecutive retransmissions, after it has sent a request for the first time.
DEFAULT_ORIGINAL_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The number of milliseconds a client should wait before retransmitting, after it has sent a request for the first time.
DEFAULT_PRINT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
The interval (in number of calls to QueueStatistics.add(long) or QueueStatistics.remove(long)) at which the gathered statistics will be printed.
DEFAULT_RCV_BUF_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
DEFAULT_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
DEFAULT_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
The default size of the receive buffer of TCPInputStream if the associated MultiplexingSocket does not specify a value.
DEFAULT_SND_BUF_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
DEFAULT_TERMINATION_DELAY - Static variable in class
The default number of milliseconds we should wait before moving from IceProcessingState.COMPLETED into IceProcessingState.TERMINATED.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
If there are no pending clocks, wake up every 4 seconds
defaultCandidate - Variable in class
The default Candidate for this component or in other words, the candidate that we would have used without ICE.
DefaultNominator - Class in
Implements ice4j internal nomination strategies.
DefaultNominator(Agent) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of this nominator using parentAgent as a reference to the Agent instance that we should use to nominate pairs.
DefaultNominator.RelayedCandidateTask - Class in
TimerTask that will wait a certain amount of time to let other candidate pair to be validated and possibly be better than the relayed candidate.
defaultReceiveBufferSize - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
The size to which to set the receive buffer size.
defaultRemoteCandidate - Variable in class
The default RemoteCandidate for this component or in other words, the candidate that we would have used to communicate with the remote peer if we hadn't been using ICE.
defaultThreadFactory - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.CustomizableThreadFactory
delegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
The ServerSocketChannel this instance delegates (its method calls) to.
delegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
The SocketChannel this instance delegates (its method calls) to.
delegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
The DatagramSocket to which this DelegatingDatagramSocket delegates its calls.
delegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
The ServerSocket this instance delegates (its method calls) to.
delegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Delegate Socket.
delegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler
The Object for which this instance implements MessageEventHandler.
delegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
The underlying Logger instance to which logging is delegated.
delegateAsDelegatingSocket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
A DelegatingSocket view of DelegatingSocket.delegate if the latter implements the former; otherwise, null.
delegateAsSelChImpl - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
The view of BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel.delegate as a SelChImpl interface instance required by Selector and related functionality.
delegateAsSelChImpl - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel
The view of BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.delegate as a SelChImpl interface instance required by Selector and related functionality.
delegateFactory - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Assigns a factory to generate custom DatagramSocket to replace classical "java" DatagramSocket.
DelegatingDatagramSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a DatagramSocket which delegates its calls to a specific DatagramSocket.
DelegatingDatagramSocket() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingDatagramSocket instance and binds it to any available port on the local host machine.
DelegatingDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingDatagramSocket instance which to implement the DatagramSocket functionality by delegating to a specific DatagramSocket.
DelegatingDatagramSocket(int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingDatagramSocket instance and binds it to the specified port on the local host machine.
DelegatingDatagramSocket(int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingDatagramSocket instance bound to the specified local address.
DelegatingDatagramSocket(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Creates a datagram socket, bound to the specified local socket address.
DelegatingDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingDatagramSocket instance which implements the DatagramSocket functionality.
DelegatingServerSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a ServerSocket which delegates (its method calls) to another ServerSocket.
DelegatingServerSocket(ServerSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingServerSocket instance which is to delegate (its method calls) to a specific ServerSocket.
DelegatingServerSocket(ServerSocket, ServerSocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingServerSocket instance which is to delegate (its method calls) to a specific ServerSocket and is to report a specific ServerSocketChannel.
DelegatingServerSocketChannel<T extends ServerSocketChannel> - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Implements a ServerSocketChannel which delegates (its method calls) to another ServerSocketChannel.
DelegatingServerSocketChannel(T) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
Initializes a new DelegatingServerSocketChannel instance which is to delegate (its method calls) to a specific ServerSocketChannel.
DelegatingSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a Socket which delegates its calls to a specific Socket.
DelegatingSocket() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket.
DelegatingSocket(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket.
DelegatingSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket.
DelegatingSocket(Proxy) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket.
DelegatingSocket(Socket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket instance which is to delegate (i.e.
DelegatingSocket(Socket, SocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket instance which is to delegate (i.e.
DelegatingSocket(SocketImpl) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket.
DelegatingSocket(String, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket.
DelegatingSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Initializes a new DelegatingSocket.
delegatingSocket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Either the socket represented by this instance, if it is a DelegatingSocket instance, or nullif it is not.
DelegatingSocketChannel<T extends SocketChannel> - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Implements a SocketChannel which delegates (its method calls) to another SocketChannel.
DelegatingSocketChannel(T) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel
Initializes a new DelegatingSocketChannel instance which is to delegate (its method calls) to a specific SocketChannel.
DESTINATION_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Destination address attribute.
DESTINATION_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
DestinationAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The DESTINATION-ADDRESS is present in Send Requests of old TURN versions.
DestinationAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.DestinationAddressAttribute
determineAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Implements the discovery process itself (see class description).
determineAnyAddress() - Static method in class
Tries to determine if this host supports IPv6 addresses (i.e.
device - Variable in class
Gateway device.
device - Variable in class
Gateway device.
device - Variable in class
The UPnP gateway device.
DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER_PNAME - Static variable in class
The name of the property used to disable the AWS harvester.
DISABLE_IPv6 - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property used to disabled IPv6 support.
DISABLE_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property which, if set to true, specifies that IPv6 link local addresses should not be used for candidate allocations.
disableWindowScale() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Disables window scaling.
disconnect() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Disconnects the socket.
discover() - Method in class
Attempts to discover the the public address (mask) via the STUN server.
doAdd(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Adds a socket (either a DatagramSocket or a DelegatingSocket) to the list of underlying sockets merged by this MergingDatagramSocket.
doAdd(T) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Adds a specific packet (T) instance to the queue.
doConnect(InetSocketAddress, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Start connection procedure
DONT_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Don't fragment attribute.
DONT_FRAGMENT_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
DontFragmentAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The DONT-FRAGMENT attribute is used to inform TURN server (if it supports this attribute) that it should set DF bit to 1 in IPv4 headers when relaying client data.
DontFragmentAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
doReceive(MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.Buffer) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Tries to receive a packet from the underlying socket into buffer.
doReceive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Receives a DatagramPacket from this socket.
doRemove(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Removes a socket from the list of sockets merged by this MergingDatagramSocket.
doSetReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value for this DatagramSocket.
doTestEc2() - Static method in class
Tries to connect to an Amazon EC2-specific URL in order to determine whether we are running on EC2.
doTestI(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Sends a binding request to the specified server address.
doTestII(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Sends a binding request to the specified server address with both change IP and change port flags are set to true.
doTestIII(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Sends a binding request to the specified server address with only change port flag set to true and change IP flag - to false.
DTLSDatagramFilter - Class in org.ice4j.socket
A DatagramPacketFilter which accepts DTLS packets only.
DTLSDatagramFilter() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.DTLSDatagramFilter


EC2_TEST_URL - Static variable in class
The URL to use to test whether we are running on Amazon EC2.
elements - Variable in class
The CandidateHarvesters which are the elements of this Set.
eliminateRedundantCandidates() - Method in class
redundancies are now being detected upon addition of candidates and calling this method is no longer necessary.
enabled - Variable in class
The indicator which determines whether CandidateHarvester.harvest( is to be called on CandidateHarvesterSetElement.harvester.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode(StunStack, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.ice4j.attribute.ContentDependentAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode(StunStack, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode(StunStack, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UseCandidateAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorOnlyAttribute
Returns a binary representation of this attribute.
encode() - Method in class
Returns the string encoded version of this object
encode() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
encode(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Returns a binary representation of this message.
encode(StunStack) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns a binary representation of this message.
END_OF_CANDIDATES - Static variable in class
The name of the SDP attribute that indicates an end of candidate trickling: "end-of-candidates".
ended - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Determines whether this request sender has completed its course.
EnShutdown - Enum in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
EnShutdown enumeration used internally
EnShutdown() - Constructor for enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.EnShutdown
ensureIceAttributeLength(String, int, int) - Method in class
Adds or removes ICE characters (i.e.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Compares two TURN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Compares two MessageIntegrityAttributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Compares two TURN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UseCandidateAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorOnlyAttribute
Compares two STUN Attributes.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Indicates whether some other Candidate is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares this CandidatePair to obj and returns true if pairs have equal local and equal remote candidates and false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" to this Comparator.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this Comparator.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Compares two STUN Messages.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler
Determines whether a specific Object is value equal to this Object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Compares two TransactionID objects.
equals(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Compares the specified byte array with this transaction id.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Compares this object with obj.
equals(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Determines whether this TransportAddress is value equal to a specific TransportAddress.
equalsTransportAddress(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Compares this object against the specified object.
eraseOld(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
error(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
An alias for Logger.severe(String).
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Error code attribute.
ERROR_CODE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
errorClass - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
The class represents the hundreds digit of the response code.
ErrorCodeAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The ERROR-CODE attribute is present in the Binding Error Response and Shared Secret Error Response.
ErrorCodeAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Constructs a new ERROR-CODE attribute
errorHandler - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
The instance to be notified if errors occur in the network listening thread.
ErrorHandler - Interface in org.ice4j.stack
Generic Error Handler.
errorHandler - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
The listener that will be collecting error notifications.
errorNumber - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
The number represents the response code modulo 100, and its value MUST be between 0 and 99.
EVEN_PORT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Even port attribute.
EVEN_PORT_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
EvenPortAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The EVEN-PORT attribute is used to ask the TURN server to allocate an even port and optionally allocate the next higher port number.
EvenPortAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
EventDispatcher - Class in org.ice4j.stack
This is a utility class used for dispatching incoming request events.
EventDispatcher() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Initializes a new EventDispatcher instance.
eventDispatcher - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
A dispatcher for incoming requests event;
EventDispatcher.IndicationEventHandler - Class in org.ice4j.stack
Implements MessageEventHandler for a MessageEventHandler which handles STUN indications.
EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler<T> - Class in org.ice4j.stack
Represents the base for providers of MessageEventHandler implementations to specific Objects.
EventDispatcher.OldIndicationEventHandler - Class in org.ice4j.stack
Implements MessageEventHandler for a MessageEventHandler which handles old DATA indications (0x0115).
EventDispatcher.RequestListenerMessageEventHandler - Class in org.ice4j.stack
Implements MessageEventHandler for RequestListener.
exception - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Exception which occurred in pseudotcp logic and must be propagated to threads blocked on any operations.
ExecutorFactory - Class in org.ice4j.util
Helper class which contains functions to create pre-configured executors
ExecutorFactory() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.ExecutorFactory
exitSendKeepAliveMessageThread() - Method in class
Runs in StunCandidateHarvest.sendKeepAliveMessageThread to notify this instance that sendKeepAliveMessageThread is about to exit.
expirationTime - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The time in milliseconds when the next retransmission should follow.
expire() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Cancels the transaction.
expired - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Determines whether or not the transaction has expired.
ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack.ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector
expiredTransactionsCollector - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
The ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector which expires the StunServerTransactions of this StunStack and removes them from StunStack.serverTransactions.
extendedType - Variable in class
The type of method used to discover this candidate ("host", "upnp", "stun peer reflexive", "stun server reflexive", "turn relayed", "google turn relayed", "google tcp turn relayed" or "jingle node").
extendedTypeName - Variable in enum
The name of this CandidateExtendedType instance.
extractPriority(Request) - Method in class
Returns the value of the PriorityAttribute in request if there is one or throws an IllegalArgumentException with the corresponding message.


face - Static variable in class
The addresses that we will be masking
face - Variable in class
The addresses that we will be masking
family - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
The address family value.
fetch(String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the content at the specified url.
filter - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
The DatagramPacketFilter which demultiplexes SocketChannels accepted by the associated MuxingServerSocketChannel.
filter - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedDatagramSocket
The DatagramPacketFilter which determines which DatagramPackets read from the network by MultiplexedDatagramSocket.multiplexing are to be received through this instance.
filter - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
The DatagramPacketFilter which determines which DatagramPackets read from the network by MultiplexedSocket.multiplexing are to be received through this instance.
filterAccept(DatagramPacket, SocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Determines whether any of the MuxServerSocketChannels created by and delegating to this instance demultiplexes (i.e.
filterAccept(DatagramPacket, SocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
Determines whether the MuxServerSocketChannel.filter of this instance accepts a specific SocketChannel from which a specific DatagramPacket has been read and, if it does, queues the channel to be accepted through this instance.
finalize() - Method in class
Called by the garbage collector when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to this instance.
findCandidate(Component, Socket) - Method in class
Searches among the local candidates of Component for a TcpHostCandidate with the same transport address as the local transport address of socket.
findCandidatePair(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the CandidatePair with the specified remote and local addresses or null if neither of the CheckLists in this Agent's streams contain such a pair.
findCandidatePair(String, String) - Method in class
Returns the CandidatePair with the specified remote and local addresses or null if neither of the CheckLists in this Agent's streams contain such a pair.
findCandidatePair(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the CandidatePair with the specified remote and local addresses or null if neither of the CheckLists in this stream contain such a pair.
findCandidatePair(String, String) - Method in class
Returns the CandidatePair with the specified remote and local addresses or null if neither of the CheckLists in this stream contain such a pair.
findLocalCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the local LocalCandidate with the specified localAddress if it belongs to any of this Agent's streams or null if it doesn't.
findLocalCandidate(TransportAddress, String) - Method in class
Returns the local LocalCandidate with the specified localAddress if it belongs to any of this Agent's streams or null if it doesn't.
findLocalCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the local LocalCandidate with the specified localAddress if it belongs to this component or null if it doesn't.
findLocalCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the local LocalCandidate with the specified localAddress if it belongs to any of this stream's components or null otherwise.
findMuxingServerSocketChannel(SocketAddress) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Finds the first open MuxingServerSocketChannel in the (global) list of existing MuxingServerSocketChannels which is bound to a specific local SocketAddress.
findRedundant(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Finds and returns the first candidate that is redundant to cand.
findRelatedCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Find the candidate corresponding to the address given in parameter.
findRelatedCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Find the candidate corresponding to the address given in parameter.
findRelatedCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Find the candidate corresponding to the address given in parameter.
findRemoteCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the remote Candidate with the specified remoteAddress if it belongs to any of this Agent's streams or null if it doesn't.
findRemoteCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the remote Candidate with the specified remoteAddress if it belongs to this Component or null if it doesn't.
findRemoteCandidate(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Returns the local Candidate with the specified remoteAddress if it belongs to any of this stream's Components or null if it doesn't.
fine(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message with level Level.FINE, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured for this Logger.
finer(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message with level Level.FINER, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured for this Logger.
finest(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message with level Level.FINEST, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured for this Logger.
FINGERPRINT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Fingerprint attribute.
FINGERPRINT_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
FingerprintAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The FINGERPRINT attribute is used to distinguish STUN packets from packets of other protocols.
FingerprintAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Creates a FingerPrintAttribute instance.
finishConnect() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
finishThreads - Variable in class
Number of UPnP discover threads that have finished.
fireEndOfOrdinaryChecks() - Method in class
Creates a new PropertyChangeEvent and delivers it to all currently registered checks listeners.
fireMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Dispatch a StunMessageEvent to any registered listeners.
firePairPropertyChange(CandidatePair, String, Object, Object) - Method in class
Creates a new PropertyChangeEvent and delivers it to all currently registered state listeners.
fireStateChange(IceProcessingState, IceProcessingState) - Method in class
Creates a new PropertyChangeEvent and delivers it to all currently registered state listeners.
fireStateChange(CheckListState, CheckListState) - Method in class
Creates a new PropertyChangeEvent and delivers it to all currently registered state listeners.
FIRST_CTRAN_RETRANS_AFTER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The number of milliseconds a client transaction should wait before retransmitting, after it has sent a request for the first time.
FLAG_CTL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
FLAG_RST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
flags - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
flush() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpOutputStream
This method block until all buffered data has been written
flush() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream
flush() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPOutputStream
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Forbidden error code.
FORCE_AWS_HARVESTER_PNAME - Static variable in class
The name of the property which forces the use of the AWS harvester.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Ice4jLogFormatter
Format the given LogRecord.
foundation - Variable in class
An arbitrary string that is the same for two candidates that have the same type, base IP address, protocol (UDP, TCP, etc.) and STUN or TURN server.
foundations - Variable in class
Contains mappings between a type+baseIP+server+transport Strings and the foundation that has been assigned to them.
foundationsRegistry - Variable in class
We use the FoundationsRegistry to keep track of the foundations we assign within a session (i.e.
FoundationsRegistry - Class in
We FoundationsRegistrys to keep track of and generate new foundations within the lifetime of a single Agent.
FoundationsRegistry() - Constructor for class
frame - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPOutputStream
The indicator which determines whether this TCPOutputStream is to frame RTP and RTCP packets in accord with RFC 4571 "Framing Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) and RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Packets over Connection-Oriented Transport".
frameLengthByteBuffer - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
The ByteBuffer instance used in DelegatingSocket.receiveFromChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel, to read the 2-byte length field into.
free() - Method in class
Prepares this Agent for garbage collection by ending all related processes and freeing its IceMediaStreams, Components and Candidates.
free() - Method in class
Releases all resources allocated by this Component and its Candidates like sockets for example.
free(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Frees a specific LocalCandidate and swallows any Throwable it throws while freeing itself in order to prevent its failure to affect the rest of the execution.
free() - Method in class
Frees resources allocated by this candidate such as its DatagramSocket, for example.
free() - Method in class
Removes this stream and all Candidates associated with its child Components.
free() - Method in class
Frees resources allocated by this candidate such as its DatagramSocket, for example.
free() - Method in class
Frees resources allocated by this candidate such as its DatagramSocket, for example.
free() - Method in class
free() - Method in class
Frees resources allocated by this candidate such as its DatagramSocket, for example.
freed - Variable in class
The flag which indicates that this MyCandidate has been freed.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum
FULL_CONE_NAT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
NAT type is full cone.


gatherCandidates(Component, int, int, int) - Method in class
Uses all CandidateHarvesters currently registered with this Agent to obtain whatever addresses they can discover.
generateLocalUserName(String) - Method in class
Returns the user name that this Agent should use in connectivity checks for outgoing Binding Requests.
generateLocalUserName(RemoteCandidate, LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Returns the user name that this Agent should use in connectivity checks for outgoing Binding Requests in a Google Talk session.
generateRemoteUserName(String) - Method in class
Returns the user name that we should expect a peer Agent to use in connectivity checks for Binding Requests its sending our way.
generateRemoteUserName(RemoteCandidate, LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Returns the user name that we should expect a peer Agent to use in connectivity checks for Binding Requests its sending our way in a Google Talk session.
generateReservationTokenAttribute(ReservationTokenAttribute, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Generates a random ReservationTokenAttribute
generateTransactionID(TransactionID, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Generates a random transaction ID
generateUserName(Candidate<?>, Candidate<?>) - Method in class
Returns the user name that we should expect a peer Agent to use in connectivity checks for Binding Requests its sending our way in a Google Talk session.
generation - Variable in class
Some protocols, such as XMPP, need to be able to distinguish the separate ICE sessions that occur as a result of ICE restarts, which is why we need to keep track of generations.
get() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Removes and returns the packet (T) at the head of this queue.
getAccumulatedCount() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
getAccumulatedCount(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
getAckNotify() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getActiveCheckListCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of CheckLists that are currently active.
getActiveSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
getAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Returns the address encapsulated by this attribute.
getAddress(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorMappedAddressAttribute
Returns the result of applying XOR on this attribute's address, using the specified transaction ID when converting IPv6 addresses.
getAddressBytes() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Returns the bytes of the address.
getAddressBytes() - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Returns the raw IP address of this Address object.
getAllAllowedAddresses() - Static method in class
getAllowedAddresses(int) - Static method in class
Returns the list of TransportAddresses, one for each allowed IP address found on each allowed network interface, with the given port.
getAllowedAddresses() - Static method in class
Gets the list of addresses which have been explicitly allowed via configuration properties.
getAllowedInterfaces() - Static method in class
Gets the array of allowed interfaces.
getApplicationData() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Returns whatever applicationData was previously stored in this ID.
getAttribute(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Returns the attribute id with index i.
getAttribute() - Method in class
getAttribute(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns the attribute with the specified type or null if no such attribute exists.
getAttributeCount() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Returns the number of attribute IDs contained by this class.
getAttributeCount() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns the number of attributes, currently contained by the message.
getAttributePresentity(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns whether an attribute could be present in this message.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Returns an iterator over the list of attribute IDs contained by this attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns a copy of all Attributes in this Message.
getAttributeType() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Returns the attribute's type.
getAuthorities() - Method in class
Gets the list of CredentialsAuthoritys registered with this manager as being able to provide credentials.
getAvailable() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getAvailableSendBuffer() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getBase() - Method in class
Returns this Candidate's base.
getBlockedAddresses() - Static method in class
Gets the list of blocked addresses.
getBlockedInterfaces() - Static method in class
Gets the array of blocked interfaces.
getBody() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
Returns a reference to the unparsed body of this attribute.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Gets the value of a specific property as a boolean.
getBroadcast() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Tests if SO_BROADCAST is enabled.
getBuffer(T) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Extracts the underlying byte[] from a packet.
getBuffered() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
getByteArray(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Get an unused byte[] instance with length at least len.
getByteBuffer() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DatagramBuffer
Gets the ByteBuffer (view) of this instance.
getBytes() - Method in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
Returns the message itself.
getBytes(String) - Static method in class
Encodes a specific String into a sequence of bytes using the UTF-8 charset, storing the result into a new byte array.
getBytes() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
Returns the message itself.
getBytes() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Returns the transaction id byte array (length 12 or 16 if RFC3489 compatible).
getBytesBufferedNotSent() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getBytesInFlight() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getCandidateCount() - Method in class
Gets the number of Candidates harvested for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate during this harvest.
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
Gets the application-purposed DatagramSocket associated with this Candidate.
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper(SocketAddress) - Method in class
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
SHOULD NOT be used outside ice4j.
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper(SocketAddress) - Method in class
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
Gets the application-purposed DatagramSocket associated with this Candidate.
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper(SocketAddress) - Method in class
getCandidateIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
getCandidates() - Method in class
Gets the Candidates harvested for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate during this harvest.
getCause() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunFailureEvent
Returns the Exception that cause this failure or null if the failure is not related to an Exception.
getChangeIpFlag() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Returns the value of the changeIpFlag.
getChangePortFlag() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Returns the value of the changePortFlag.
getChannel() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the unique DatagramChannel object associated with this datagram socket, if any.
getChannel() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
If is not null, returns it.
getChannel() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getChannelDataIsPreferred() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Gets the indicator which determines whether this Channel is set to prefer sending DatagramPackets using TURN ChannelData messages instead of Send indications.
getChannelDataMessage() - Method in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
Gets the ChannelData Message associated with this event.
getChannelDataMessageEventHandler() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Gets the ChannelDataEventHandler of this NetAccessManager which is to be notified when incoming ChannelData messages have been processed and are ready for delivery.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Get the channel number.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Get the channel number.
getCheckList() - Method in class
Returns the list of CandidatePairs to be used in checks for this stream.
getChecksum() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Returns the CRC32 checksum that this attribute is carrying.
getClientTransaction(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns the transaction with the specified transactionID or null if no such transaction exists.
getComponent(String) - Method in class
Returns the Component instance, if any, for a given local "ufrag".
getComponent(int) - Method in class
Returns the Component with the specified id or null if no such component exists in this stream.
getComponentCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of Components currently registered with this stream.
getComponentID() - Method in class
Returns the ID of this Component.
getComponentIDs() - Method in class
Returns the IDs of all Components currently registered with this stream.
getComponents() - Method in class
Returns the list of Components currently registered with this stream.
getComponentSocket() - Method in class
getCongestionWindow() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getConnectionIdValue() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Gets the Connection-Id Value
getConnectivityCheckTransaction() - Method in class
Returns the TransactionID used in the connectivity check associated with this CandidatePair when it's in the CandidatePairState.IN_PROGRESS or null if it's in any other state.
getConnector(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Returns the Connector responsible for a particular source address and a particular destination address.
getConsentFreshness() - Method in class
Gets the time in milliseconds of the latest consent freshness confirmation.
getContext(T) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Extracts the context of a packet.
getControlledAgentCandidate() - Method in class
Returns the candidate in this pair that belongs to the controlled agent.
getControllingAgentCandidate() - Method in class
Returns the candidate in this pair that belongs to the controlling agent.
getConversationID() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getConversationID() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
getConversationID() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getCredentialsManager() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns the CredentialsManager that this stack is using for verification of MessageIntegrityAttributes.
getData() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Returns a (cloned) byte array containing the data value of the data attribute.
getData() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Get the data.
getDatagramPacket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DatagramBuffer
Gets the DatagramPacket (view) of this instance.
getDatagramSocket() - Method in class
getDatagramSocket() - Method in class
This should be used by the library only. Users of ice4j should use Component.getSocket() instead.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Returns the data length of this attribute
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Returns the length (in bytes) of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UseCandidateAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorOnlyAttribute
Returns the length of this attribute's body.
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Get the data length (without padding).
getDataLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns the length of this message's body.
getDataLengthWithoutPadding() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns the length of this message's body without padding.
getDefaultCandidate() - Method in class
Returns the Candidate that has been selected as the default for this Component or null if no such Candidate has been selected yet.
getDefaultPreference() - Method in class
Returns an integer indicating the preference that this Candidate should be considered with for becoming a default candidate.
getDefaultReasonPhrase(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Returns a default reason phrase corresponding to the specified error code, as described by rfc 3489.
getDefaultRemoteCandidate() - Method in class
Returns the Candidate that the remote party has reported as default for this Component or null if no such Candidate has been reported yet.
getDevice() - Method in class
Returns gateway device.
getErrorClass() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Returns this error's error class.
getErrorCode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
A convenience method that constructs an error code from this Attribute's class and number.
getErrorNumber() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Returns this attribute's error number.
getExtendedType() - Method in class
Returns the type of method used to discover this candidate ("host", "upnp", "stun peer reflexive", "stun server reflexive", "turn relayed", "google turn relayed", "google tcp turn relayed" or "jingle node").
getFace() - Method in class
Returns the local (face) address, or null.
getFace() - Method in class
Returns the local (face) address, or null.
getFamily() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Returns the family that the this.address belongs to.
getFamily() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Gets the address family value
getFD() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
getFD() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel
getFDVal() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
getFDVal() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel
getFileDescriptor() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Return the FileDescriptor of the underlying socket.
getFileDescriptor() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getFilter() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedDatagramSocket
Gets the DatagramPacketFilter which determines which DatagramPackets read from the network are to be received through this socket.
getFilter() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
Gets the DatagramPacketFilter which determines which DatagramPackets read from the network are to be received through this socket.
getFilter() - Method in interface org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedXXXSocket
Gets the DatagramPacketFilter which determines which DatagramPackets read from the network are to be received through this socket.
getFilter(MultiplexedXXXSocketT) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Gets the DatagramPacketFilter associated with a specific multiplexed socket.
getFirstReceivedTime() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
getFoundation() - Method in class
Returns a String containing the foundation of this Candidate.
getFoundation() - Method in class
Returns the foundation of this CandidatePair.
getFoundationsRegistry() - Method in class
Returns the FoundationsRegistry this agent is using to assign candidate foundations.
getFreeBuffer() - Method in class
Gets an unused Buffer instance, creating it if necessary.
getFreeBuffer() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
getGeneration() - Method in class
Returns the current generation of this ICE Agent.
getHarvestCount(String) - Method in class
Returns the number of harvests that a harvester with a specific class name has completed so far.
getHarvestCount() - Method in class
Returns the total number of harvests completed by this agent.
getHarvestCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of harvests that the harvester associated with these statistics has completed so far.
getHarvestDuration() - Method in class
Returns the current harvesting time in ms.
getHarvester() - Method in class
Returns the CandidateHarvester encapsulated by this element.
getHarvester() - Method in class
Gets the CandidateHarvester on which CandidateHarvester.harvest( is being called.
getHarvesters() - Method in class
Returns the set of harvesters currently in use by this agent.
getHarvesters() - Static method in class
getHarvestingTime(String) - Method in class
Returns the harvesting time (in ms) for the harvester given in parameter.
getHarvestStatistics() - Method in class
Returns the statistics describing how well the various harvests of this harvester went.
getHarvestStatistics() - Method in interface
Returns the statistics describing how well the various harvests of this harvester went.
getHarvestStatistics() - Method in class
Returns the statistics describing how well the various harvests of this harvester went.
getHarvestStatistics() - Method in class
Returns the statistics describing how well the various harvests of this harvester went.
getHarvestStatistics() - Method in class
Returns the statistics describing how well the various harvests of this harvester went.
getHmacSha1Content() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Returns the HMAC-SHA1 value stored in this attribute.
getHostAddress() - Method in class
Returns this candidate host address.
getHostAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Returns the host address.
getHostCandidate(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Returns the host candidate.
getHostCandidate(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Returns the host candidate.
getIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
getIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
getIceSocketWrapper() - Method in class
getID() - Method in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Returns this exception's identifier.
getInetAddress() - Method in class
getInetAddress(String) - Static method in class
Creates an InetAddress from the specified hostAddress.
getInetAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getInetAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the address to which this socket is connected.
getInetAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
getInetAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getInputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Returns an input stream for this socket.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getInputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
getInputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
getInt(String, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Returns the value of a specific property as a signed decimal integer.
getKeepAlive() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getKeepAlivePairs() - Method in class
getLength(T) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Extracts the length of a packet.
getLevel() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
getLifetime() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Get the lifetime.
getListenAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Returns the TransportAddress that this access point is bound on.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
Gets the TransportAddress which is local address on which this event was received.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class
Get local address.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class
Delegates to the actual socket of the harvester.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
Returns the address that this message was received on.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Gets the local address to which the socket is bound.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Gets the local address to which the socket is bound.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Gets the local address to which the socket is bound.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Get local address.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Get local address.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Get local address.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Get local address.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Gets the local address to which the socket is bound.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
Returns the address that this message was received on.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Returns the local TransportAddress that this transaction is sending requests from.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Returns the local Address on which this Blocking Request Sender is bound to.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunFailureEvent
Returns the TransportAddress that the message was supposed to leave from.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunMessageEvent
Returns a TransportAddress referencing the access point where the message was received.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunTimeoutEvent
Returns the TransportAddress that the message was supposed to leave from.
getLocalAddresses(int, List<NetworkInterface>) - Static method in class
Returns a list of all addresses on the interfaces in interfaces which are found suitable for candidate allocations (are not loopback, are up, and are allowed by the configuration).
getLocalCandidate() - Method in class
Returns the LocalCandidate of this CandidatePair.
getLocalCandidateCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of all local candidates currently registered in this Component.
getLocalCandidates() - Method in class
Returns a copy of the list containing all local candidates currently registered in this component.
getLocalKey(String) - Method in class
Implements the CredentialsAuthority.getLocalKey(String) method in a way that would return this handler's parent agent password if username is either the local ufrag or the username that the agent's remote peer was expected to use.
getLocalKey(String) - Method in interface
Returns the key (password) that corresponds to the specified local username or user frag, an empty array if there was no password for that username or null if the username is not a local user name recognized by this CredentialsAuthority.
getLocalKey(String) - Method in class
Queries all currently registered CredentialsAuthoritys for a password corresponding to the specified local username or user frag and returns the first non-null one.
getLocalKey(String) - Method in class
Returns the key (password) that corresponds to the specified local username or user frag, an empty array if there was no password for that username or null if the username is not a local user name recognized by this CredentialsAuthority.
getLocalListeningAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Returns the local TransportAddress that this transaction is receiving requests on.
getLocalPassword() - Method in class
Returns that password that should be advertised in session descriptions containing ICE data from this agent.
getLocalPort() - Method in class
Get local port.
getLocalPort() - Method in class
Delegates to the actual socket of the harvester.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the port number on the local host to which this socket is bound.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Returns the port number on the local host to which this socket is bound.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Returns the port number on the local host to which this socket is bound.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Get local port.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Get local port.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Get local port.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Get local port.
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
getLocalPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Returns the port number on the local host to which this socket is bound.
getLocalPreference() - Method in class
Calculates and returns the local preference for this Candidate
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class
Get socket address.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class
Delegates to the actual socket of the harvester.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the address of the endpoint this socket is bound to, or null if it is not bound yet.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Returns the address of the endpoint this socket is bound to, or null if it is not bound yet.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Returns the address of the endpoint this socket is bound to, or null if it is not bound yet.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Get socket address.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Get socket address.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Get socket address.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Get socket address.
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
getLocalSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Returns the address of the endpoint this socket is bound to, or null if it is not bound yet.
getLocalUfrag() - Method in class
Returns that user name that should be advertised in session descriptions containing ICE data from this agent.
getLocationInMessage() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
For attributes that have arriving in incoming messages, this method returns their original location in the binary array so that we could later more easily verify attributes like MESSAGE-INTEGRITY.
getLogger() - Method in class
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class
Gets the logging level for this Agent and its components.
getM_rwnd_scale() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getM_snd_wnd() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getM_swnd_scale() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getMappedAddress() - Method in class
Returns the address that was returned to us a "mapped address" from a TURN or a STUN server in case this Candidate is relayed or reflexive and null otherwise.
getMappedAddress(Response) - Method in class
Gets the TransportAddress specified in the XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute of a specific Response.
getMappingFor(IceSocketWrapper) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
Creates a listening point for the specified socket and attempts to discover how its local address is NAT mapped.
getMask() - Method in class
Returns the public (mask) address, or null.
getMask() - Method in class
Returns the public (mask) address, or null.
getMessage() - Method in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
Gets the STUN Message associated with this event.
getMessageEventHandler() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Gets the MessageEventHandler of this NetAccessManager which is to be notified when incoming messages have been processed and are ready for delivery.
getMessageLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
Returns the message length.
getMessageLength() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
Returns the message length.
getMessageType() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The message type of this message.
getMTU() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getMTU() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Gets MTU (maximum transmission unit) value
getMTU() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UseCandidateAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorOnlyAttribute
Returns the human readable name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this check list so that we could use it for debugging purposes.
getName() - Method in class
Returns a human readable name that can be used in debug logs associated with this component.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the associated harvester.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this IceMediaStream.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this attribute
getName() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns the human readable name of this message.
getNatType() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Returns the type of the NAT described in the report.
getNetAccessManager() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns the currently active instance of NetAccessManager.
getNextChannelNumber() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Gets the next free channel number to be allocated to a Channel and marked as non-free.
getNextClock(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Evaluate next interval between getNextClock calls.
getNextOrdinaryPairToCheck() - Method in class
Returns the next CandidatePair that is eligible for a regular connectivity check.
getNextWaitInterval() - Method in class
Returns the number milliseconds to wait before we send the next check.
getNonce() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Returns a (cloned) byte array containing the data value of the nonce attribute.
getNonce() - Method in class
Gets the value of the NONCE attribute currently associated with the use of the LongTermCredential represented by this instance.
getOffset(T) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Extracts the offset of a packet.
getOOBInline() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getOption(Option) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Retrieve option's value.
getOption(Option) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Sets an Option on this socket.
getOption(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getOption(SocketOption<U>) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
getOption(SocketOption<U>) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
getOriginalInputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Get original InputStream.
getOriginalOutputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Get original OutputStream.
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Returns an output stream for this socket.
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
getPacketLogger() - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns the currently set packet logger.
getParentAgent() - Method in class
Returns a reference to the Agent that this stream belongs to.
getParentComponent() - Method in class
Returns a reference to the Component that this candidate belongs to.
getParentComponent() - Method in class
Returns the Component that this pair belongs to.
getParentStream() - Method in class
Returns a reference to the IceMediaStream that created and that maintains this check list.
getParentStream() - Method in class
Returns a reference to the IceMediaStream that this Component belongs to.
getPassword() - Method in class
Returns the password for this candidate.
getPassword() - Method in class
Returns the password for this candidate.
getPassword() - Method in class
Gets the password of this LongTermCredential.
getPassword() - Method in class
Gets the password of the LongTermCredential used by this instance.
getPerformConsentFreshness() - Method in class
Gets the indicator which determines whether this Agent is to perform consent freshness.
getPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Returns the port associated with the address contained by the attribute.
getPort() - Method in class
getPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the port for this socket.
getPort() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getPriority() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Returns the priority specified in the PRIORITY Attribute
getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the priority of this candidate.
getPriority() - Method in class
Returns the priority of this pair.
getPTCPOption(Option) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getPublicAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Returns the public addressed discovered by a discovery process.
getRandomPortNumber() - Static method in class
Returns a random local port number that user applications could bind to.
getRandomPortNumber(int, int) - Static method in class
Returns a random local port number in the interval [min, max].
getRate() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
getRate(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
getRawMessage() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunMessageEvent
Returns the raw message that caused this event.
getRealm() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Returns a (cloned) byte array containing the data value of the realm attribute.
getRealm() - Method in class
Gets the realm (i.e.
getReasonPhrase() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Returns the reason phrase.
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Gets the value of the SO_RCVBUF option for this DatagramSocket, that is the buffer size used by the platform for input on this DatagramSocket.
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
Gets the value of the SO_RCVBUF option for the associated DatagramSocket or Socket which is the buffer size used by the platform for input on the DatagramSocket or Socket.
getReceived() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Gets the list of DatagramPackets received by this socket and not accepted by any (existing) DatagramPacketFilter at the time of receipt.
getReceived(MultiplexedXXXSocketT) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Gets the list of DatagramPackets received by this multiplexing socket and accepted by the DatagramPacketFilter of a specific multiplexed socket at the time of receipt.
getRecvBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getReflexiveAddress() - Method in class
Returns this candidate reflexive address.
getRelatedAddress() - Method in class
Returns a TransportAddress related to this Candidate.
getRelatedCandidate() - Method in class
Returns the related candidate corresponding to the address given in parameter: - null for a host candidate, - the base address (host candidate) for a reflexive candidate, - the mapped address (the mapped address of the TURN allocate response) for a relayed candidate.
getRelayedAddress() - Method in class
Returns this candidate relayed address.
getRelayedCandidate() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Gets the RelayedCandidate which uses this instance as the value of its socket property.
getRelayedCandidate() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Gets the RelayedCandidate which uses this instance as the value of its socket property.
getRelayedCandidate() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Gets the RelayedCandidate which uses this instance as the value of its socket property.
getRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket() - Method in class
Gets the RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket of this RelayedCandidate.
getRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket() - Method in class
Gets the RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket of this RelayedCandidate.
getRelayedCandidateSocket() - Method in class
Gets the RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket of this RelayedCandidate.
getRelayServerAddress() - Method in class
Returns the address of the relay server (i.e.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
Gets the TransportAddress which is the remote address of this event.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
Returns the address and port of the host that sent the message
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Returns the remote TransportAddress or null if none is specified.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
Returns the address and port of the host that sent the message
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Returns the remote TransportAddress that this transaction is sending requests to.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunMessageEvent
Returns the address that sent the message.
getRemoteCandidate() - Method in class
Returns the remote candidate of this CandidatePair.
getRemoteCandidateCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of all remote candidates currently registered in this Component.
getRemoteCandidates() - Method in class
Returns a copy of the list containing all remote candidates currently registered in this component.
getRemoteKey(String, String) - Method in class
Implements the CredentialsAuthority.getRemoteKey(String, String) method in a way that would return this handler's parent agent remote password if username is either the remote ufrag or the username that we are expected to use when querying the remote peer.
getRemoteKey(String, String) - Method in interface
Returns the key (password) that corresponds to the specified remote username or user frag, an empty array if there was no password for that username or null if the username is not a remote user name recognized by this CredentialsAuthority.
getRemoteKey(String, String) - Method in class
Queries all currently registered CredentialsAuthoritys for a password corresponding to the specified remote username or user frag and returns the first non-null one.
getRemoteKey(String, String) - Method in class
Returns the key (password) that corresponds to the specified remote username or user frag, an empty array if there was no password for that username or null if the username is not a remote user name recognized by this CredentialsAuthority.
getRemotePassword() - Method in class
Returns the password that we received from the remote peer or null if we haven't received a password from them yet.
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the address of the endpoint this socket is connected to, or null if it is unconnected.
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getRemoteUfrag() - Method in class
Returns the user name that we received from the remote peer or null if we haven't received a user name from them yet.
getRequest() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Returns the request that was the reason for creating this transaction.
getRequest() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunResponseEvent
Returns the Request that started the transaction that this Response has just arrived in.
getRequestedTransport() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Get the transport protocol.
getRequestSourceAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Returns the remote TransportAddress that this transaction is receiving requests from.
getReservationToken() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Returns a (cloned) byte array containing the reservationToken value of the reservationToken attribute.
getResponse() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Returns the Response that the StunStack has sent through this transaction or null if no Response has been sent yet.
getResponse() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunResponseEvent
Returns the Response that has just arrived and that caused this event.
getResponseDestinationAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Returns the remote TransportAddress that this transaction is receiving requests from.
getReuseAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Tests if SO_REUSEADDR is enabled.
getReuseAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
getReuseAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getRoundTripTimeEstimateMs() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getSelectedLocalCandidate(String) - Method in class
Returns the selected local candidate for this Agent.
getSelectedPair(String) - Method in class
Returns the selected pair for the RTP component for the ICE media stream with name streamName of this Agent, or null.
getSelectedPair() - Method in class
Returns the CandidatePair selected for use by ICE processing or null if no pair has been selected so far or if ICE processing has failed.
getSelectedRemoteCandidate(String) - Method in class
Returns the selected remote candidate for this Agent.
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Gets the value of the SO_SNDBUF option for this DatagramSocket, that is the buffer size used by the platform for output on this DatagramSocket.
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getSendingAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Returns the local TransportAddress that this transaction is sending responses from.
getServerAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
Returns the server address that this detector is using to run stun queries.
getServerTransaction(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns the transaction with the specified transactionID or null if no such transaction exists.
getServerTransaction(TransactionID) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns the transaction with the specified transactionID or null if no such transaction exists.
getShortTermCredentialUsername() - Method in class
Gets the username to be used by this StunCandidateHarvester for the purposes of the STUN short-term credential mechanism.
getSocket() - Method in class
getSocket() - Method in class
getSocket() - Method in class
This should be used by the library only. Users of ice4j should use Component.getSocket() instead.
getSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
getSocket(DatagramPacketFilter) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Gets a MultiplexedDatagramSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this DatagramSocket using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
getSocket(DatagramPacketFilter, boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Gets a MultiplexedDatagramSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this DatagramSocket using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
getSocket(DatagramPacketFilter) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Gets a MultiplexedDatagramSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this DatagramSocket using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
getSocket(DatagramPacketFilter) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Gets a MultiplexedDatagramSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this DatagramSocket using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
getSocket(DatagramPacketFilter, boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Gets a MultiplexedDatagramSocket which filters DatagramPackets away from this DatagramSocket using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
getSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Returns the DatagramSocket that contains the port and address associated with this access point.
getSocketWrapper() - Method in class
Use Component.getSocket() directly. This is only introduced to ease the transition of applications which are already written to use a IceSocketWrapper instance.
getSoftware() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Returns a (cloned) byte array containing the data value of the software attribute.
getSoLinger() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getSoTimeout() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Retrieves setting for SO_TIMEOUT.
getSoTimeout() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
getSoTimeout() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getSoTimeout() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
getSoTimeout() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Retrieves setting for SO_TIMEOUT.
getSoTimeout() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
getSourceAddress() - Method in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
Gets the TransportAddress which is the source of this event.
getState() - Method in class
Returns the state of ICE processing for this Agent.
getState() - Method in class
Returns the state of this CandidatePair.
getState() - Method in class
Returns the state of this check list.
getState() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
getState() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Returns current PseudoTcpState of this socket
getState() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
getStream(String) - Method in class
Returns the IceMediaStream with the specified name or null if no such stream has been registered with this Agent yet.
getStreamCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of IceMediaStreams currently registered with this agent.
getStreamNames() - Method in class
Returns a List containing the names of all currently registered media streams.
getStreams() - Method in class
Returns a List containing all IceMediaStreams currently registered with this agent.
getStreamsWithPendingConnectivityEstablishment() - Method in class
Gets the IceMediaStreams registered with this Agent for which connectivity establishment is pending.
getString(String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Returns the String value of the specified property (minus all encompassing whitespaces)and null in case no property value was mapped against the specified propertyName, or in case the returned property string had zero length or contained whitespaces only.
getStringArray(String, String) - Static method in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Returns the String array of the specified property, or null in case the returned property string array had zero length.
getStunServerAddress() - Method in class
Returns the address of the STUN server that was used to obtain this Candidate or null if this is not a server reflexive candidate.
getStunSocket(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Creates if necessary and returns a DatagramSocket that would capture all STUN packets arriving on this candidate's socket.
getStunStack() - Method in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
Gets the StunStack associated with this instance.
getStunStack() - Method in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
Gets the StunStack associated with this instance.
getStunStack() - Method in class
Gets the StunStack used by this Agent.
getStunStack() - Method in class
Gets the StunStack used by this CandidateHarvester for the purposes of STUN communication.
getStunStack() - Method in class
Gets the StunStack associated with this Candidate.
getStunStack() - Method in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
Gets the StunStack associated with this instance.
getStunStack() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Gets the StunStack which has created this instance and is its owner.
getTcpNoDelay() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getTCPSocket() - Method in class
Returns Socket object if the delegate socket is a TCP one, null otherwise.
getTCPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Returns Socket object if the delegate socket is a TCP one, null otherwise.
getTCPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Returns Socket object if the delegate socket is a TCP one, null otherwise.
getTCPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Returns Socket object if the delegate socket is a TCP one, null otherwise.
getTCPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Returns Socket object if the delegate socket is a TCP one, null otherwise.
getTcpType() - Method in class
Gets the CandidateTcpType for this Candidate.
getTieBreaker() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Returns the value of the tie-breaker.
getTieBreaker() - Method in class
Returns this agent's tie-breaker number.
getTotalCandidateCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of candidates gathered by the associated harvester.
getTotalHarvestingTime() - Method in class
Returns the combined harvesting time for all harvesters in this agent.
getTrafficClass() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Gets the traffic class or type-of-service in the IP datagram header for packets sent from this DatagramSocket.
getTrafficClass() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
getTransactionID() - Method in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
Gets the ID of the transaction related to the STUN Message associated with this event.
getTransactionID() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns a reference to this message's transaction id.
getTransactionID() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Returns the ID of the current transaction.
getTransactionID() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Returns the ID of the current transaction.
getTransport() - Method in class
Returns the Transport for this Candidate.
getTransport() - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
The transport that this transport address is suggesting.
getTransportAddress() - Method in class
Returns the transport address that this candidate is representing.
getType() - Method in class
Returns the type of this candidate which should be an instance of the CandidateType enumeration.
getTypeChar() - Method in class
Returns the type character for the field.
getTypePreference(CandidateType) - Static method in class
Returns the type preference that should be used when computing priority for Candidates of the specified candidateType.
getUdpMessageEventHandler() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Gets the PeerUdpMessageEventHandler of this NetAccessManager which is to be notified when incoming UDP messages have been processed and are ready for delivery.
getUDPSocket() - Method in class
Returns DatagramSocket object if the delegate socket is a UDP one, null otherwise.
getUDPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Returns DatagramSocket object if the delegate socket is a UDP one, null otherwise.
getUDPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Returns DatagramSocket object if the delegate socket is a UDP one, null otherwise.
getUDPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Returns DatagramSocket object if the delegate socket is a UDP one, null otherwise.
getUDPSocket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Returns DatagramSocket object if the delegate socket is a UDP one, null otherwise.
getUfrag() - Method in class
Get the local ufrag.
getUfrag(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Tries to parse the bytes in buf at offset off (and length len) as a STUN Binding Request message.
getUfrag() - Method in class
Get the local ufrag.
getUfrag() - Method in class
Get the remote ufrag.
getUsername() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Returns a (cloned) byte array containing the data value of the username attribute.
getUsername() - Method in class
Gets the username of this LongTermCredential.
getUsername() - Method in class
Gets the username of the LongTermCredential used by this instance.
getValidPair(Component) - Method in class
Returns the first CandidatePair stored in this stream's valid list, that belongs to the specified component.
getValue() - Method in class
Returns the value of this attribute.
getWriteRemaining() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
GLOBAL_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Global failure error code.
GoogleRelayedCandidate - Class in
Represents a Candidate obtained by sending a Google TURN Allocate request from a HostCandidate to a TURN server.
GoogleRelayedCandidate(TransportAddress, GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest, TransportAddress, String, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new RelayedCandidate which is to represent a specific TransportAddress harvested through a specific HostCandidate and a TURN server with a specific TransportAddress.
GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents an application-purposed (as opposed to an ICE-specific) DatagramSocket for a RelayedCandidate harvested by a TurnCandidateHarvest (and its associated TurnCandidateHarvester, of course).
GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket(GoogleRelayedCandidate, GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest, String) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Initializes a new GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket instance which is to be the socket of a specific RelayedCandidate harvested by a specific TurnCandidateHarvest.
GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Google TURN delegate object that will handle GTalk TURN send/receive operations.
GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate(GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest, String) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Initializes a new GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket instance which is to be the socket of a specific RelayedCandidate harvested by a specific TurnCandidateHarvest.
GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents an application-purposed (as opposed to an ICE-specific) Socket for a RelayedCandidate harvested by a TurnCandidateHarvest (and its associated TurnCandidateHarvester, of course).
GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket(GoogleRelayedCandidate, GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest, String) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Initializes a new GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket instance which is to be the socket of a specific RelayedCandidate harvested by a specific TurnCandidateHarvest.
GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream - Class in org.ice4j.socket
TCP output stream for TCP socket.
GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest - Class in
Represents the harvesting of Google TURN Candidates for a specific HostCandidate performed by a specific GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester.
GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest(GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester, HostCandidate, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TurnCandidateHarvest which is to represent the harvesting of TURN Candidates for a specific HostCandidate performed by a specific TurnCandidateHarvester.
GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester - Class in
Implements a CandidateHarvester which gathers Google TURN dialect Candidates for a specified Component.
GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester instance which is to work with a specific Google TURN server.
GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress, String, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new GoogleTurnCandidateHarvester instance which is to work with a specific TURN server using a specific username for the purposes of the STUN short-term credential mechanism.
GoogleTurnSSLCandidateHarvester - Class in
Implements a CandidateHarvester which gathers Google TURN SSLTCP dialect Candidates for a specified Component.
GoogleTurnSSLCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new GoogleTurnSSLCandidateHarvester instance which is to work with a specific Google TURN server.
GoogleTurnSSLCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress, String, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new GoogleTurnSSLCandidateHarvester instance which is to work with a specific TURN server using a specific username for the purposes of the STUN short-term credential mechanism.


handleError(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.ErrorHandler
Called when an error has occurred which may have caused data loss but the calling thread is still running.
handleError(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
A civilized way of not caring!
handleFatalError(Runnable, String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.ErrorHandler
Called when a fatal error has occurred and the calling thread will exit.
handleFatalError(Runnable, String, Throwable) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Clears the faulty thread and reports the problem.
handleMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Notifies this MessageEventHandler that a specific STUN message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Notifies this MessageEventHandler that a specific STUN message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(ChannelDataMessageEvent) - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.ChannelDataEventHandler
Called when an incoming Channel Data message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.IndicationEventHandler
Notifies this MessageEventHandler that a STUN message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.OldIndicationEventHandler
Notifies this MessageEventHandler that a STUN message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.RequestListenerMessageEventHandler
Notifies this MessageEventHandler that a STUN message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.MessageEventHandler
Called when an incoming message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(PeerUdpMessageEvent) - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.PeerUdpMessageEventHandler
Called when an incoming Peer UDP message has been received, parsed and is ready for delivery.
handleMessageEvent(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Called to notify this provider for an incoming message.
handleNominationConfirmed(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Removes from this CheckList and its associated triggered check queue all CandidatePairs that are in the Waiting and Frozen states and that belong to the same Component as nominatedPair.
handlePacket(T) - Method in interface org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue.PacketHandler
Does something with a packet.
handler - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The PacketQueue.PacketHandler optionally used to handle packets read from this queue by PacketQueue.thread.
handleResponse(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Dispatches the response then cancels itself and notifies the StunStack for its termination.
harvest(Component) - Method in interface
Gathers all candidate addresses of the type that this CandidateHarvester supports.
harvest(Component) - Method in class
Gathers candidate addresses for a specific Component.
harvest(List<Component>, TrickleCallback) - Method in class
Gathers candidate addresses for a specific Component.
harvest(Iterator<CandidateHarvesterSetElement>, List<Component>, ExecutorService, TrickleCallback) - Method in class
Gathers candidate addresses for a specific Component using specific CandidateHarvesters.
harvest(Component, TrickleCallback) - Method in class
Calls CandidateHarvester.harvest( on the associated CandidateHarvester if enabled.
harvest(Component, int, int, int, Transport) - Method in class
Gathers all candidate addresses on the local machine, binds sockets on them and creates HostCandidates.
harvest(Component) - Method in class
Maps all candidates to this harvester's mask and adds them to component.
harvest(Component) - Method in class
Gathers all candidate addresses of the type that this CandidateHarvester supports.
harvest - Variable in class
The StunCandidateHarvest which has initialized this instance.
harvest(Component) - Method in class
Gathers STUN candidates for all host Candidates that are already present in the specified component.
harvest(Component) - Method in class
Gathers all candidate addresses of the type that this CandidateHarvester supports.
harvest(Component) - Method in class
Gathers UPnP candidates for all host Candidates that are already present in the specified component.
harvestCount - Variable in class
The number of harvesting for this harvester.
harvester - Variable in class
The CandidateHarvester which is an element in a CandidateHarvesterSet.
harvester - Variable in class
The CandidateHarvester on which CandidateHarvester.harvest( is to be or is being called.
harvester - Variable in class
The StunCandidateHarvester performing the harvesting of STUN Candidates for a Component which this harvest is part of.
harvesterEquals(CandidateHarvester) - Method in class
Determines whether the associated CandidateHarvester is considered to be the same as a specific CandidateHarvester.
harvesterName - Variable in class
The name of the harvester associated with these stats.
harvesters - Variable in class
The set of harvesters (i.e.
harvesters - Static variable in class
The list of already configured harvesters.
HARVESTING_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Timeout, in seconds, of how long to wait for an individual harvest before timing out
harvestingStarted - Variable in class
Indicates that harvesting has been started at least once.
harvestStatistics - Variable in class
Manages statistics about harvesting time.
HarvestStatistics - Class in
Manages statistics about harvesting time.
HarvestStatistics() - Constructor for class
harvestStatistics - Variable in class
Manages statistics about harvesting time.
harvestStatistics - Variable in class
Manages statistics about harvesting time.
harvestStatistics - Variable in class
Manages statistics about harvesting time.
hashCode - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
A hashcode for hashtable storage.
hashCode() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Returns the hash code of this Reservation-Token.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
Returns a hash code value for this object for the benefit of hashtables such as those provided by Hashtable.
hashCode() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler
Returns a hash code value for this Object for the benefit of hashtables.
hashCode - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
A hashcode for hashtable storage.
hashCode() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Returns the first four bytes of the transactionID to ensure proper retrieval from hashtables.
hasRequestListeners(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Check if there are any listeners for a specific address.
hasValue() - Method in class
Always returns true as this attribute always has a value.
head - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
HEADER_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
The size of an attribute header in bytes = len(TYPE) + len(LENGTH) = 4
HEADER_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Size of the header.
HEADER_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The length of Stun Message Headers in bytes = len(Type) + len(DataLength) + len(Transaction ID).
HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
HMAC_SHA1_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
The HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
hmacSha1Content - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
The actual content of the message
hostCandidate - Variable in class
The HostCandidate the STUN harvesting of which is represented by this instance.
HostCandidate - Class in
HostCandidates are obtained by binding to a specific port from an IP address on the host that is running us.
HostCandidate(IceSocketWrapper, Component) - Constructor for class
Creates a HostCandidate for the specified transport address.
HostCandidate(TransportAddress, Component) - Constructor for class
Creates a HostCandidate for the specified transport address.
HostCandidate(IceSocketWrapper, Component, Transport) - Constructor for class
Creates a HostCandidate for the specified transport address.
hostCandidateHarvester - Variable in class
The candidate harvester that we use to gather candidate on the local machine.
HostCandidateHarvester - Class in
A HostCandidateHarvester gathers host Candidates for a specified Component.
HostCandidateHarvester() - Constructor for class
hostHarvesters - Variable in class
A list of additional CandidateHarvesters which will be used to harvest candidates synchronously, and previously to harvesting by Agent.harvesters.
HttpDemuxFilter - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a DatagramPacketFilter which allows demultiplexing HTTP(S) out of MuxServerSocketChannel.
HttpDemuxFilter() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter


Ice4jLogFormatter - Class in org.ice4j.util
Print a brief summary of the LogRecord in a human readable.
Ice4jLogFormatter() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.Ice4jLogFormatter
ICE_CONTROLLED - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
ICE controlled attribute.
ICE_CONTROLLED_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ICE_CONTROLLING - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
ICE controlling attribute.
ICE_CONTROLLING_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ICE_OPTION_TRICKLE - Static variable in class
The name of the ICE SDP option that indicates support for trickle.
ICE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class
The name of the SDP attribute that contains an ICE options.
ICE_PWD - Static variable in class
The name of the SDP attribute that contains an ICE password.
ICE_UFRAG - Static variable in class
The name of the SDP attribute that contains an ICE user fragment.
IceControlAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
IceControlAttribute(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Constructs an ICE-CONTROLLING or an ICE-CONTROLLED attribute depending on the value of isControlling.
IceControlledAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
An IceControlAttribute implementation representing the ICE-CONTROLLED ICE Attributes.
IceControlledAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlledAttribute
Constructs an ICE-CONTROLLING attribute.
IceControllingAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
An IceControlAttribute implementation representing the ICE-CONTROLLING ICE Attributes.
IceControllingAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControllingAttribute
Constructs an ICE-CONTROLLING attribute.
IceMediaStream - Class in
The class represents a media stream from the ICE perspective, i.e.
IceMediaStream(Agent, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new IceMediaStream object.
IceProcessingState - Enum in
RFC 5245 mentions that ICE processing across all media streams also has a state associated with it.
IceProcessingState(String) - Constructor for enum
Creates an IceProcessingState instance with the specified name.
IceSdpUtils - Class in
A number of utility methods that WebRTC or SIP applications may find useful in case they are also fine with using jain-sdp
IceSdpUtils() - Constructor for class
IceSocketWrapper - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Abstract socket wrapper that define a socket that could be UDP, TCP...
IceSocketWrapper() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
IceTcpServerSocketWrapper - Class in org.ice4j.socket
TCP Server Socket wrapper.
IceTcpServerSocketWrapper(ServerSocket, Component) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Initializes a new IceTcpServerSocketWrapper.
IceTcpServerSocketWrapper.ThreadAccept - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Thread that will wait for new TCP connections.
IceTcpSocketWrapper - Class in org.ice4j.socket
TCP implementation of the IceSocketWrapper.
IceTcpSocketWrapper(Socket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
IceUdpSocketWrapper - Class in org.ice4j.socket
UDP implementation of the IceSocketWrapper.
IceUdpSocketWrapper(DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
ICMP_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
id - Variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Identifies the exception.
id - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
A string used to identify this PacketQueue for logging purposes.
IDLE_PING - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Idle ping interval
IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Idle timeout(used if keepalive is enabled)
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Indicates that one or more of the passed arguments had invalid values.
ILLEGAL_STATE - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Indicates that the attempted operation is not possible in the current state of the object.
implAccept(SocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
Allows extenders to optionally configure (e.g.
implAccept(SocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Allows extenders to optionally configure (e.g.
implCloseSelectableChannel() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
implCloseSelectableChannel() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
implConfigureBlocking(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
implConfigureBlocking(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
implConfigureBlocking(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
implSocket(ServerSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
Allows extenders to optionally configure (e.g.
implSocket(Socket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
Allows extenders to optionally configure (e.g.
implSocket(ServerSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Allows extenders to optionally configure (e.g.
implSocket(ServerSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
Allows extenders to optionally configure (e.g.
IN4_ADDR_ANY - Static variable in class
A string containing the "any" local address for IPv4.
IN4_ADDR_SIZE - Static variable in class
The length of IPv4 addresses.
IN6_ADDR_ANY - Static variable in class
A string containing the "any" local address for IPv6.
IN6_ADDR_SIZE - Static variable in class
The length of IPv6 addresses.
IN6_ADDR_TOKEN_SIZE - Static variable in class
The size of the tokens in a String representation of IPv6 addresses.
IN_ADDR_ANY - Static variable in class
A string containing the "any" local address.
incomingCheckReceived(TransportAddress, TransportAddress, long, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Notifies the implementation that the ConnectivityCheckServer has just received a message on localAddress originating at remoteAddress carrying the specified priority.
indexOf(MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer[], Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Returns the index in MergingDatagramSocket.socketContainers of the MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer with socket equal to socket, or -1 if such a MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer doesn't exist.
Indication - Class in org.ice4j.message
An indication descendant of the message class.
Indication() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.message.Indication
IndicationEventHandler(MessageEventHandler) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.IndicationEventHandler
Initializes a new IndicationEventHandler which is to implement MessageEventHandler for a specific MessageEventHandler which handles STUN indications.
inferCaller(LogRecord) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Ice4jLogFormatter
Try to extract the name of the class and method that called the current log statement.
info(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message with level Level.INFO, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured for this Logger.
init() - Method in class
Initializes AbstractTcpListener.serverSocketChannels, creates and starts the threads used by this instance.
init() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Initializes and starts the thread of this instance.
initCheckList() - Method in class
Creates, initializes and orders the list of candidate pairs that would be used for the connectivity checks for all components in this stream.
initCheckLists() - Method in class
Creates, initializes and orders the list of candidate pairs that would be used for the connectivity checks for all components in this stream.
initialize() - Static method in class
initializeActive(IceSocketWrapper, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Initializes the active socket of this MergingDatagramSocket.
initializeAddressFilters() - Static method in class
Initializes the lists of allowed and blocked addresses according to the configuration properties.
initialized - Static variable in class
Whether MappingCandidateHarvesters.harvesters has been initialized.
initializedActive - Variable in class
initializedActiveSyncRoot - Variable in class
Used to synchronize access to ComponentSocket.initializedActive.
initializeInterfaceFilters() - Static method in class
Initializes the host candidate interface filters stored in the and properties.
initMediaDescription(MediaDescription, IceMediaStream) - Static method in class
Reflects the candidates from the various components in iceMediaStream into the specified m-line.
initReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
A utility method used by the constructors to ensure the receive buffer size is set to the preferred default.
initSessionDescription(SessionDescription, Agent) - Static method in class
Sets ice credentials, ICE options, media lines and candidates from agent, on the specified session description.
initTransactionConfiguration() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Init transaction duration/retransmission parameters.
inputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
inputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
InputStream for this socket.
inputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
InputStream for this socket.
inputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
The custom InputStream for this MultiplexedSocket.
inputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Custom InputStream for this Socket.
InputStreamImpl() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
Initializes a new TCPInputStream.
inRead - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
The indicator which determines whether this TCPInputStream is executing one of its read method implementations.
inReceive - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
The indicator which determines whether this DatagramSocket is currently reading from the network using DatagramSocket.receive(DatagramPacket).
inReceive - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
The number of SafeCloseDatagramSocket.receive(DatagramPacket) calls that have to return before SafeCloseDatagramSocket.close() returns.
inReceiveSyncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
The Object which synchronizes the access to SafeCloseDatagramSocket.inReceive and implements the related inter-thread communication.
INSUFFICIENT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Insufficient Capacity error code.
INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Integrity check failure error code.
interfaceFiltersInitialized - Static variable in class
A boolean value that indicates whether the host candidate interface filters have been initialized or not.
INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Indicates that an unexpected error has occurred..
IP_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
IPseudoTcpNotify - Interface in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Notification of tcp events.
IPv4 - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
The IPv4 family type.
IPv6 - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
The IPv6 family type.
isActive() - Method in class
Determines whether this CheckList can be considered active.
isAddressAllowed(InetAddress) - Static method in class
Returns true if address is allowed to be used by this HostCandidateHarvester for the purposes of candidate allocation, and false otherwise.
isAlive() - Method in class
Returns a boolean value indicating whether we have received a STUN response or not.
isAlive() - Method in class
Returns a boolean value indicating whether we have received a STUN request or not.
isBinding() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Gets the indicator which determines whether this instance has started binding/installing itself and has not received a confirmation that it has succeeded in doing so yet.
isBound() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
Determines whether this BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel is bound.
isBound() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the binding state of the socket.
isBound() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
isBound() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
isBound() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Gets the indication which determines whether this instance is currently considered bound/installed.
isChannelDataMessage(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Checks if the given binary message is a ChannelData Message.
isClosed() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
isClosed() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns whether the socket is closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
isClosed() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
isClosed() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
isConnected() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
isConnected() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
isConnected() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Returns the connection state of the socket.
isConnected() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
isConnecting() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
isConnectionPending() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
isControlling - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Indicates whether this is an ICE-CONTROLLING or an ICE-CONTROLLED attribute.
isControlling - Variable in class
Determines whether this is the controlling agent in a an ICE interaction.
isControlling() - Method in class
Determines whether this agent has the controlling role in an ICE exchange.
isDaemon - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.CustomizableThreadFactory
isDefault() - Method in class
Determines whether this Candidate is the default one for its parent component.
isDefault() - Method in class
Determines whether this Candidate is the default one for its parent component.
isDefault() - Method in class
Determines whether this Candidate is the default one for its parent component.
isDTLS(DatagramPacket) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.DTLSDatagramFilter
Determines whether p looks like a DTLS packet.
isDTLS(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.DTLSDatagramFilter
Determines whether the buffer represented by data, off and len looks like a DTLS packet.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Gets the indicator which determines whether CandidateHarvester.harvest(Component) is to be called on the associated CandidateHarvester.
isEnabled() - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.PacketLogger
Checks whether the logger is enabled.
isErrorResponse() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Response
Determines whether this instance represents a STUN error response.
isErrorResponseType(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Determines if the message type is a Error Response.
isEstablished() - Method in enum
Returns true iff the state is one in which a connection has been established, that is either COMPLETED or TERMINATED.
isExpired() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Determines whether this StunServerTransaction is expired now.
isExpired(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Determines whether this StunServerTransaction will be expired at a specific point in time.
isFirstDatagramPacket(DatagramPacket) - Static method in class
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket is the first expected (i.e.
isFrozen() - Method in class
Determines whether this candidate pair is frozen or not.
isFrozen() - Method in class
Determines whether this CheckList can be considered frozen.
isHostHarvester() - Method in class
Returns true if this CandidateHarvester is to be considered a harvester for host candidates.
isHostHarvester() - Method in interface
Returns true if this CandidateHarvester is to be considered a harvester for host candidates.
isHostHarvester() - Method in class
Returns true if this CandidateHarvester is to be considered a harvester for host candidates.
isHostHarvester() - Method in class
Returns true if this CandidateHarvester is to be considered a harvester for host candidates.
isIndicationType(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Determines if the message type is Indication.
isInputShutdown() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
isInterfaceAllowed(NetworkInterface) - Static method in class
Returns a boolean value indicating whether ice4j should allocate a host candidate for the specified interface.
isInterfaceLoopback(NetworkInterface) - Static method in class
Determines whether or not the iface interface is a loopback interface.
isInterfaceUp(NetworkInterface) - Static method in class
Determines, if possible, whether or not the iface interface is up.
isInterfaceVirtual(NetworkInterface) - Static method in class
Determines, if possible, whether or not the iface interface is a virtual interface (e.g.
isIPv4Address(String) - Static method in class
Verifies whether address could be an IPv4 address string.
isIPv6() - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Returns true if this is an IPv6 address and false otherwise.
isIPv6Address(String) - Static method in class
Verifies whether address could be an IPv6 address string.
isLoggable(Level) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Checks whether messages with a particular level should be logged according to the log level configured for this Logger.
isMappedIPv4Addr(byte[]) - Static method in class
Utility method to check if the specified address is an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address.
isNominated - Variable in class
If a valid candidate pair has its nominated flag set, it means that it may be selected by ICE for sending and receiving media.
isNominated() - Method in class
Returns the value of this pair's nominated flag.
isOutputShutdown() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
isOver() - Method in class
Indicates whether this Agent has finished ICE processing.
isOver() - Method in enum
Determines whether an Agent in this state has finished its ICE processing.
isPacketLoggerEnabled() - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Checks whether packet logger is set and enabled.
isReceiveBufferFull() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
isRequestType(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Determines whether type could be the type of a STUN Request (as opposed to STUN Response).
isResponseType(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Determines whether type could be the type of a STUN Response (as opposed to STUN Request).
isRetransmitting - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Determines whether or not the transaction is in a retransmitting state.
isRetransmitting() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Specifies whether this server transaction is in the retransmitting state.
isRFC3489Compatible() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
If the transaction is compatible with RFC3489 (16 bytes).
isRFlag() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Is the R flag set
isRtcpPacket(DatagramPacket) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.RtcpDemuxPacketFilter
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket is an RTCP.
isRun - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
If the socket is still listening.
isSSL - Variable in class
Whether this LocalCandidate uses SSL.
isSSL() - Method in class
Gets the value of the 'ssl' flag.
isStarted() - Method in class
Indicates whether this Agent is currently in the process of running connectivity checks and establishing connectivity.
isStopped - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Indicates if this NetAccessManager is stopped
isStunPacket(DatagramPacket) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
Determines whether a specific DatagramPacket represents a STUN (or TURN) packet.
isSuccessResponse() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Response
Determines whether this instance represents a STUN success response.
isSuccessResponseType(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Determines if the message type is a Success Response.
isTrickling() - Method in class
Indicates whether this agent is currently set to trickle candidates rather than gathering them synchronously while components are being added.
isTypeValid(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Verifies that type is a valid address attribute type.
isValid - Variable in class
Indicates whether this CandidatePair is on any of this agent's valid pair lists.
isValid() - Method in class
Returns true if this pair has been confirmed by a connectivity check response and false otherwise.
isValidIPAddress(String) - Static method in class
Checks whether address is a valid IP address string.
isValidPortNumber(int) - Static method in class
Determines whether port is a valid port number bindable by an application (i.e.
isValidRange(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Determines if the channelNo is in valid range.
isVirtual() - Method in class
Determines whether the address associated with this candidate belongs to a VPN interface.
isWindowsAutoConfiguredIPv4Address(InetAddress) - Static method in class
Determines whether the address is the result of windows auto configuration.
iterator() - Method in class
Returns an Iterator over the CandidateHarvesters which are elements in this CandidateHarvesterSet.


JINGLE_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
joinAllThreads() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Joins all running threads


KEEP_CRANS_AFTER_A_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Indicates whether a client transaction should be kept after a response is received rather than destroying it which is the default.
keepAlivePairs - Variable in class
The set of pairs which this component wants to keep alive.
keepAliveStrategy - Variable in class
The KeepAliveStrategy used by this component to select which pairs are to be kept alive.
KeepAliveStrategy - Enum in
An enumeration of strategies for selecting which candidate pairs to keep alive.
KeepAliveStrategy(String) - Constructor for enum
kill() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
kill() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel


lastActive - Variable in class
The time the channel was last found to be active.
lastAssignedFoundation - Variable in class
The foundation number that was last assigned to a Candidate
lastAssignedRemoteFoundation - Variable in class
The foundation number that was last assigned to a PEER-REFLEXIVE RemoteCandidate
lastComponentID - Variable in class
The id that was last assigned to a component.
lastHarvestingTime - Variable in class
The last ended harvesting time for this harvester.
lastStartHarvestingTime - Variable in class
The last harvest start time for this harvester.
len - Variable in class
The number of elements of AbstractUdpListener.Buffer.buffer actually used.
len - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.RSegment
len - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
len - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SSegment
length - Variable in class
The value of the RFC4571 "length" field read from the channel, or -1 if it hasn't been read (yet).
length() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
level - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
The level of this logger.
levelDelegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
The Logger instance (if any) which provides the log level of this instance.
LIFETIME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Lifetime attribute.
lifetime - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Lifetime value.
LIFETIME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The time that we keep server transactions active.
LIFETIME_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
LifetimeAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The LIFETIME attribute is used to know the lifetime of TURN allocations.
LifetimeAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
lineSeparator - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.Ice4jLogFormatter
listCandidates(Collection<? extends Candidate<?>>) - Method in class
listen(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Sets the maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) to the count argument.
listenAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
The address that we are listening to.
LOCAL_IP_URL - Static variable in class
The URL where one obtains AWS private/local addresses.
localAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
Local address receiving this event.
localAddress - Variable in class
The local address that this harvester is bound to.
localAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
The address that this message was received on.
localAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The TransportAddress through which the original request was sent and that we are supposed to be retransmitting through.
localAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
The transport address that we are bound on.
localAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
The point where we'll be listening.
localAddresses - Variable in class
The list of transport addresses which we have found to be listening on, and which may be, for example, advertises as ICE candidates.
localCandidate - Variable in class
The local candidate of this pair.
LocalCandidate - Class in
LocalCandidates are obtained by an agent for every stream component and are then included in outgoing offers or answers.
LocalCandidate(TransportAddress, Component, CandidateType, CandidateExtendedType, LocalCandidate) - Constructor for class
Creates a LocalCandidate instance for the specified transport address and properties.
localCandidates - Variable in class
The list locally gathered candidates for this media stream.
localListeningAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The TransportAddress that we received our request on.
localSendingAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The TransportAddress we use when sending responses
locationInMessage - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
For attributes that have arriving in incoming messages, this fiels contains their original location in the binary array so that we could later more easily verify attributes like MESSAGE-INTEGRITY.
log(Level, String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message at a given level, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured by this instance.
log(Level, String, Throwable) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message at a given level, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured by this instance.
logCandTypes() - Method in class
Goes through all streams and components and prints into the logs the type of local candidates that were selected as well as the server that were used (if any) to obtain them.
logDroppedPacket(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Returns true if a warning should be logged after a queue has dropped numDroppedPackets packets.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
The Logger used by the Message class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by Agent instances.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by CheckList instances.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by Component instances.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by MergingDatagramSocket instances.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by ConnectivityCheckClient instances.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by ConnectivityCheckServer instances.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by DefaultNominator instances.
logger - Static variable in class
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the AwsCandidateHarvester class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the Agent class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the CandidateHarvesterSetElement class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the CandidateHarvesterSetTask class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the TurnCandidateHarvest class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the StunCandidateHarvester class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the MappingCandidateHarvesters class for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the StunCandidateHarvest class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the StunCandidateHarvester class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the StunMappingCandidateHarvester class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the TurnCandidateHarvest class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class
The logger.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by IceMediaStream instances.
logger - Variable in class
The Logger used by LocalCandidate instances.
logger - Static variable in class
Our class logger
logger - Static variable in class
The Logger used by the IceSdpUtils class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The Logger used by the Message class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
The Logger used by the MessageFactory class and its instances.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
The logger.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
The logger.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The Logger used by the GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
The Logger used by the GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
The Logger used by the GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
The Logger used by the LocalCandidate class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
The Logger used by MergingDatagramSocket instances.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
The Logger used by the MultiplexedSocket class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
The Logger used by the MultiplexingSocket class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
The Logger used by the MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
The Logger used by the MuxServerSocketChannelFactory class (and its instances) to print debug information.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The Logger used by the RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Our class logger
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
The Logger used by the StunStack class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Our class logger
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Our class logger.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
Our class logger.
Logger - Class in org.ice4j.util
Implements a logger, which delegates to a Logger instance, but maintains its own logging level.
Logger(Logger, Level) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Initializes a new Logger instance with a given delegate and a given log level.
Logger(Logger, Logger) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Initializes a new Logger instance with a given delegate and which uses the log level from another Logger instance.
logger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The Logger used by the PacketQueue class and its instances for logging output.
logger - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
The Logger instance used for logging output.
logHeader - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
logNonStun(long) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Determines whether a packet should be logged, given the number of sent or received packets.
logPacket(byte[], int, byte[], int, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.PacketLogger
Logs a incoming or outgoing packet.
logPacketToPcap(DatagramPacket, boolean, InetAddress, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Logs a specific DatagramPacket using the packet logger of the StunStack.
long_to_bytes(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Stores 32 bit unsigned int in a buffer at specified offset
longTermCredential - Variable in class
The LongTermCredential to be used with the TURN server with which this instance works.
LongTermCredential - Class in
Represents a STUN long-term credential.
LongTermCredential() - Constructor for class
Initializes a new LongTermCredential instance with no username and no password.
LongTermCredential(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new LongTermCredential instance with a specific username and a specific password.
LongTermCredential(String, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new LongTermCredential instance with a specific username and a specific password.
longTermCredential - Variable in class
The LongTermCredential a use of which is represented by this instance.
longTermCredentialSession - Variable in class
The LongTermCredential used by this instance.
LongTermCredentialSession - Class in
Represents a use of a LongTermCredential and implements CredentialsAuthority for it.
LongTermCredentialSession(LongTermCredential, byte[]) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new LongTermCredentialSession instance which is to represent a use of a specific LongTermCredential in a specific realm.


M - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
M indicates that inclusion of the attribute in the message is mandatory.
m_ack_delay - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_bOutgoing - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_bReadEnable - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_bWriteEnable - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_conv - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Conversation number
m_cwnd - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Congestion avoidance, Fast retransmit/recovery, Delayed ACKs
m_dup_acks - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_largest - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_lastrecv - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Last receive timestamp
m_lastsend - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Last send timestamp
m_lasttraffic - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Last traffic timestamp
m_mss - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_msslevel - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_mtu_advise - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_notify - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_rbuf - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
The receive buffer
m_rbuf_len - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Receive buffer length
m_rcv_nxt - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
The sequence number of the next byte of data that is expected from the other device
m_rcv_wnd - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Receive window size
m_recover - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_rlist - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
List of incoming segments.
m_rto_base - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Retransmit timer
m_rwnd_scale - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Window scale factor
m_rx_rto - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Round-trip calculation
m_rx_rttvar - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Round-trip calculation
m_rx_srtt - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Round-trip calculation
m_sbuf - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
The send buffer
m_sbuf_len - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
The send buffer's size
m_shutdown - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_slist - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Outgoing segments list
m_snd_nxt - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
The sequence number of the next byte of data to be sent
m_snd_una - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
The sequence number of the first byte of data that has been sent but not yet acknowledged
m_snd_wnd - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Send window size
m_ssthresh - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Congestion avoidance, Fast retransmit/recovery, Delayed ACKs
m_state - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Tcp state
m_support_wnd_scale - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_swnd_scale - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Send window scale factor
m_t_ack - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
m_ts_lastack - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Timestamp tracking
m_ts_recent - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Timestamp tracking
m_use_nagling - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Use nagling
mac - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
The indicator which determines whether Mac.getInstance(MessageIntegrityAttribute.HMAC_SHA1_ALGORITHM) has been called.
MAGIC_COOKIE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Magic cookie attribute.
MAGIC_COOKIE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The magic cookie (0x2112A442).
MagicCookieAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The MAGIC-COOKIE attribute.
MagicCookieAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
MAPPED_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Mapped address attribute.
MAPPED_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
mappedAddress - Variable in class
The address that our TURN/STUN server returned as mapped if this is a relayed or a reflexive Candidate.
MappedAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute indicates the mapped IP address and port.
MappedAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.MappedAddressAttribute
mappedAddresses - Variable in class
Maps a public address to a local address.
mappedIPv4ToRealIPv4(byte[]) - Static method in class
Returns an IPv4 address matching the one mapped in the IPv6 addr.
mappedPorts - Variable in class
Sets of additional ports, for which server reflexive candidates will be added.
MappingCandidateHarvester - Class in
Uses a list of addresses as a predefined static mask in order to generate TransportAddresses.
MappingCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Creates a mapping harvester with the specified mask
MappingCandidateHarvester() - Constructor for class
Initializes a MappingCandidateHarvester instance without specified addresses (only useful in subclasses which override MappingCandidateHarvester.getMask() and MappingCandidateHarvester.getFace()).
MappingCandidateHarvesters - Class in
Manages a static list of MappingCandidateHarvester instances, created according to configuration provided as system properties.
MappingCandidateHarvesters() - Constructor for class
Prevent instance creation.
mark(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
mask - Static variable in class
The addresses that we will use as a mask
mask - Variable in class
The addresses that we will use as a mask
MATH_POW_2_32 - Static variable in class
The value of Math.pow(2, 32) calculated once for the purposes of optimizing performance.
MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The maximum channel number which is valid for TURN ChannelBind Request.
MAX_CHECK_LIST_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the System property that allows us to set a custom maximum for check list sizes.
MAX_CTRAN_RETRANS_TIMER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The maximum number of milliseconds that an exponential client retransmission timer can reach.
MAX_CTRAN_RETRANSMISSIONS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The maximum number of retransmissions a client transaction should send.
MAX_LOCAL_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class
The maximum value for a candidate's local preference.
MAX_PACKET - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
MAX_PACKET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.Buffer
The size of the buffer to allocate.
MAX_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class
The maximum int value that could correspond to a port number.
MAX_RETRIES - Static variable in class
Maximum port to try to allocate.
MAX_RTO - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
MAX_SEQ - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
MAX_TYPE_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class
The maximum value for a candidate's type preference.
maxCheckListSize - Variable in class
The maximum number of candidate pairs that we should have in our check list.
maxConsentFreshnessWaitInterval - Variable in class
maxRetransmissions - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Maximum number of retransmissions.
maxWaitInterval - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The maximum wait interval.
maybeAcceptNewSession(AbstractUdpListener.Buffer, InetSocketAddress, String) - Method in class
Handles the reception of a STUN Binding Request with a valid USERNAME attribute, from a "new" remote address (one which is not in AbstractUdpListener.sockets).
maybeAcceptNewSession(AbstractUdpListener.Buffer, InetSocketAddress, String) - Method in class
Handles the reception of a STUN Binding Request with a valid USERNAME attribute, from a "new" remote address (one which is not in AbstractUdpListener.sockets).
maybeAdd(MappingCandidateHarvester, List<MappingCandidateHarvester>) - Static method in class
Adds harvester to harvesters, if it has valid addresses and harvesters doesn't already contain a harvester with the same addresses.
maybeCloseAcceptSelector() - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
If MuxingServerSocketChannel.acceptSelector exists and is open, try to close it and do not throw an IOException.
maybeRead(SocketChannel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Attempts to read from a specific SocketChannel into a specific ByteBuffer without throwing an IOException if the reading from the channel fails or there is insufficient room in buf to write into.
maybeUpdateActive() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Makes this MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer the active socket container for this MergingDatagramSocket, if it isn't already the active socket.
media - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
The media name if we use short-term authentication.
mediaStreams - Variable in class
The LinkedHashMap used to store the media streams This map preserves the insertion order of the media streams.
MergingDatagramSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
A DatagramSocket implementation which merges a set of sockets.
MergingDatagramSocket() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MergingDatagramSocket instance.
MergingDatagramSocket(Logger) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MergingDatagramSocket instance.
MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Contains one of the sockets which this MergingDatagramSocket merges, and objects associated with the socket, including a thread which loops reading from it.
MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.Buffer - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a DatagramPacket for the purposes of MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.
message - Variable in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
The STUN Message associated with this event.
Message - Class in org.ice4j.message
This class represents a STUN message.
Message() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.message.Message
Creates an empty STUN Message.
MESSAGE_CLASS_MASK - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The mask of the two bits from the message type structure, which indicate the message class.
MESSAGE_INTEGRITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Message integrity attribute.
MESSAGE_INTEGRITY_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
messageBytes - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
The message itself.
messageConsumer - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
The consumer of incoming RawMessages
MessageEventHandler - Interface in org.ice4j.stack
The class is used for collecting incoming STUN messages from the NetAccessManager (and more precisely - MessageProcessors).
messageEventHandler - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
The listener that will be retrieving MessageEvents
messageEventHandler - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
The instance that should be notified when an incoming message has been processed and ready for delivery
MessageFactory - Class in org.ice4j.message
This class provides factory methods to allow an application to create STUN and TURN messages from a particular implementation.
MessageFactory() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.message.MessageFactory
MessageIntegrityAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The MESSAGE-INTEGRITY attribute contains an HMAC-SHA1 [RFC2104] of the STUN message.
MessageIntegrityAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Creates a MessageIntegrityAttribute.
messageLength - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
The length of the message.
messageListeners - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
The STUN request and indication listeners registered with this EventDispatcher.
messageProcessingExecutor - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Thread pool to execute MessageProcessingTasks across all NetAccessManagers.
MessageProcessingTask - Class in org.ice4j.stack
The class is used to parse and dispatch incoming messages by being executed by concurrent ExecutorService.
MessageProcessingTask(NetAccessManager) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Creates a Message processor.
messageType - Variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Indicates the type of the message.
messageType - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler
The type of the STUN messages that this MessageEventHandler is interested in.
MessageTypeEventHandler(char, T) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler
Initializes a new MessageTypeEventHandler which is to forward STUN messages with a specific type to a specific handler.
MID - Static variable in class
The name of the "mid" SDP attribute.
MIN_CHANNEL_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The minimum channel number which is valid for TURN ChannelBind Requests.
MIN_LOCAL_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class
The minimum value for a candidate's local preference.
MIN_PACKET - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
MIN_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class
The minimum int value that could correspond to a port number bindable by ice4j.
MIN_RTO - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
MIN_TYPE_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class
The minimum value for a candidate's type preference.
MISSING_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Missing username error code.
moveReceivedFromThisToSocket(MultiplexedXXXSocketT) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Moves packets which have been received from this multiplexing socket to a specific multiplexed socket if they are accepted by the DatagramPacketFilter of the latter.
MultiplexedDatagramSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a DatagramSocket which receives DatagramPackets selected by a DatagramPacketFilter from a MultiplexingDatagramSocket.
MultiplexedDatagramSocket(MultiplexingDatagramSocket, DatagramPacketFilter) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexedDatagramSocket which is unbound and filters DatagramPackets away from a specific MultiplexingDatagramSocket using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
MultiplexedSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a Socket which receives DatagramPackets selected by a DatagramPacketFilter from a MultiplexingSocket.
MultiplexedSocket(MultiplexingSocket, DatagramPacketFilter) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexedSocket which is unbound and filters DatagramPackets away from a specific MultiplexingSocket using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements an InputStream for this MultiplexedSocket, reading data using MultiplexedSocket.receive(
MultiplexedXXXSocket - Interface in org.ice4j.socket
Defines the application programming interface (API) expected of pseudo sockets which are in fact DatagramPacket-based views of actual sockets.
multiplexing - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedDatagramSocket
The MultiplexingDatagramSocket which does the actual reading from the network and which forwards DatagramPackets accepted by MultiplexedDatagramSocket.filter for receipt to this instance.
multiplexing - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
The MultiplexingSocket which does the actual reading from the network and which forwards DatagramPackets accepted by MultiplexedSocket.filter for receipt to this instance.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a DatagramSocket which allows filtering DatagramPackets it reads from the network using DatagramPacketFilters so that the DatagramPackets do not get received through it but through associated MultiplexedDatagramSockets.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering and binds it to any available port on the local host machine.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering and binds it to any available port on the local host machine.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering on a specific DatagramSocket.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering on a specific DatagramSocket.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering and binds it to the specified port on the local host machine.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering and binds it to the specified port on the local host machine.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering, bound to the specified local address.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(int, InetAddress, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering, bound to the specified local address.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering, bound to the specified local socket address.
MultiplexingDatagramSocket(SocketAddress, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingDatagramSocket instance which is to enable DatagramPacket filtering, bound to the specified local socket address.
MultiplexingSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a Socket which allows filtering DatagramPackets it reads from the network using DatagramPacketFilters so that the DatagramPackets do not get received through it but through associated MultiplexedSockets.
MultiplexingSocket() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
MultiplexingSocket(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
MultiplexingSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
MultiplexingSocket(Proxy) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
MultiplexingSocket(Socket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
MultiplexingSocket(SocketImpl) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
MultiplexingSocket(String, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
MultiplexingSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Initializes a new MultiplexingSocket instance.
multiplexingXXXSocketSupport - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
The MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport which implements functionality common to TCP and UDP sockets in order to facilitate implementers such as this instance.
multiplexingXXXSocketSupport - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
The MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport which implements functionality common to TCP and UDP sockets in order to facilitate implementers such as this instance.
MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport<MultiplexedXXXSocketT extends MultiplexedXXXSocket> - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements functionality common to TCP and UDP implementations of (de)multiplexing sockets i.e.
MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Initializes a new MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport instance.
multiplexingXXXSocketSupportDoReceive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
multiplexingXXXSocketSupportDoReceive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
multiplexingXXXSocketSupportDoSetReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
multiplexingXXXSocketSupportDoSetReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
MuxingServerSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Represents a ServerSocket associated with a MuxingServerSocketChannel.
MuxingServerSocket(ServerSocket, MuxingServerSocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocket
Initializes a new MuxingServerSocket instance which delegates (its method calls) to a specific ServerSocket and is associated with a specific MuxingServerSocketChannel.
MuxingServerSocketChannel - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Shares a listening endpoint (i.e.
MuxingServerSocketChannel(ServerSocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Initializes a new MuxingServerSocketChannel instance which is to share the listening endpoint of a specific ServerSocketChannel among multiple MuxServerSocketChannels.
muxingServerSocketChannels - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The (global) list of existing MixingServerSocketChannels.
MuxServerSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Represents a ServerSocket associated with a MuxServerSocketChannel.
MuxServerSocket(MuxingServerSocket, MuxServerSocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocket
Initializes a new MuxServerSocket instance which delegates (its method calls) to a specific MuxingServerSocket and is associated with a specific MuxServerSocketChannel.
MuxServerSocketChannel - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Implements a ServerSocketChannel which is capable of sharing its listening endpoint with multiple others like it.
MuxServerSocketChannel(MuxingServerSocketChannel, DatagramPacketFilter) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
Initializes a new MuxServerSocketChannel instance which is to demultiplex SocketChannels accepted by a specific MuxingServerSocketChannel using a specific DatagramPacketFilter.
muxServerSocketChannelAdded(MuxServerSocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Notifies this MixingServerSocketChannel that a specific MuxServerSocketChannel was added to MuxingServerSocketChannel.muxServerSocketChannels.
MuxServerSocketChannelFactory - Class in org.ice4j.socket
If supported by the runtime, initializes ServerSocketChannels which are capable of sharing their listening endpoints with multiple others like them.
MuxServerSocketChannelFactory() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
muxServerSocketChannels - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The list of MuxServerSocketChannels created by and delegating to this instance.
MyCandidate(Component, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new MyCandidate instance with the given Component and the given local username fragment.
MySocket(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new MySocket instance with the given remote address.


N_A - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Describes which attributes are present in which messages.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.AlternateServerAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangedAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Attribute Name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.DestinationAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.DontFragmentAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Attribute's name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MappedAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReflectedFromAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RemoteAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Attribute Name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ResponseAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.SourceAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorMappedAddressAttribute
The name of this attribute
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorPeerAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorRelayedAddressAttribute
Attribute name.
name - Variable in enum
The name of this CandidateTcpType instance.
name - Variable in class
The name of this media stream.
name - Variable in enum
NAME - Static variable in class
The SDP name of candidate attributes.
NAT_HARVESTER_LOCAL_ADDRESS_PNAME - Static variable in class
The name of the property that specifies the local address, if any, for the pre-configured NAT harvester.
The name of the property that specifies the public address, if any, for the pre-configured NAT harvester.
natType - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
nbReceivedPackets - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
The number of non-STUN packets received on this socket.
nbReceivedPackets - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
The number of non-STUN packets received for this socket.
nbSentPackets - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
The number of non-STUN packets sent through this socket.
nbSentPackets - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
The number of non-STUN packets sent for this socket.
netAccessManager - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
The NetAccessManager which has created this instance and which is its owner.
NetAccessManager - Class in org.ice4j.stack
Manages Connectors and MessageProcessingTask execution and pooling.
NetAccessManager(StunStack) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Constructs a NetAccessManager.
NetAccessManager(StunStack, PeerUdpMessageEventHandler, ChannelDataEventHandler) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Constructs a NetAccessManager with given peerUdpMessageEventHandler and channelDataEventHandler.
netAccessManager - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Our network gateway.
NETWORK_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Indicates that an unexpected error has occurred..
NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess - Class in org.ice4j.stunclient
This class implements the STUN Discovery Process as described by section 10.1 of rfc 3489.
NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess(StunStack, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Initializes a StunAddressDiscoverer with a specific StunStack.
NetworkUtils - Class in
Utility methods and fields to use when working with network addresses.
NetworkUtils() - Constructor for class
newChannels - Variable in class
Channels pending to be added to the list that AbstractTcpListener.readThread reads from.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.CustomizableThreadFactory
nextChannelNumber - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The next free channel number to be returned by RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.getNextChannelNumber() and marked as non-free.
nextRetransmissionDelay - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
Delay before attempting next retransmission
NO_CANDIDATES - Static variable in class
The constant which defines an empty array with LocalCandidate element type.
NO_KEEP_ALIVES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property that can be used to disable STUN keep alives.
NO_STATE_CHANGE_LISTENERS - Static variable in class
The constant which defines an empty array with element type PropertyChangeListener and represents the fact that there are no IceProcessingState change listeners added to an Agent (using Agent.addStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener).
nominate(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Raises pair's nomination flag and schedules a triggered check.
nominate() - Method in class
Sets this pair's nominated flag to true.
NOMINATION_TIMER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
nominationConfirmed(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Indicates that we have received a response to a request that either contained the USE-CANDIDATE attribute or was triggered by an incoming request that did.
NominationStrategy - Enum in
Contains the nomination strategies currently supported by this implementation's DefaultNominator class.
NominationStrategy(String) - Constructor for enum
Creates a NominationStrategy instance with the specified name.
nominator - Variable in class
Our internal nominator implementing several nomination strategies.
NONCE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Nonce attribute.
nonce - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Nonce value.
nonce - Variable in class
The value of the NONCE attribute currently associated with the use of LongTermCredentialSession.longTermCredential represented by this instance.
NONCE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
NonceAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The NONCE attribute is used for authentication.
NonceAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
notifyClock(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
This method should be called in time intervals retrieved from getNextClock
notifyMTU(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Set the MTU (maximum transmission unit) value
notifyPacket(byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Use this method to notify protocol about packets received from the network
notifyReadThread() - Method in class
Notifies AbstractTcpListener.readThread that new channels have been added.
now() - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
numDiscardedPackets - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
The number of packets which were read from an underlying socket, but were discarded because they were not accepted by MergingDatagramSocket.accept(DatagramPacket).
numDroppedPackets - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The number of packets which were dropped from this PacketQueue as a result of a packet being added while the queue is at full capacity.


O - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
O means the parameter is optional.
o - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.Timestamped
The Object associated with Timestamped.timestamp.
obtainEC2Addresses() - Static method in class
Sends HTTP GET queries to and to learn the private (face) and public (mask) addresses of this EC2 instance.
obtainFoundationForPeerReflexiveCandidate() - Method in class
Returns an (as far as you care) random foundation that could be assigned to a learned PEER-REFLEXIVE candidate.
OLD_DATA_INDICATION - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Send request.
oldestIndex - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
Bucket index of oldest counter recorded in buckets.
oldestTime - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
Oldest time recorded in buckets.
OldIndicationEventHandler(MessageEventHandler) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.OldIndicationEventHandler
Initializes a new IndicationEventHandler which is to implement MessageEventHandler for a specific MessageEventHandler which handles old DATA indications (0x0115).
onIceCandidates(Collection<LocalCandidate>) - Method in interface
Notifies the callback that a new batch of LocalCandidates has been discovered and should be advertised to the remove party.
onIncomingRawMessage(RawMessage) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Enqueues incoming RawMessage for asynchronous processing by NetAccessManager.messageProcessingExecutor
onRawMessageProcessed - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Callback to be called when scheduled MessageProcessingTask completes processing it's RawMessage.
OnTcpClosed(PseudoTCPBase, IOException) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.IPseudoTcpNotify
Called when tcp enters closed state
onTcpClosed(PseudoTCPBase, IOException) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpNotify
Called when tcp enters closed state
onTcpClosed(PseudoTCPBase, IOException) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Implements PseudoTcpNotify
OnTcpOpen(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.IPseudoTcpNotify
Called when tcp enters opened state
onTcpOpen(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpNotify
Called when TCP enters opened state
onTcpOpen(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Implements PseudoTcpNotify Called when TCP enters connected state.
OnTcpReadable(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.IPseudoTcpNotify
Called when any data is available in read buffer
onTcpReadable(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpNotify
Called when any data is available in read buffer
onTcpReadable(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Implements PseudoTcpNotify
OnTcpWriteable(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.IPseudoTcpNotify
Called when there is free space available in the send buffer
onTcpWriteable(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpNotify
Called when there is free space available in the send buffer
onTcpWriteable(PseudoTCPBase) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Implements PseudoTcpNotify
OPEN_AND_BIND_METHOD - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
The reflection of the openAndBind method of the MuxServerSocketChannel class.
OPEN_INTERNET - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Means, there's no NAT or firewall.
openAndBind(Map<String, Object>, SocketAddress, int, DatagramPacketFilter) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Opens and binds a new MuxServerSocketChannel instance.
openAndBind(Map<String, Object>, SocketAddress, int, DatagramPacketFilter) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
Opens and binds a new MuxServerSocketChannel instance.
openAndBindMuxServerSocketChannel(Map<String, Object>, SocketAddress, int, DatagramPacketFilter) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
Opens and binds a new MuxServerSocketChannel instance if supported by the runtime.
openAndBindServerSocketChannel(Map<String, Object>, SocketAddress, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
Opens and binds a new ServerSocketChannel instance.
Option - Enum in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Options used in PseudoTCP
Option() - Constructor for enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Option
OptionalAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
This class is used for representing attributes not explicitly supported by the stack.
OptionalAttribute(char) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
options - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
orderCheckList() - Method in class
Orders this stream's pair check list in decreasing order of pair priority.
org.ice4j - package org.ice4j
org.ice4j.attribute - package org.ice4j.attribute - package - package - package
org.ice4j.message - package org.ice4j.message
org.ice4j.pseudotcp - package org.ice4j.pseudotcp
org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util - package org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util - package
org.ice4j.socket - package org.ice4j.socket
org.ice4j.socket.jdk8 - package org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
org.ice4j.stack - package org.ice4j.stack
org.ice4j.stunclient - package org.ice4j.stunclient
org.ice4j.util - package org.ice4j.util
originalConsentFreshnessWaitInterval - Variable in class
originalWaitInterval - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The number of milliseconds to wait before the first retransmission of the request.
outputstream - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
outputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
OutputStream for this socket.
outputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
The OutputStream.
outputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
OutputStream for this socket.
outputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Custom OutputStream for this Socket.
outputStream - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPOutputStream
Original OutputStream that this class wraps.


PaceMaker(CheckList) - Constructor for class
Creates a new ConnectivityCheckClient.PaceMaker for this ConnectivityCheckClient.
paceMakers - Variable in class
The ConnectivityCheckClient.PaceMakers that are currently running checks in this client.
packet(long, short, long, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Creates a packet starting at offset in the send buffer of specified length and sends it with help of PseudoTcpNotify.
packet - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
A DatagramPacket instance to receive data into.
packet - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
Current packet being processed if any.
PACKET_MAXIMUMS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Packet maximum levels
PACKET_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
packetData - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
packetLength - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
Current packet length.
PacketLogger - Interface in org.ice4j.stack
The interface which interested implementers will use in order to track and log packets send and received by this stack.
packetLogger - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
The packet logger instance.
packetOffset - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
Current offset.
PacketQueue<T> - Class in org.ice4j.util
An abstract queue of packets.
PacketQueue() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Initializes a new PacketQueue instance.
PacketQueue(boolean, String, PacketQueue.PacketHandler<T>) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Initializes a new PacketQueue instance.
PacketQueue(int, boolean, boolean, String, PacketQueue.PacketHandler<T>) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Initializes a new PacketQueue instance.
PacketQueue.PacketHandler<T> - Interface in org.ice4j.util
A simple interface to handle packets.
packetsToReceive - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
The DatagramPackets which are to be received through this DatagramSocket upon calls to its GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate.receive(DatagramPacket) method.
packetsToReceive - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The DatagramPackets which are to be received through this DatagramSocket upon calls to its RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.receive(DatagramPacket) method.
packetsToSend - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
The DatagramSockets which have been sent through this DatagramSocket using its GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate.send(DatagramPacket) method and which are to be relayed through its associated TURN server in the form of Send indications.
packetsToSend - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The DatagramSockets which have been sent through this DatagramSocket using its RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.send(DatagramPacket) method and which are to be relayed through its associated TURN server in the form of Send indications.
padding - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Add padding.
padTo4(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
pair - Variable in class
The relayed candidate pair.
PairComparator() - Constructor for class
parentAgent - Variable in class
The agent that created us.
parentAgent - Variable in class
The agent that created us.
parentAgent - Variable in class
The Agent that created us.
parentAgent - Variable in class
The agent that this media stream belongs to.
parentComponent - Variable in class
The component that this candidate was created for.
parentStream - Variable in class
A reference to the IceMediaStream that we belong to.
parentStream - Variable in class
The IceMediaStream that this Component belongs to.
parse(String) - Static method in enum
Returns a CandidateExtendedType instance corresponding to the specified extendedTypeName.
parse(String) - Static method in enum
Parses the string candidateTcpTypeName and return the corresponding CandidateTcpType instance.
parse(String) - Static method in enum
Returns a CandidateType instance corresponding to the specified candidateTypeName.
parse(byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Creates new segment from the data in buffer which is processed by the protocol.
parse(String) - Static method in enum org.ice4j.Transport
Returns a Transport instance corresponding to the specified transportName.
parseOptions(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Parse and process option in given buffer/offset/length
parseSeg(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Method can be used in debugging utilities to parse PTCP segment
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Password attribute.
password - Variable in class
The password that we should use for the ice-pwd attribute.
password - Variable in class
password - Variable in class
The gingle candidates password necessary to use the TURN server.
password - Variable in class
The gingle candidates password necessary to use the TURN server.
password - Variable in class
The password of this LongTermCredential.
PASSWORD_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
PEER_ADDRESS_FAMILY_MISMATCH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Peer Address Family Mismatch error code.
peerAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
The TransportAddress of the peer to which this Channel provides a permission of this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket to send data to.
peerAddressEquals(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Determines whether the peerAddress property of this instance is considered by this Channel to be equal to a specific TransportAddress.
PeerReflexiveCandidate - Class in
Peer Reflexive Candidates are candidates whose IP address and port are a binding explicitly allocated by a NAT for an agent when it sent a STUN Binding request through the NAT to its peer.
PeerReflexiveCandidate(TransportAddress, Component, LocalCandidate, long) - Constructor for class
Creates a PeerReflexiveCandidate instance for the specified transport address and properties.
PeerUdpMessageEvent - Class in org.ice4j
The class is used to dispatch incoming UDP peer messages.
PeerUdpMessageEvent(StunStack, RawMessage) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
Initializes a new PeerUdpMessageEvent associated with a specific PeerUdp Message.
peerUdpMessageEventHandler - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
The instance that should be notified when an incoming UDP message has been processed and ready for delivery
PeerUdpMessageEventHandler - Interface in org.ice4j.stack
The interface is used for collecting incoming Peer UDP Message messages from the NetAccessManager (and more precisely - MessageProcessors) if it is of no other type.
performAttributeSpecificActions(Attribute, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Executes actions related specific attributes like asserting proper fingerprint checksum.
performConsentFreshness - Variable in class
The indicator which determines whether this Agent is to perform consent freshness.
PERMISSION_LIFETIME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The lifetime in milliseconds of a TURN permission created using a CreatePermission request.
PERMISSION_LIFETIME_LEEWAY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The time in milliseconds before a TURN permission expires that a RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket is to try to reinstall it.
persistent - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Whether this socket should be kept open even when all of its MultiplexedDatagramSocket are closed (if the value is true), or it should be closed when the last of its MultiplexedDatagramSocket is closed (if the value is false).
pkt - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.Buffer
poll() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Removes and returns the packet (T) at the head of this queue, if the queue is non-empty.
pool - Variable in class
A pool of Buffer instances used to avoid creating of new java objects.
pool - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class
The number of Buffer instances to keep in AbstractUdpListener.pool.
popTriggeredCheck() - Method in class
Returns the first CandidatePair in the triggered check queue or null if that queue is empty.
PORT_RESTRICTED_CONE_NAT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
NAT type is port restricted cone.
portNumberGenerator - Static variable in class
The random port number generator that we use in getRandomPortNumer()
preBuffered - Variable in class
Buffer to use if we had read some data in advance and want to process it after next read, used when we are checking for "pseudo" SSL and we haven't found some, but had read data to check for it.
preDiscoveredPairsQueue - Variable in class
The List of remote addresses that we have discovered through incoming connectivity checks, before actually receiving a session description from the peer and that may potentially contain peer reflexive addresses.
prepareForEncoding() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Adds attributes that have been requested vis configuration properties.
preRead - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.PreReadSocketChannel
The DatagramPacket which is to be prepended to the SocketChannel which is the BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.delegate of this DelegatingSocketChannel.
PreReadSocketChannel - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Prepends a DatagramPacket to a SocketChannel.
PreReadSocketChannel(DatagramPacket, SocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.PreReadSocketChannel
Initializes a new PreReadSocketChannel instance which is to prepend a specific DatagramPacket to a specific SocketChannel.
print() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
prioritizeCandidates() - Method in class
candidates are now being prioritized upon addition and calling this method is no longer necessary.
PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Priority attribute.
priority - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
The priority value specified in the attribute.
priority - Variable in class
A unique priority number that MUST be a positive integer between 1 and (2**32 - 1).
priority - Variable in class
Priority of the candidate-pair
PRIORITY_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
PriorityAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
This class is used to represent the PRIORITY attribute used for ICE processing This attribute is not in the original specification of STUN It is added as an extension to STUN to be used for ICE implementations PRIORITY attribute contains a 32 bit priority value It is used in stun binding requests sent from ICE-Agents to their peers
PriorityAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Creates a priority attribute.
process(Segment) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Process given segment
processChallenge(byte[], byte[], Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Notifies this StunCandidateHarvest that a specific STUN Request has been challenged for a long-term credential (as the short-term credential mechanism does not utilize challenging) in a specific realm and with a specific nonce.
processChallenge(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Notifies this StunCandidateHarvest that a specific STUN Response has been received and it challenges a specific STUN Request for a long-term credential (as the short-term credential mechanism does not utilize challenging).
processErrorOrFailure(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Notifies this StunCandidateHarvest that a specific Request has either received an error Response or has failed to receive any Response.
processErrorOrFailure(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Notifies this StunCandidateHarvest that a specific Request has either received an error Response or has failed to receive any Response.
processErrorOrFailure(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Notifies this StunCandidateHarvest that a specific Request has either received an error Response or has failed to receive any Response.
processErrorOrFailure(Response, Request) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Notifies this GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket that a specific Request it has sent has either failed or received a STUN error Response.
processErrorOrFailure(Response, Request) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Notifies this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket that a specific Request it has sent has either failed or received a STUN error Response.
processErrorResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class
In case of a role conflict, changes the state of the agent and reschedules the check, in all other cases sets the corresponding peer state to FAILED.
processFailure(BaseStunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.AbstractResponseCollector
Notifies this ResponseCollector that a transaction described by the specified BaseStunMessageEvent has failed.
processFailure(BaseStunMessageEvent) - Method in class
Notifies this ResponseCollector that a transaction described by the specified BaseStunMessageEvent has failed.
processFailure(BaseStunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Notifies this ResponseCollector that a transaction described by the specified BaseStunMessageEvent has failed.
processFirstDatagram(byte[], AbstractTcpListener.ChannelDesc, SelectionKey) - Method in class
Process the first RFC4571-framed datagram read from a socket.
processRequest(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class
Handles the Request delivered in evt by possibly queuing a triggered check and sending a success or an error response depending on how processing goes.
processRequest(StunMessageEvent) - Method in interface org.ice4j.stack.RequestListener
Called when delivering incoming STUN requests.
processResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class
Handles the response as per the procedures described in RFC 5245 or in other words, by either changing the state of the corresponding pair to FAILED, or SUCCEEDED, or rescheduling a check in case of a role conflict.
processResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class
Notifies this ResponseCollector that a STUN response described by the specified StunResponseEvent has been received.
processResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in interface org.ice4j.ResponseCollector
Dispatch the specified response.
processResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Dispatch the specified response.
processResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Dispatch the specified response.
processResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Dispatch the specified response.
processResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Saves the message event and notifies the discoverer thread so that it may resume.
processStaleNonce(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Handles a specific STUN error Response with error code "438 Stale Nonce" to a specific STUN Request.
processSuccess(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Handles a specific STUN success Response to a specific STUN Request.
processSuccess(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Handles a specific STUN success Response to a specific STUN Request.
processSuccess(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Handles a specific STUN success Response to a specific STUN Request.
processSuccess(Response, Request) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Notifies this GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket that a specific Request it has sent has received a STUN success Response.
processSuccess(Response, Request) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Notifies this GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket that a specific Request it has sent has received a STUN success Response.
processSuccess(Response, Request) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Notifies this GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket that a specific Request it has sent has received a STUN success Response.
processSuccess(Response, Request) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Notifies this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket that a specific Request it has sent has received a STUN success Response.
processSuccessResponse(StunResponseEvent) - Method in class
Handles STUN success responses as per the rules in RFC 5245.
processTimeout(StunTimeoutEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.AbstractResponseCollector
Notifies this collector that no response had been received after repeated retransmissions of the original request (as described by rfc3489) and that the request should be considered unanswered.
processTimeout(StunTimeoutEvent) - Method in class
Sets the state of the corresponding CandidatePair to CandidatePairState.FAILED and updates check list and timer states.
processTimeout(StunTimeoutEvent) - Method in interface org.ice4j.ResponseCollector
Notifies this collector that no response had been received after repeated retransmissions of the original request (as described by rfc3489) and that the request should be considered unanswered.
processTimeout(StunTimeoutEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Notifies this collector that no response had been received after repeated retransmissions of the original request (as described by rfc3489) and that the request should be considered unanswered.
processUnauthorized(Response, Request, TransactionID) - Method in class
Handles a specific STUN error Response with error code "401 Unauthorized" to a specific STUN Request.
processUnreachable(StunFailureEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.AbstractResponseCollector
Notifies this collector that the destination of the request has been determined to be unreachable and that the request should be considered unanswered.
PROPAGATE_RECEIVED_RETRANSMISSIONS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property that tells the stack whether or not it should let the application see retransmissions of incoming requests.
PROPERTY_CHECK_LIST_CHECKS - Static variable in class
The name of the PropertyChangeEvent that we use to deliver changes on the end of checks of this check list.
PROPERTY_CHECK_LIST_STATE - Static variable in class
The name of the PropertyChangeEvent that we use to deliver changes on the state of this check list.
PROPERTY_ICE_PROCESSING_STATE - Static variable in class
The name of the PropertyChangeEvent that we use to deliver events on changes in the state of ICE processing in this agent.
The property name that we use when delivering events notifying listeners that the consent freshness of a pair has changed.
PROPERTY_PAIR_NOMINATED - Static variable in class
The property name that we use when delivering events notifying listeners of newly nominated pairs.
PROPERTY_PAIR_STATE_CHANGED - Static variable in class
The property name that we use when delivering events notifying listeners that a pair has changed states.
PROPERTY_PAIR_VALIDATED - Static variable in class
The property name that we use when delivering events notifying listeners of newly validated pairs.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Tracks changes of state in IceMediaStreams and CheckLists.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Tracks end of checks of the CheckList.
prune(List<MappingCandidateHarvester>) - Static method in class
Prunes a list of mapping harvesters, removing the ones without valid addresses and those with duplicate addresses.
pruneCheckList(List<CandidatePair>) - Method in class
Removes or, as per the ICE spec, "prunes" pairs that we don't need to run checks for.
pruneNonMatchedStreams() - Method in class
Free()s and removes from this agent components or entire streams if they do not contain remote candidates.
PSEUDO_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Keepalive - disabled by default
pseudoTcp - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Pseudotcp logic instance
PseudoTCPBase - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Main protocol logic class.
PseudoTCPBase(PseudoTcpNotify, long) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
PseudoTcpInputStream() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
PseudoTcpJavaSocket - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
PseudoTcpJavaSocket(long) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpJavaSocket
PseudoTcpJavaSocket(long, DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpJavaSocket
PseudoTcpNotify - Interface in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Notification of tcp events.
PseudoTcpOutputStream() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpOutputStream
PseudoTcpSocket - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
PseudoTcpSocket(PseudoTcpSocketImpl) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
PseudoTcpSocketFactory - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
PseudoTcpSocketFactory() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketFactory
PseudoTcpSocketImpl - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
PseudoTcpSocketImpl(long, DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
PseudoTcpSocketImpl(long) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
This constructor creates DatagramSocket with random port.
PseudoTcpSocketImpl(long, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Binds DatagramSocket to given local_port
PseudoTcpSocketImpl(long, String, int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Creates DatagramSocket for local_ip:local_port
PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
This class implements
PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpOutputStream - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
PseudoTcpState - Enum in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
TCP states defined for pseudoTCP
PseudoTcpState() - Constructor for enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpState
PUBLIC_IP_URL - Static variable in class
The URL where one obtains AWS public addresses.
publicAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
PURGE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class
The constant which specifies how often to perform purging on TcpHarvester.components.
purgeComponents() - Method in class
Removes entries from TcpHarvester.components for which the WeakReference has been cleared.
purgeCounter - Variable in class
A counter used to decide when to purge TcpHarvester.components.
PushBackIceSocketWrapper(IceSocketWrapper, DatagramPacket) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new PushBackIceSocketWrapper instance that wraps around wrappedWrapper and reads from datagramSocket on the first call to AbstractTcpListener.PushBackIceSocketWrapper.receive(DatagramPacket)
putAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Puts the specified attribute into this message.


qAccept(SocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
Queues a SocketChannel for acceptance through this instance.
queue - Variable in class
The FIFO which acts as a buffer for this socket.
queue(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Enqueues data segment in the send buffer
queue - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
The queue to which packets received from this instance's socket are added.
queue - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The underlying Queue which holds packets.
QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class
queueConnectMessage() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Enqueues connect message
queueStatistics - Variable in class
The QueueStatistics instance optionally used to collect and print detailed statistics about AbstractUdpListener.MySocket.queue.
queueStatistics - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Optionally enabled QueueStatistics to keep track throughput of processing MessageProcessingTask
queueStatistics - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The QueueStatistics instance optionally used to collect and print detailed statistics about this queue.
QueueStatistics - Class in org.ice4j.util
QueueStatistics(String) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
Initializes a new QueueStatistics instance.


random - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
The object to use to generate the rightmost 8 bytes of the token.
random - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
The object to use to generate the rightmost 8 bytes of the id.
RateStatistics - Class in org.ice4j.util
This originally comes from but has been moved here so that it can be reused more easily.
RateStatistics(int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
Initializes a new RateStatistics instance with a default scale of 8000 (i.e.
RateStatistics(int, float) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
rawMessage - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Raw message which is being processed
RawMessage - Class in org.ice4j.stack
The class represents a binary STUN message as well as the address and port of the host that sent it and the address and port where it was received (locally).
RawMessage(byte[], int, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
Constructs a raw message with the specified field values.
rawMessage - Variable in class org.ice4j.StunMessageEvent
The message as we got it off the wire.
rawMessageProcessedHandler - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Callback which is invoked when this MessageProcessingTask processed it's MessageProcessingTask.rawMessage
read() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
There's no end of stream detection at the moment.
read(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
This method blocks until any data is available
read(byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Reads count bytes into out_buffer.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Read with buffer offset
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
read(ByteBuffer[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.PreReadSocketChannel
read() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
read(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
read() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
read0(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
read_notify - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Monitor object used to block threads on read operation.
read_pos - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Current read position
readFromChannel(AbstractTcpListener.ChannelDesc, SelectionKey) - Method in class
Tries to read, without blocking, from channel to its buffer.
readLimit(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Limits desiredReadCount to count that is actually available
readOffset(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Reads count bytes from buffer without storing new read position
readOp(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Utility method used for read operations
readQ - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The list of SocketChannels which have been accepted by this MuxingServerSocketChannel, are being read from, and have not been accepted by the DatagramPacketFilter of any MuxServerSocketChannel yet.
readSelector - Variable in class
The Selector used by AbstractTcpListener.readThread.
readSelector - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The Selector which waits for incoming packets on all SocketChannels in MuxingServerSocketChannel.readQ.
readSyncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
The Object which synchronizes the access to the read-related state of this instance.
readThread - Variable in class
The thread which reads from the already accepted sockets.
ReadThread() - Constructor for class
Initializes a new ReadThread.
readThread - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The Thread which waits for incoming packets on and reads them from all SocketChannels in MuxingServerSocketChannel.readQ.
readTimeout - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Write operations timeout in ms
REALM - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Realm attribute.
realm - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Realm value.
realm - Variable in class
The realm (i.e.
REALM_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
RealmAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The REALM attribute contains a text which meets the grammar for "realm value" as described in RFC3261 but without the double quotes.
RealmAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
realmEquals(byte[]) - Method in class
Determines whether the realm of this LongTermCredentialSession is equal to a specific realm.
reasonPhrase - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
The reason phrase is meant for user consumption, and can be anything appropriate for the response code.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Receives a DatagramPacket from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Reads the data from the first element of AbstractUdpListener.MySocket.queue into p.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Receives a DatagramPacket from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Receives a DatagramPacket from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Receives a DatagramPacket from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Receives a DatagramPacket from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Copies a packet from this MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer's queue into p.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedDatagramSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(MultiplexedDatagramSocket, DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Receives a DatagramPacket from this DatagramSocket upon request from a specific MultiplexedDatagramSocket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(MultiplexedSocket, DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Receives a DatagramPacket from this Socket upon request from a specific MultiplexedSocket.
receive(List<DatagramPacket>, DatagramPacket, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Receives a DatagramPacket from a specific list of DatagramPackets if it is not empty or from the network if the specified list is empty.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receive(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
receiveBufferSize - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
receiveBufferSize - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
The value of the SO_RCVBUF option for the associated DatagramSocket or Socket.
receiveChannelDataThread - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The Thread which receives DatagramPackets from RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.channelDataSocket and queues them in RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.packetsToReceive.
received - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedDatagramSocket
The list of DatagramPackets to be received through this DatagramSocket i.e.
received - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket
The list of DatagramPackets to be received through this Socket i.e.
received - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
The list of DatagramPackets to be received through this DatagramSocket i.e.
received - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
The list of DatagramPackets to be received through this Socket i.e.
receivedTime - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.Buffer
The time at which this buffer was filled.
receiveFromChannel(SocketChannel, DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Receives an RFC4571-formatted frame from channel into p, and sets p's port and address to the remote port and address of this Socket.
receiveFromInputStream(DatagramPacket, InputStream, InetAddress, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Receives an RFC4571-formatted frame from inputStream into p, and sets p's port and address to port and inetAddress.
receiveLock - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Calls to MergingDatagramSocket.receive( will wait on this object in case no packet is available for reading.
receivePackets() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Receives packets from the network and passes them to TCP logic class
receiveSyncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
The Object which synchronizes the access to MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport.inReceive.
receiveThread - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Thread receiving packets from the network
recomputePairPriorities() - Method in class
Recomputes priorities of all pairs in this CheckList.
recv(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Reads the data available in receive buffer.
recv(byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Reads the data available in receive buffer.
REFLECTED_FROM - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Reflected from attribute.
REFLECTED_FROM_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ReflectedFromAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The REFLECTED-FROM attribute is present only in Binding Responses, when the Binding Request contained a RESPONSE-ADDRESS attribute.
ReflectedFromAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ReflectedFromAttribute
Creates a REFLECTED-FROM attribute
REFRESH_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN refresh error response code.
REFRESH_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN refresh request code.
REFRESH_REQUEST_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
REFRESH_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN refresh response code.
REFRESH_RESPONSE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
registerAuthority(CredentialsAuthority) - Method in class
Adds authority to the list of CredentialsAuthoritys registered with this manager.
relatedCandidate - Variable in class
The related candidate: - null for a host candidate, - the base address (host candidate) for a reflexive candidate, - the mapped address (the mapped address of the TURN allocate response) for a relayed candidate.
RelayedCandidate - Class in
Represents a Candidate obtained by sending a TURN Allocate request from a HostCandidate to a TURN server.
RelayedCandidate(TransportAddress, TurnCandidateHarvest, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new RelayedCandidate which is to represent a specific TransportAddress harvested through a specific HostCandidate and a TURN server with a specific TransportAddress.
relayedCandidate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The GoogleRelayedCandidate which uses this instance as the value of its socket property.
relayedCandidate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
The GoogleRelayedCandidate which uses this instance as the value of its socket property.
relayedCandidate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The RelayedCandidate which uses this instance as the value of its socket property.
relayedCandidateDatagramSocket - Variable in class
The RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket of this GoogleRelayedCandidate.
relayedCandidateDatagramSocket - Variable in class
The RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket of this RelayedCandidate.
RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents an application-purposed (as opposed to an ICE-specific) DatagramSocket for a RelayedCandidate harvested by a TurnCandidateHarvest (and its associated TurnCandidateHarvester, of course).
RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket(RelayedCandidate, TurnCandidateHarvest) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Initializes a new RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket instance which is to be the socket of a specific RelayedCandidate harvested by a specific TurnCandidateHarvest.
RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a channel which relays data sent through this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket to a specific TransportAddress via the TURN server associated with this RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.
relayedCandidateSocket - Variable in class
The RelayedCandidateSocket of this GoogleRelayedCandidate.
RelayedCandidateTask(CandidatePair) - Constructor for class
relayServerAddress - Variable in class
The address of the relay server (i.e.
releaseAllLocks() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Releases all monitor objects so that the threads will check their "run flags"
REMOTE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Destination address attribute.
remoteAddr - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Current socket address of remote socket that we are connected to
remoteAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
Remote address causing this event.
remoteAddress - Variable in class
The remote address that is associated with this socket.
remoteAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
The remote address of the last received packet.
remoteAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
The remote address of the socket of this Connector if it is a TCP socket, or null if it is UDP.
remoteAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.RawMessage
The address and port where the message was sent from.
RemoteAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The REMOTE-ADDRESS is present in Data Indication of old TURN versions.
RemoteAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.RemoteAddressAttribute
remoteCandidate - Variable in class
The remote candidate of this pair.
RemoteCandidate - Class in
RemoteCandidates are candidates that an agent received in an offer or an answer from its peer, and that it would use to form candidate pairs after combining them with its local candidates.
RemoteCandidate(TransportAddress, Component, CandidateType, String, long, RemoteCandidate) - Constructor for class
Creates a RemoteCandidate instance for the specified transport address and properties.
RemoteCandidate(TransportAddress, Component, CandidateType, String, long, RemoteCandidate, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a RemoteCandidate instance for the specified transport address and properties.
remoteCandidates - Variable in class
The list of candidates that the peer agent sent for this stream.
remotePassword - Variable in class
The password that we received from the remote party.
remoteUfrag - Variable in class
The user fragment that we received from the remote party.
remoteUpdateCandidates - Variable in class
The list of candidates that the peer agent sent for this stream after connectivity establishment.
remove(DatagramSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Removes a specific DatagramSocket from the list of sockets merged by this MergingDatagramSocket.
remove(DelegatingSocket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Removes a specific DelegatingSocket from the list of sockets merged by this MergingDatagramSocket.
remove(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
remove(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
Registers the removal of a packet from the corresponding queue.
removeAllListeners() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Removes (absolutely all listeners for this event dispatcher).
removeAttribute(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Removes the specified attribute.
removeChecksListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Remove a CheckListener.
removeClientTransaction(StunClientTransaction) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Removes a client transaction from this providers client transactions list.
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class
Removes component and all its Candidates from the this stream and releases all associated resources that they had allocated (like sockets for example)
removeIndicationListener(TransportAddress, MessageEventHandler) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Removes an existing MessageEventHandler to no longer be notified about STUN indications received at a specific local TransportAddress.
removeMessageListener(EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler<?>) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Unregisters a specific MessageTypeEventHandler from notifications about received STUN messages.
removeMessageListener(TransportAddress, EventDispatcher.MessageTypeEventHandler<?>) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Unregisters a specific MessageTypeEventHandler from notifications about STUN messages received at a specific local TransportAddress.
removePairStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Removes l from the list of listeners registered for property changes.
removeRates - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
removeRateStatistics - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
Calculate the average rate of removal of packets in a 200ms window.
removeRequestListener(RequestListener) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Remove a RquestListener from the listener list.
removeRequestListener(TransportAddress, RequestListener) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher
Remove a RequestListener for a specific NetAccessPointDescriptor.
removeRequestListener(RequestListener) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Removes the specified listener from the local listener list.
removeServerTransaction(StunServerTransaction) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Removes a server transaction from this provider's server transactions list.
removeSocket(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Stops and deletes the specified access point.
removeSocket(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Stops and deletes the connector listening on the specified local address.
removeSocket(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Stops and deletes the connector listening on the specified local address and remote address.
removeStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Removes l from the list of listeners tracking changes of the IceProcessingState of this Agent
removeStateChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Removes l from the list of listeners tracking changes of the CheckListState of this CheckList
removeStream(IceMediaStream) - Method in class
Removes stream and all its child Components and Candidates from the this agent and releases all resources that they had allocated (like sockets for example)
repairRoleConflict(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class
Resolves a role conflicts by either sending a 487 Role Conflict response or by changing this server's parent agent role.
Request - Class in org.ice4j.message
A request descendant of the message class.
Request() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.message.Request
request - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The request that we are retransmitting.
request - Variable in class org.ice4j.StunResponseEvent
The original Request that started the client transaction that the Response carried in this event belongs to.
REQUEST_METHOD_BYTES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter
REQUEST_METHOD_MAX_CHAR - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter
The maximum US-ASCII character with which an element of HttpDemuxFilter.REQUEST_METHOD_STRINGS starts.
REQUEST_METHOD_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter
The maximum length in bytes of a US-ASCII representation of an HTTP request method supported by the class HttpDemuxFilter.
REQUEST_METHOD_MIN_CHAR - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter
The minimum US-ASCII character with which an element of HttpDemuxFilter.REQUEST_METHOD_STRINGS starts.
REQUEST_METHOD_STRINGS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter
The HTTP request methods recognized by the class HttpDemuxFilter.
requestDestination - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The destination of the request.
REQUESTED_ADDRESS_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Requested Address Family attribute.
REQUESTED_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Requested transport attribute.
REQUESTED_TRANSPORT_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The requested address family attribute defined in RFC 6156.
RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
RequestedTransportAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The REQUESTED-TRANSPORT attribute is used to allocate a TURN address of certain transport protocol.
RequestedTransportAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
RequestListener - Interface in org.ice4j.stack
Handles incoming requests.
RequestListenerMessageEventHandler(RequestListener) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.EventDispatcher.RequestListenerMessageEventHandler
Initializes a new RequestListenerMessageEventHandler which is to implement MessageEventHandler for a specific RequestListener.
requests - Variable in class
The STUN Requests which have been sent by this instance, have not received a STUN Response yet and have not timed out.
requestSender - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
A utility used to flatten the multi thread architecture of the Stack and execute the discovery process in a synchronized manner
requestSender - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
A utility used to flatten the multi-threaded architecture of the Stack and execute the discovery process in a synchronized manner
requestSource - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The address that we are receiving requests from.
requestToStartResolvingCandidate - Variable in class
requestToStartResolvingCandidate - Variable in class
The Request created by the last call to TurnCandidateHarvest.createRequestToStartResolvingCandidate().
REQUIRE_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
Tells the stack whether to reject all incoming requests that do not carry a MESSAGE-INTEGRITY header.
RESERVATION_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Reservation token attribute.
RESERVATION_TOKEN_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
reservationToken - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
ReservationToken value.
ReservationTokenAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The RESERVATION-TOKEN attribute contains a token that identifies a reservation port on a TURN server.
ReservationTokenAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
reset() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
reset() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.Buffer
reset() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
resetReadPosition() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
resetState() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Performs proper reset of internal state of pooled instance.
resetWritePosition() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
resizeReceiveBuffer(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Resizes receive buffer to new_size
resizeSendBuffer(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Resizes send buffer to new_size
Response - Class in org.ice4j.message
A response descendant of the message class.
Response() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.message.Response
response - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The response sent in response to the request.
RESPONSE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Response address attribute.
RESPONSE_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
ResponseAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The RESPONSE-ADDRESS attribute indicates where the response to a Binding Request should be sent.
ResponseAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.ResponseAddressAttribute
Creates a RESPONSE_ADDRESS attribute
ResponseCollector - Interface in org.ice4j
The interface is used as a callback when sending a request.
responseCollector - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The instance to notify when a response has been received in the current transaction or when it has timed out.
responseDestination - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The address that we are sending responses to.
responseEvent - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
The StunMessageEvent that contains the response matching our request.
RESTRICTED_CONE_NAT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
NAT type is Restricted Cone.
retransmissionAttempt - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
The scheduled runnable that perform retransmit attempt
retransmissionCounter - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
Current number of retransmission attempts
retransmissionFuture - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
Currently scheduled retransmission task
retransmissionThreadPool - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The pool of Threads which retransmit StunClientTransactions.
retransmitResponse() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Retransmits the response that was originally sent to the request that caused this transaction.
retransmitter - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
A transaction request retransmitter
Retransmitter() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
RFC3489_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The length of the RFC3489 transaction id (in bytes).
RFC3489_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
RFC3489 Transaction ID length.
rfc3489CompatibilityMode - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Attribute presentity is a thing of RFC 3489 and no longer exists in 5389.
RFC5389_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
RFC5289 Transaction ID length.
rFlag - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
R flag.
ROLE_CONFLICT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Role conflict error code.
rootSync - Variable in class
Synchronization object.
RSegment - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Class used internally as a structure for receive segments
RSegment(long, long) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.RSegment
RTCP - Static variable in class
The component ID to use with RTCP streams.
RTCP - Static variable in class
The name of the SDP attribute that contains RTCP address and port.
RtcpDemuxPacketFilter - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a DatagramPacketFilter which only accepts DatagramPackets which represent RTCP messages according to the rules described in RFC5761.
RtcpDemuxPacketFilter() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.RtcpDemuxPacketFilter
RTP - Static variable in class
The component ID to use with RTP streams.
run() - Method in class
Task entry point.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
Runs the actual harvesting for this component
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
Thread Entry point.
run() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper.ThreadAccept
Thread entry point.
run() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
The listening thread's run method.
run() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Does the message parsing.
runClock - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
The run flag for clock thread
runClock() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Method runs cyclic notification about time progress for TCP logic class It runs in a separate thread
runInAcceptThread() - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Runs in MuxingServerSocketChannel.acceptThread and waits for and accepts incoming network connections on all MuxingServerSocketChannel.muxingServerSocketChannels.
runInHarvesterThread() - Method in class
Perpetually reads datagrams from AbstractUdpListener.socket and handles them accordingly.
runInReaderThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Reads from the underlying socket and adds the read packets to MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.queue.
runInReadingThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
Perpetually reads packets from this PacketQueue and uses PacketQueue.handler on each of them.
runInReadThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
runInReceiveChannelDataThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
runInSelectorThread(Object, Supplier<Thread>, Supplier<Selector>, int, Iterable<T>, BiPredicate<T, SelectionKey>) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Continually tests a Predicate on a set of SelectableChannels.
runInSendKeepAliveMessageThread() - Method in class
Runs in StunCandidateHarvest.sendKeepAliveMessageThread and sends STUN keep-alive Messages to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance.
runInSendThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
runInSendThread() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
runnableCheck - Variable in class
Execute STUN keep-alive checks
running - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
A flag that is set to false to exit the message processor.
RUNNING_ON_EC2 - Static variable in class
Whether we are running on Amazon EC2.
runReceive - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Flag which enables packets receive thread


SafeCloseDatagramSocket - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Represents a DatagramSocket which fixes the following problem: when DatagramSocket.close() is called while another thread is blocked in its DatagramSocket.receive(DatagramPacket), calling DatagramSocket.bind(SocketAddress) throws an "Already bound" exception until (the native counterpart of) the receive method returns.
SafeCloseDatagramSocket() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
Initializes a new SafeCloseDatagramSocket instance and binds it to any available port on the local host machine.
SafeCloseDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
Initializes a new SafeCloseDatagramSocket instance which to implement the DatagramSocket functionality by delegating to a specific DatagramSocket.
SafeCloseDatagramSocket(int) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
Initializes a new SafeCloseDatagramSocket instance and binds it to the specified port on the local host machine.
SafeCloseDatagramSocket(int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
Initializes a new SafeCloseDatagramSocket instance bound to the specified local address.
SafeCloseDatagramSocket(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.SafeCloseDatagramSocket
Creates a datagram socket, bound to the specified local socket address.
SCALE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
The scale to use for RateStatistics.
scale - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
To convert counts/ms to desired units.
schedule() - Method in class
Schedules execution of periodic task which performs STUN keep-alive checks
schedule() - Method in class
Schedules execution of checks for check list
schedule() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
Schedules STUN transaction retransmission
schedule() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack.ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector
Schedules repeated collector execution in background task executor.
scheduleAccept(MuxingServerSocketChannel) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Schedules a specific MuxingServerSocketChannel for acceptance of incoming network connections in MuxingServerSocketChannel.acceptThread.
scheduleClockTask(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
scheduledCheck - Variable in class
scheduledCollectorFuture - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack.ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector
scheduledExecutorService - Variable in class
A scheduled executor service to perform scheduled task of the client
scheduleRead(SocketChannel) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
Queues a specific SocketChannel to be read and demultiplexed into a MuxServerSocketChannel.
scheduleStunKeepAlive() - Method in class
Schedules repeated background task which sends STUN keep-alives once this Agent is COMPLETED.
scheduleTermination() - Method in class
Initializes and starts the Agent.terminationFuture
scheduleTriggeredCheck(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Adds pair to the local triggered check queue unless it's already there.
scrollBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
sdpFactory - Static variable in class
A reference to the currently valid SDP factory instance.
Segment - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Class used as a segment structure
Segment() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
segToStr(Segment) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Can be used to convert segments to text
selectDefaultCandidate() - Method in class
Selects a Candidate that should be considered as the default for this Component.
selectedPair - Variable in class
The pair that has been selected for use by ICE processing
selector - Variable in class
The Selector used to select a specific ServerSocketChannel which is ready to accept.
SELECTOR_SELECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The maximum number of milliseconds to wait in a
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Sends a DatagramPacket from this socket It is a utility method to provide a common way to send for both UDP and TCP socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Delegates to the actual socket of the harvester.
send(byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Enqueues data in the send buffer
send(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Enqueues data in the send buffer
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Sends a datagram packet from this socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Send a datagram packet from this socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Sends a datagram packet from this socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
Sends a datagram packet from this socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
Sends a datagram packet from this socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceSocketWrapper
Sends a DatagramPacket from this socket It is a utility method to provide a common way to send for both UDP and TCP socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
Sends a DatagramPacket from this socket It is a utility method to provide a common way to send for both UDP and TCP socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Sends a DatagramPacket from this socket It is a utility method to provide a common way to send for both UDP and TCP socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Sends a DatagramPacket from this socket It is a utility method to provide a common way to send for both UDP and TCP socket.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket

The current implementation delegates to the first container, but this is subject to change.

send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
send(DatagramPacket, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Sends a specific DatagramPacket through this Channel to a specific peer TransportAddress.
send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Sends a datagram packet from this socket.
SEND_INDICATION - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN send indication code.
SEND_INDICATION_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The value of the sendKeepAliveMessage property of StunCandidateHarvest which specifies that no sending of STUN keep-alive messages is to performed for the purposes of keeping the Candidates harvested by the StunCandidateHarvester in question alive.
SEND_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Send request.
sendBindingIndicationForPair(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Creates a STUN Binding Indication to a candidate pair.
sendChannelData(ChannelData, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends a specific STUN Indication to a specific destination TransportAddress through a socket registered with this StunStack using a specific TransportAddress.
SendFlags - Enum in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Send flags used internally
SendFlags() - Constructor for enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SendFlags
sendIndication(Indication, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends a specific STUN Indication to a specific destination TransportAddress through a socket registered with this StunStack using a specific TransportAddress.
sendKeepAliveMessage() - Method in class
Sends a new STUN Message to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep a LocalCandidate harvested by this instance alive.
sendKeepAliveMessage(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Sends a new STUN Message to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep a specific LocalCandidate alive.
sendKeepAliveMessageInterval - Variable in class
The interval in milliseconds at which a new STUN keep-alive message is to be sent to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep one of the Candidates harvested by this instance alive.
sendKeepAliveMessageSyncRoot - Variable in class
The Object used to synchronize access to the members related to the sending of STUN keep-alive messages to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance.
sendKeepAliveMessageThread - Variable in class
The Thread which sends the STUN keep-alive messages to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep the Candidates harvested by this instance alive.
SendKeepAliveMessageThread(StunCandidateHarvest) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new SendKeepAliveMessageThread instance with a specific StunCandidateHarvest.
sendKeepAliveMessageTime - Variable in class
The time (stamp) in milliseconds of the last call to StunCandidateHarvest.sendKeepAliveMessage() which completed without throwing an exception.
sendLock - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
A lock object that we are using to synchronize sending.
sendMessage(byte[], TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Sends message through this access point's socket.
sendMessage(Message, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Sends the specified stun message through the specified access point.
sendMessage(ChannelData, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Sends the specified stun message through the specified access point.
sendMessage(byte[], TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Sends the specified bytes through the specified access point.
sendRequest(Request, boolean, TransactionID) - Method in class
Sends a specific Request to the STUN server associated with this StunCandidateHarvest.
sendRequest(RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket, Request) - Method in class
Sends a specific Request on behalf of a specific RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket to the TURN server associated with this TurnCandidateHarvest.
sendRequest() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Sends the request and schedules the first retransmission for after StunClientTransaction.originalWaitInterval and thus starts the retransmission algorithm.
sendRequest(Request, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, ResponseCollector) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends the specified request through the specified access point, and registers the specified ResponseCollector for later notification.
sendRequest(Request, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, ResponseCollector, TransactionID) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends the specified request through the specified access point, and registers the specified ResponseCollector for later notification.
sendRequest(Request, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, ResponseCollector, TransactionID, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends the specified request through the specified access point, and registers the specified ResponseCollector for later notification.
sendRequest(Request, TransportAddress, DatagramSocket, ResponseCollector) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends the specified request through the specified access point, and registers the specified ResponseCollector for later notification.
sendRequest0() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Simply calls the sendMessage method of the accessmanager.
sendRequestAndWaitForResponse(Request, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Sends the specified request and blocks until a response has been received or the request transaction has timed out.
sendRequestAndWaitForResponse(Request, TransportAddress, TransactionID) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
Sends the specified request and blocks until a response has been received or the request transaction has timed out with given transactionID.
sendResponse(Response, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Sends the specified response through the sendThrough NetAccessPoint descriptor to the specified destination and changes the transaction's state to retransmitting.
sendResponse(byte[], Response, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends the specified response message through the specified access point.
sendThread - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
The Thread which is to send the GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate.packetsToSend to the associated TURN server.
sendThread - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The Thread which is to send the RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.packetsToSend to the associated TURN server.
sendUdpMessage(RawMessage, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Sends a specific STUN Indication to a specific destination TransportAddress through a socket registered with this StunStack using a specific TransportAddress.
sendUrgentData(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Send one byte of urgent data on the socket.
sendUrgentData(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
seq - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.RSegment
seq - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
seq - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SSegment
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
A dummy version UID to suppress warnings.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
A dummy version UID to suppress warnings.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class
A dummy serialization id.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class
This class's serial version uid.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
A dummy version UID to suppress warnings.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Serial version UID for this Serializable class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StunFailureEvent
Serial version UID for this Serializable class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StunMessageEvent
Serial version UID for this Serializable class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StunResponseEvent
Serial version UID for this Serializable class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StunTimeoutEvent
Serial version UID for this Serializable class.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
our serial version UID;
SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Server error code.
serverAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
The address of the stun server
serverAddress - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
The address of the stun server
ServerReflexiveCandidate - Class in
ServerReflexiveCandidates are candidates whose IP address and port are a binding allocated by a NAT for an agent when it sent a packet through the NAT to a server.
ServerReflexiveCandidate(TransportAddress, HostCandidate, TransportAddress, CandidateExtendedType) - Constructor for class
Creates a ServerReflexiveCandidate for the specified transport address, and base.
ServerReflexiveCandidate(TransportAddress, HostCandidate, TransportAddress, StunCandidateHarvest, CandidateExtendedType) - Constructor for class
Creates a ServerReflexiveCandidate for the specified transport address, and base.
serverSocket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
The wrapped TCP ServerSocket.
serverSocketChannels - Variable in class
The list of ServerSocketChannels that we will accept on.
serverTransactions - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Currently open server transactions.
sessionsSyncRoot - Variable in class
The object used to synchronize access to the collection of sessions that the implementation of this class uses.
setAddress(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Sets address to be the address transported by this attribute.
setAddress(TransportAddress, byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.XorMappedAddressAttribute
Applies a XOR mask to the specified address and then sets it as the value transported by this attribute.
setApplicationData(Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Stores applicationData in this ID so that we can refer back to it if we ever need to at a later stage (e.g.
setAttributeType(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.AddressAttribute
Sets it as this attribute's type.
setAttributeType(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Sets the attribute's type.
setBase(T) - Method in class
Sets this Candidate's base.
setBody(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.OptionalAttribute
Copies the speicified byte array segment as the body of this attribute.
setBound(boolean, byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Sets the indicator which determines whether this Channel is bound/installed.
setBroadcast(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Enables/disables SO_BROADCAST.
setCandidateType(CandidateType) - Method in class
Sets the type of this candidate which should be an instance of the CandidateType enumeration.
setCapacity(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Sets new buffer's capacity
setChangeIpFlag(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Sets the value of the changeIpFlag.
setChangePortFlag(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChangeRequestAttribute
Sets the value of the changePortFlag.
setChannelBound(Request, boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Sets the bound property of a Channel the installation of which has been attempted by sending a specific Request.
setChannelDataIsPreferred(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Sets the indicator which determines whether this Channel is set to prefer sending DatagramPackets using TURN ChannelData messages instead of Send indications.
setChannelNumber(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ChannelNumberAttribute
Set the channel number.
setChannelNumber(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Set the channel number
setChannelNumberIsConfirmed(boolean, byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.Channel
Sets the indicator which determines whether the associated TURN server has confirmed the allocation of the channelNumber of this Channel by us receiving a success Response to our ChannelBind Request.
setChannelNumberIsConfirmed(Request, boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
Sets the channelNumberIsConfirmed property of a Channel which has attempted to allocate a specific channel number by sending a specific ChannelBind Request.
setConnectionIdValue(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ConnectionIdAttribute
Sets the Connection-Id Value
setConsentFreshness() - Method in class
Sets the time in milliseconds of the latest consent freshness confirmation to now.
setConsentFreshness(long) - Method in class
Sets the time in milliseconds of the latest consent freshness confirmation to a specific time.
setControlling(boolean) - Method in class
Specifies whether this agent has the controlling role in an ICE exchange.
setConversationID(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
setConversationID(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Set conversation ID for the socket Must be called on unconnected socket
setConversationID(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
setData(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.DataAttribute
Copies the specified binary array into the the data value of the data attribute.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Set the data.
setDebugName(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Sets debug name that will be displayed in log messages for this socket
setDebugName(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Sets debug name that will be displayed in log messages for this socket
setDefaultDelegateFactory(DatagramSocketFactory) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
If a factory is provided, then any new instances of DelegatingDatagramSocket will automatically use a socket from the factory instead of the super class.
setDefaultReceiveBufferSize(int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Specifies a default receive buffer size for the underlying sockets.
setDefaultRemoteCandidate(Candidate<?>) - Method in class
Sets the Candidate that the remote party has reported as default for this Component.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the indicator which determines whether CandidateHarvester.harvest(Component) is to be called on the associated CandidateHarvester.
setErrorClass(byte) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Sets this error's error class.
setErrorCode(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
A convenience method that sets error class and number according to the specified errorCode.The class represents the hundreds digit of the error code.
setErrorNumber(byte) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Sets this attribute's error number.
setExtendedType(CandidateExtendedType) - Method in class
Sets the type of method used to discover this candidate ("host", "upnp", "stun peer reflexive", "stun server reflexive", "turn relayed", "google turn relayed", "google tcp turn relayed" or "jingle node").
setFamily(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute
Sets the address family value
setFoundation(String) - Method in class
Sets this Candidate's foundation.
setGeneration(int) - Method in class
Specifies the current generation of this ICE Agent.
setIceCredentials(SessionDescription, String, String) - Static method in class
Sets the specified ICE user fragment and password as attributes of the specified session description.
setID(int) - Method in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Sets the identifier of the error that caused the exception.
setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setLevel(Level) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Sets the logging Level for this Logger.
setLifetime(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.LifetimeAttribute
Set the lifetime.
setLocalCandidate(LocalCandidate) - Method in class
Sets the LocalCandidate of this CandidatePair.
setLocationInMessage(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
For attributes that have arriving in incoming messages, this method stores their original location in the binary array so that we could later more easily verify attributes like MESSAGE-INTEGRITY.
setLoggingLevel(Level) - Method in class
Sets the logging level for this Agent and its components.
setMappedAddress(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Sets the address that was returned to us a "mapped address" from a TURN or a STUN server in case this Candidate is relayed.
setMaxCheckListSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the maximum number of pairs that we should have in our check list.
setMedia(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Sets the media name that we should use to get the corresponding remote key (short-term authentication only).
setMessage(RawMessage, Consumer<MessageProcessingTask>) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.MessageProcessingTask
Assigns the RawMessage that will be processed by this MessageProcessingTask on executor's thread.
setMessageType(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Indication
Checks whether indicationType is a valid indication type and if yes sets it as the type of this instance.
setMessageType(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Sets this message's type to be messageType.
setMessageType(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Request
Checks whether requestType is a valid request type and if yes sets it as the type of the current instance.
setMessageType(char) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Response
Checks whether responseType is a valid response type and if yes sets it as the type of the current instance.
setMTU(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
Sets MTU (maximum transmission unit) value
setMTU(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Sets the MTU parameter for this socket
setName(String) - Method in class
Specifies the name of the associated harvester.
setName(String) - Method in class
Does nothing .
setNatType(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Sets the type of the NAT indicated by the report.
setNominationStrategy(NominationStrategy) - Method in class
Specifies the NominationStrategy that we should use in order to decide if and when we should nominate valid pairs.
setNonce(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.NonceAttribute
Copies the specified binary array into the the data value of the nonce attribute.
setNonce(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the value of the NONCE attribute to be associated with the use of the LongTermCredential represented by this instance.
setOOBInline(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setOption(Option, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Sets Option value
setOption(Option, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
setOption(int, Object) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
setOption(SocketOption<U>, U) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
Forwards to BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel.delegate and returns this.
setOption(SocketOption<U>, U) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
Forwards to BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.delegate and returns this.
setOriginalInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
Set original InputStream.
setPacketLogger(PacketLogger) - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Setting a packet logger for the stack.
setPerformancePreferences(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
setPerformancePreferences(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
setPerformancePreferences(int, int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setPerformConsentFreshness(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the indicator which determines whether this Agent is to perform consent freshness.
setPriority(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.PriorityAttribute
Sets the priority of the PRIORITY Attribute with the specified value
setPriority(long) - Method in class
Sets the priority of this RemoteCandidate.
setPTCPOption(Option, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
setPublicAddress(TransportAddress) - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Sets a public address.
setRealm(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RealmAttribute
Copies the specified binary array into the the data value of the realm attribute.
setReasonPhrase(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Set's a reason phrase.
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value for this DatagramSocket.
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value for this DatagramSocket.
setReceiveBufferSize - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
The indicator which determines whether DatagramSocket.setReceiveBufferSize(int) is to be invoked with the value of MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport.receiveBufferSize.
setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value for this socket.
setRelayServerAddress(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Sets the address of the relay server (i.e.
setRemoteCandidate(RemoteCandidate) - Method in class
Sets the RemoteCandidate of this CandidatePair.
setRemotePassword(String) - Method in class
Specifies the password that we received from the remote peer.
setRemoteUfrag(String) - Method in class
Specifies the user name that we received from the remote peer.
setRequestedTransport(byte) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Set the transport protocol.
setReservationToken(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Copies the specified binary array into the the reservationToken value of the reservationToken attribute.
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Enables/disables the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setRFlag(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.EvenPortAttribute
Set the R flag.
setSelectedPair(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Sets the CandidatePair selected for use by ICE processing and that the application would use.
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Sets the SO_SNDBUF option to the specified value for this DatagramSocket.
setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setSendKeepAliveMessageInterval(long) - Method in class
Sets the interval in milliseconds at which a new STUN keep-alive message is to be sent to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance in order to keep one of the Candidates harvested by this instance alive.
setSoftware(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Copies the specified binary array into the the data value of the software attribute.
setSoLinger(boolean, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Enables/disables SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Enables/disables SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
setSSL(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the 'ssl' flag.
setState(IceProcessingState) - Method in class
Sets the IceProcessingState of this Agent to newState and triggers the corresponding change event.
setState(CandidatePairState, TransactionID) - Method in class
Sets the CandidatePairState of this pair to state.
setState(CheckListState) - Method in class
Sets the state of this list.
setStateFailed() - Method in class
Sets the CandidatePairState of this pair to CandidatePairState.FAILED.
setStateFrozen() - Method in class
Sets the CandidatePairState of this pair to CandidatePairState.FROZEN.
setStateInProgress(TransactionID) - Method in class
Sets the CandidatePairState of this pair to CandidatePairState.FROZEN.
setStateSucceeded() - Method in class
Sets the CandidatePairState of this pair to CandidatePairState.SUCCEEDED.
setStateWaiting() - Method in class
Sets the CandidatePairState of this pair to CandidatePairState.WAITING.
setStrategy(NominationStrategy) - Method in class
The NominationStrategy that this nominator should use when deciding whether or not a valid CandidatePair is suitable for nomination.
setStunServerAddress(TransportAddress) - Method in class
Sets the address of the STUN server that was used to obtain this Candidate.
setStunStack(StunStack) - Method in class
Sets the StunStack used by this Agent.
setTa(long) - Method in class
Lets the application specify a custom value for the Ta timer so that we don't calculate one.
setTarget(DatagramPacket) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Sets the SocketAddress of pkt to the remote address that this MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer should send packets to.
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setTcpType(CandidateTcpType) - Method in class
Sets the CandidateTcpType for this Candidate.
setTieBreaker(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
Sets the tie-breaker value.
setTieBreaker(long) - Method in class
Sets the tie breaker value.
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingDatagramSocket
Sets traffic class or type-of-service octet in the IP datagram header for datagrams sent from this DatagramSocket.
setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
setTransactionID(TransactionID) - Method in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
Allows descendants of this class to set the transaction ID so that we don't need to look it up later.
setTransactionID(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Copies the specified tranID and sets it as this message's transactionID.
setTrickling(boolean) - Method in class
Determines whether this agent will trickle candidates rather than gather them synchronously while components are being added.
setUfrag(String) - Method in class
Set the local ufrag.
setUseCandidateReceived() - Method in class
Raises the useCandidate flag for this pair.
setUseCandidateSent() - Method in class
Raises the useCandidateSent flag for this pair.
setUseHostHarvester(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag which indicates whether the dynamic host harvester will be used or not by this Agent.
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
Sets the username that we should use to obtain an encryption key (password) that the MessageIntegrityAttribute.encode() method should use when creating the content of this message.
setUsername(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Copies the specified binary array into the the data value of the username attribute.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Parses the value of this attribute.
setVirtual(boolean) - Method in class
Specifies whether the address associated with this candidate belongs to a VPN interface.
severe(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message with level Level.SEVERE, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured for this Logger.
SHARED_SECRET_ERROR_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN shared secret error response.
SHARED_SECRET_ERROR_RESPONSE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
SHARED_SECRET_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN shared secret request.
SHARED_SECRET_REQUEST_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
SHARED_SECRET_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN shared secret response.
SHARED_SECRET_RESPONSE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
short_to_bytes(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Stores 16 bit unsigned int in the buffer at specified offset
shortTermCredentialUsername - Variable in class
The username used by this StunCandidateHarvester for the purposes of the STUN short-term credential mechanism.
shouldRunStunKeepAlive() - Method in class
Determines whether Agent.stunKeepAliveRunner should run.
shutdown - Variable in class
Indicates that ICE will be shutdown.
shutDown() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Cancels all running transactions and prepares for garbage collection
shutDown() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Shuts down the underlying stack and prepares the object for garbage collection.
shutDown() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
Shuts down the underlying stack and prepares the object for garbage collection.
shutdownInput() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
shutdownInput() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
Forwards to BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.delegate and returns this.
shutdownInput() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
Forwards to BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.delegate and returns this.
shutdownOutput() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
SimpleAddressDetector - Class in org.ice4j.stunclient
The class provides basic means of discovering a public IP address.
SimpleAddressDetector(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
Creates a StunAddressDiscoverer.
SinglePortUdpHarvester - Class in
A harvester implementation which binds to a single DatagramSocket and provides local candidates of type "host".
SinglePortUdpHarvester(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new SinglePortUdpHarvester instance which is to bind on the specified local address.
SinglePortUdpHarvester.MyCandidate - Class in
Implements a Candidate for the purposes of this SinglePortUdpHarvester.
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of foundation Strings that are currently tracked by the registry.
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of CandidateHarvesters which are elements in this CandidateHarvesterSet.
size - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
The (total) size in bytes of this receive buffer.
size - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
sizes - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
skip(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpInputStream
skip(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexedSocket.InputStreamImpl
skip(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
smellsLikeAnEC2() - Static method in class
Determines if there is a decent chance for the box executing this application to be an AWS EC2 instance and returns true if so.
SO_RCVBUF_PNAME - Static variable in class
The name of the property which controls the size of the receive buffer which SinglePortUdpHarvester will request for the sockets that it creates.
sock - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
The socket object that used by this access point to access the network.
sock - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
The DatagramSocket that we are going to be running the discovery process through.
socket - Variable in class
The public view of Component.componentSocket, wrapped in a MultiplexingDatagramSocket for the convenience of users of the library.
socket - Variable in class
The application-purposed DatagramSocket associated with this Candidate.
socket - Variable in class
The "main" socket that this harvester reads from.
socket - Variable in class
If this is a local candidate the field contains the socket that is actually associated with the candidate.
socket - Variable in class
The application-purposed DatagramSocket associated with this Candidate.
socket - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Datagram socket used to handle network operations
socket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
The ServerSocket to be reported by this instance.
socket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
Allows wrapping the socket of BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel.delegate.
socket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
The Socket to be reported by this instance.
socket() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
Allows wrapping the socket of BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.delegate.
socket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
Delegate TCP Socket.
socket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceUdpSocketWrapper
Delegate UDP DatagramSocket.
socket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
The MultiplexingSocket which has initialized this instance and is using it as its inputStream.
SOCKET_CHANNEL_READ_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The maximum number of bytes to be read from SocketChannels accepted by MuxingServerSocketChannels in order to demultiplex (i.e.
SOCKET_CHANNEL_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for an accepted SocketChannel to provide incoming/readable data before it is considered abandoned by the client.
SOCKET_CHANNEL_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for an accepted SocketChannel to provide incoming/readable data before it is considered abandoned by the client.
SOCKET_REUSE_ADDRESS_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MuxServerSocketChannelFactory
The name of the boolean property of the socket property of the ServerSocketChannel returned by MuxServerSocketChannelFactory.openAndBindMuxServerSocketChannel(Map, SocketAddress, int, DatagramPacketFilter) which specifies the value of the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
socketAsDelegatingSocket - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpSocketWrapper
A DelegatingSocket view of IceTcpSocketWrapper.socket if the latter implements the former; otherwise, null.
SocketClosedException - Exception in org.ice4j.socket
An exception that indicates that a socket is closed.
SocketClosedException() - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.socket.SocketClosedException
Initializes a new SocketClosedException.
SocketContainer(DelegatingSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Initializes a MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer instance using a DatagramSocket as its socket.
SocketContainer(DatagramSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Initializes a MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer instance using a DatagramSocket as its socket.
socketContainers - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Stores the underlying sockets.
socketContainersSyncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
Used to control access to MergingDatagramSocket.socketContainers.
socketDelegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The GoogleTurnCandidateDelegage which will handle send/receive operations.
socketDelegate - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket
The GoogleTurnCandidateDelegage which will handle send/receive operations.
socketImpl - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocket
SocketReceiveBuffer - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a list of DatagramPackets received by a DatagramSocket or a Socket.
SocketReceiveBuffer() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.SocketReceiveBuffer
sockets - Variable in class
The map which keeps the known remote addresses and their associated candidateSockets.
sockets - Variable in class
The collection of DatagramSockets added to this candidate.
sockets - Variable in class
List of accepted sockets for this TcpHostCandidate.
sockets - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper
List of TCP client sockets.
sockets - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingXXXSocketSupport
The IP sockets filtering DatagramPackets away from this IP socket.
socketSyncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
The Object which synchronizes the access to BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel.socket.
socketSyncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
The Object which synchronizes the access to BaseDelegatingSocketChannel.socket.
socketWrapper - Variable in class
sockLock - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
The object that we use to lock socket operations (since the socket itself is often null)
SOFTWARE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Software attribute.
software - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
The value that this SoftwareAttribute is transporting.
SOFTWARE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The value of the SOFTWARE attribute that ice4j should include in all outgoing messages.
SOFTWARE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
SoftwareAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The SOFTWARE attribute contains a textual description of the software being used by the software or the client, including manufacturer and version number.
SoftwareAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.SoftwareAttribute
Creates a new SoftwareAttribute.
soTimeout - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket
If non-zero, MergingDatagramSocket.receive( will attempt to return within this many milliseconds, and will throw a SocketTimeoutException if no packet has been read.
soTimeout - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingDatagramSocket
Buffer variable for storing the SO_TIMEOUT value set by the last setSoTimeout() call.
soTimeout - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MultiplexingSocket
Buffer variable for storing the SO_TIMEOUT value set by the last setSoTimeout() call.
SOURCE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Source address attribute.
SOURCE_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
SourceAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The SOURCE-ADDRESS attribute is present in Binding Responses.
SourceAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.SourceAddressAttribute
Creates a SOURCE-ADDRESS attribute
SSegment - Class in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
Class used internally as a structure for send segments
SSegment(long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SSegment
SSL_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE - Static variable in class
Data for the SSL message sent by the client (client-hello).
SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE - Static variable in class
Data for the SSL message sent by the server ('server-hello').
sslHandshake(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Do the SSL handshake (send client certificate and wait for receive server certificate).
ssltcp - Variable in class
Whether to advertise candidates with type "ssltcp" (if true) or "tcp" (if false).
st - Variable in class
ST search field.
stackCallback - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The StunStack that created us.
stackCallback - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The StunStack that created us.
StackProperties - Class in org.ice4j
The class contains a number of property names and their default values that we use to configure the behavior of the ice4j stack.
StackProperties() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.StackProperties
STALE_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Stale credentials error code.
STALE_NONCE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Stale Nonce error code.
start() - Method in class
Starts this ConnectivityCheckServer.
start() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Start the network listening thread.
start() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Start the transaction.
start() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Puts the discoverer into an operational state.
start() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
Puts the discoverer into an operational state.
startCandidateTrickle(TrickleCallback) - Method in class
Starts an asynchronous(?) harvest across all components and reports newly discovered candidates to trickleCallback.
startCheckForPair(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Creates a STUN Request containing the necessary PRIORITY and CONTROLLING/CONTROLLED attributes.
startCheckForPair(CandidatePair, int, int, int) - Method in class
Creates a STUN Request containing the necessary PRIORITY and CONTROLLING/CONTROLLED attributes.
startChecks() - Method in class
Starts client connectivity checks for the first IceMediaStream in our parent Agent.
startChecks(CheckList) - Method in class
Starts client connectivity checks for the CandidatePairs in checkList
startConnectivityEstablishment() - Method in class
Initializes all stream check lists and begins the checks.
started - Variable in class
The indicator which determines whether this ConnectivityCheckServer is currently started.
started - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
Indicates whether the underlying stack has been initialized and started and that the discoverer is operational.
startedHarvests - Variable in class
The list of StunCandidateHarvests which have been started to harvest Candidates for HostCandidates and which have not completed yet so StunCandidateHarvester.harvest(Component) has to wait for them.
startHarvestTiming() - Method in class
Starts the harvesting timer.
startHarvestTiming() - Method in class
Starts the harvesting timer.
startLock - Variable in class
The lock that we use while starting connectivity establishment.
startResolvingCandidate() - Method in class
Starts the harvesting of Candidates to be performed for StunCandidateHarvest.hostCandidate.
startResolvingCandidate(HostCandidate) - Method in class
Sends a binding request to our stun server through the specified hostCand candidate and adds it to the list of addresses still waiting for resolution.
startThreads() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Starts all threads required by the socket
startTime - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.Ice4jLogFormatter
state - Variable in class
Indicates the state of ICE processing in this Agent.
state - Variable in class
Each candidate pair has a state that is assigned once the check list for each media stream has been computed.
state - Variable in class
The state of this check list.
state_notify - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Monitor object used to block thread waiting for change of TCP state.
stateListeners - Variable in class
Contains PropertyChangeListeners registered with this Agent and following its changes of state.
stateListeners - Variable in class
Contains PropertyChangeListeners registered with this Agent and following its changes of state.
stateName - Variable in enum
The name of this CandidatePairState instance.
stateName - Variable in enum
The name of this CheckListState instance.
stateName - Variable in enum
The name of this IceProcessingState instance.
stateSyncRoot - Variable in class
Object used to synchronize access to Agent.state.
stIP - Static variable in class
ST search field for WANIPConnection.
stop() - Method in class
Stops and removes all PaceMakers.
stop() - Method in class
Stops this ConnectivityCheckServer.
stop() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Makes the access point stop listening on its socket.
stop() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Stops NetAccessManager and all of its active MessageProcessingTask.
stopHarvestTiming(Collection<LocalCandidate>) - Method in class
Stops the harvesting timer.
stopHarvestTiming(Collection<LocalCandidate>) - Method in class
Stops the harvesting timer.
stopHarvestTiming(int) - Method in class
Stops the harvesting timer.
stPPP - Static variable in class
ST search field for WANPPPConnection.
strategy - Variable in class
The strategy that this nominator should use to nominate valid pairs.
strategyName - Variable in enum
The name of this strategy.
strategyNominateFirstHostOrReflexiveValid(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Implements a nomination strategy that consists in nominating directly host or server reflexive pair that has become valid for a check list.
strategyNominateFirstValid(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Implements a basic nomination strategy that consists in nominating the first pair that has become valid for a check list.
strategyNominateHighestPrio(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Implements a nomination strategy that allows checks for several (or all) pairs in a check list to conclude before nominating the one with the highest priority.
streamListeners - Variable in class
Contains PropertyChangeListeners registered with this Agent and following the various events it may be generating.
stripScopeID(String) - Static method in class
Returns a String that is guaranteed not to contain an address scope specified (i.e.
strToIPv4(String) - Static method in class
Creates a byte array containing the specified ipv4AddStr.
strToIPv6(String) - Static method in class
Creates a byte array containing the specified ipv6AddStr.
STUN_ERROR_RESP - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN error response code.
STUN_INDICATION - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN indication code.
The name of the property which contains the addresses of the STUN servers to use for the STUN mapping harvester.
STUN_METHOD_BINDING - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN binding method.
STUN_REQUEST - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN request code.
STUN_SUCCESS_RESP - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
STUN success response code.
StunCandidateHarvest - Class in
Represents the harvesting of STUN Candidates for a specific HostCandidate performed by a specific StunCandidateHarvester.
StunCandidateHarvest(StunCandidateHarvester, HostCandidate) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new StunCandidateHarvest which is to represent the harvesting of STUN Candidates for a specific HostCandidate performed by a specific StunCandidateHarvester.
StunCandidateHarvest.SendKeepAliveMessageThread - Class in
Sends STUN keep-alive Messages to the STUN server associated with the StunCandidateHarvester of this instance.
StunCandidateHarvester - Class in
Implements a CandidateHarvester which gathers Candidates for a specified Component using STUN as defined in RFC 5389 "Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)" only.
StunCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Creates a new STUN harvester that will be running against the specified stunServer using a specific username for the purposes of the STUN short-term credential mechanism.
StunCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new STUN harvester that will be running against the specified stunServer using a specific username for the purposes of the STUN short-term credential mechanism.
StunClientTransaction - Class in org.ice4j.stack
The StunClientTransaction class retransmits requests as specified by RFC 3489.
StunClientTransaction(StunStack, Request, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, ResponseCollector) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Creates a client transaction.
StunClientTransaction(StunStack, Request, TransportAddress, TransportAddress, ResponseCollector, TransactionID) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
Creates a client transaction.
StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter - Class in org.ice4j.stack
Implements the retransmissions algorithm.
StunDatagramPacketFilter - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a DatagramPacketFilter which only accepts DatagramPackets which represent STUN messages defined in RFC 5389 "Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)" i.e.
StunDatagramPacketFilter() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
Initializes a new StunDatagramPacketFilter which will accept DatagramPackets which represent STUN messages received from any destination.
StunDatagramPacketFilter(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
Initializes a new StunDatagramPacketFilter which will accept DatagramPackets which represent STUN messages and which are part of the communication with a specific STUN server (or any server if stunServer is null).
stunDiscoveryFailed - Static variable in class
Whether the discovery of a public address via STUN has failed.
StunDiscoveryReport - Class in org.ice4j.stunclient
The class is used to deliver results from a STUN Discovery Process.
StunDiscoveryReport() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Creates a discovery report with natType = UNKNOWN and a null public address.
StunException - Exception in org.ice4j
A StunException is thrown when a general STUN exception is encountered.
StunException() - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.StunException
Creates a StunException.
StunException(int) - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.StunException
Creates a StunException setting id as its identifier.
StunException(String) - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.StunException
Creates a StunException, setting an error message.
StunException(int, String) - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.StunException
Creates a StunException, setting an error message and an error id.
StunException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.StunException
Creates a StunException, setting an error message an error id and a cause.
StunException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.StunException
Creates a StunException, setting an error message and a cause object.
StunException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.ice4j.StunException
Creates an exception, setting the Throwable object, that caused it.
StunFailureEvent - Class in org.ice4j
The class is used to dispatch events that occur when a STUN transaction fails asynchronously for reasons like a port unreachable exception for example.
StunFailureEvent(StunStack, Message, TransportAddress, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.StunFailureEvent
Constructs a StunFailureEvent according to the specified message.
stunHarvest - Variable in class
The STUN candidate harvest.
stunKeepAliveFuture - Variable in class
The scheduled task which sends periodic STUN keep-alive checks.
stunKeepAliveFutureSyncRoot - Variable in class
The object used to synchronize access to Agent.StunKeepAliveRunner.stunKeepAliveFuture.
stunKeepAliveRunner - Variable in class
An instance to schedule STUN checks for selected pair.
StunKeepAliveRunner() - Constructor for class
StunMappingCandidateHarvester - Class in
A MappingCandidateHarvester which uses a STUN servers to discover its public IP address.
StunMappingCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new StunMappingCandidateHarvester instance with a given local address and a STUN server address.
StunMessageEvent - Class in org.ice4j
The class is used to dispatch incoming stun messages.
StunMessageEvent(StunStack, RawMessage, Message) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.StunMessageEvent
Constructs a StunMessageEvent according to the specified message.
StunResponseEvent - Class in org.ice4j
The class is used to dispatch incoming STUN Responses.
StunResponseEvent(StunStack, RawMessage, Response, Request, TransactionID) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.StunResponseEvent
Creates a new instance of this event.
stunServer - Variable in class
The address of the STUN server that we will be sending our requests to.
stunServer - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.StunDatagramPacketFilter
The TransportAddress of the STUN server DatagramPackets representing STUN messages from and to which are accepted by this instance.
stunServerAddress - Variable in class
The address of the STUN server that was used to obtain this Candidate.
stunServerAddress - Variable in class
The list of servers we will use to discover our public address.
StunServerTransaction - Class in org.ice4j.stack
A STUN client retransmits requests as specified by the protocol.
StunServerTransaction(StunStack, TransactionID, TransportAddress, TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
Creates a server transaction
stunStack - Variable in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
The StunStack associated with this instance.
stunStack - Variable in class org.ice4j.ChannelDataMessageEvent
The StunStack associated with this instance.
stunStack - Variable in class
The StunStack used by this Agent.
stunStack - Variable in class
The StunStack that we will use for connectivity checks.
stunStack - Variable in class
The StunStack that we will use for connectivity checks.
stunStack - Variable in class
The StunStack used by this instance for the purposes of STUN communication.
stunStack - Variable in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
The StunStack associated with this instance.
stunStack - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
The StunStack which has created this instance, is its owner and is the handler that incoming message requests should be passed to.
StunStack - Class in org.ice4j.stack
The entry point to the Stun4J stack.
StunStack(PeerUdpMessageEventHandler, ChannelDataEventHandler) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Initializes a new StunStack instance with given peerUdpMessageEventHandler and channelDataEventHandler.
StunStack() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Initializes a new StunStack instance.
stunStack - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.BlockingRequestSender
The stack that we are using to send requests through.
stunStack - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess
The StunStack used by this instance for the purposes of STUN communication.
stunStack - Variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.SimpleAddressDetector
The stack to use for STUN communication.
StunStack.ExpiredServerTransactionsCollector - Class in org.ice4j.stack
Class which performs periodic collection of expired transactions.
StunTimeoutEvent - Class in org.ice4j
The class is used to dispatch events that occur when a STUN transaction expires.
StunTimeoutEvent(StunStack, Message, TransportAddress, TransactionID) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.StunTimeoutEvent
Constructs a StunTimeoutEvent according to the specified message.
supportedOptions() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingServerSocketChannel
supportedOptions() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
supportsUrgentData() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
SYMMETRIC_NAT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
We are behind a symmetric nat.
SYMMETRIC_UDP_FIREWALL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Means we are behind a symmetric udp firewall.
syncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
The Object which synchronizes the access to the state of this MuxingServerSocketChannel such as MuxingServerSocketChannel.muxServerSocketChannels and MuxingServerSocketChannel.readQ.
syncRoot - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxServerSocketChannel
The Object which synchronizes the access to the state of this MuxServerSocketChannel such as MuxServerSocketChannel.acceptQ.


target - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream
Target transport address.
TASK_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Maximum number of MessageProcessingTask to keep in object pool.
taskPool - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
Pool of MessageProcessingTask objects to avoid extra-allocations of processor object per RawMessage needed to process.
tasksScheduler - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
The ScheduledExecutorService to execute StunStack scheduled tasks, in particular - expired server transactions collector.
taValue - Variable in class
The value of Ta as specified by the application or -1 if non was specified and we should calculate one ourselves.
TCP - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
TCP_OPT_EOL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
End of list
TCP_OPT_MSS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Maximum segment size
TCP_OPT_NOOP - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
TCP_OPT_WND_SCALE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Window scale factor
tcpConnectors - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
All Connectors currently in use with TCP.
TcpHarvester - Class in
An implementation of AbstractTcpListener which acts as a CandidateHarvester.
TcpHarvester(int) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on port number port on all IP addresses on all available interfaces.
TcpHarvester(int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on port number port on all IP addresses on all available interfaces.
TcpHarvester(int, List<NetworkInterface>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on port number port on all the IP addresses on the specified NetworkInterfaces.
TcpHarvester(List<TransportAddress>) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on the specified list of TransportAddresses.
TcpHarvester(List<TransportAddress>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHarvester, which is to listen on the specified list of TransportAddresses.
TcpHostCandidate - Class in
Extends HostCandidate allowing the instance to have a list of Sockets instead of just one socket.
TcpHostCandidate(TransportAddress, Component) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TcpHostCandidate.
TCPInputStream - Class in org.ice4j.socket
TCP input stream for TCP socket.
TCPInputStream(MultiplexingSocket) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
Initializes a new TCPInputStream.
TCPOutputStream(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream
Initializes a new TCPOutputStream.
TCPOutputStream - Class in org.ice4j.socket
TCP output stream for TCP socket.
TCPOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.TCPOutputStream
Initializes a new TCPOutputStream.
tcpType - Variable in class
The CandidateTcpType for this Candidate.
TcpWritePacket(PseudoTCPBase, byte[], int) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.IPseudoTcpNotify
Called when protocol requests packet transfer through the network.
tcpWritePacket(PseudoTCPBase, byte[], int) - Method in interface org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpNotify
Called when protocol requests packet transfer through the network.
tcpWritePacket(PseudoTCPBase, byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Implements PseudoTcpNotify
terminate(IceProcessingState) - Method in class
Terminates this Agent by stopping the handling of connectivity checks and setting a specific termination state on it.
TERMINATION_DELAY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property that can be used to specify the number of milliseconds that we must wait after ICE processing enters a COMPLTED state and before we free candidates and move into the TERMINATED state.
terminationFuture - Variable in class
The scheduled task to terminate this Agent
terminationFutureSyncRoot - Variable in class
The object used to synchronize access to Agent.terminationFuture.
terminationRunnable - Variable in class
Termination task which will be scheduled with timeout
testRunInReadThreadPredicate(SocketChannel, SelectionKey) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.MuxingServerSocketChannel
thread - Variable in class
The thread reading from AbstractUdpListener.socket.
thread - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
The thread which reads packets from this instance's socket and adds them to MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.queue.
thread - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.PacketQueue
The Thread optionally used to perpetually read packets from this queue and handle them using PacketQueue.handler.
ThreadAccept() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.IceTcpServerSocketWrapper.ThreadAccept
threadNamePrefix - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.CustomizableThreadFactory
threadPool - Static variable in class
A pool of thread used for gathering process.
threeDigFmt - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.Ice4jLogFormatter
tieBreaker - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.IceControlAttribute
The tie-breaker value stored in this attribute
tieBreaker - Variable in class
The tie-breaker number is used in connectivity checks to detect and repair the case where both agents believe to have the controlling or the controlled role.
timeDiff(long, long) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Util time method
timestamp - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.Timestamped
The timestamp (in milliseconds) associated with Timestamped.o.
Timestamped<T> - Class in org.ice4j.socket.jdk8
Represents an Object with a timestamp.
Timestamped(T) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.Timestamped
Initializes a new Timestamped instance with a specific Object and a default timestamp (value).
Timestamped(T, long) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.Timestamped
Initializes a new Timestamped instance with a specific Object and a specific timestamp (value).
timestamps - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
TLS_MIN_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.socket.HttpDemuxFilter
The minimum number of bytes required by the class HttpDemuxFilter in order to declare that (the data of) a specific DatagramPacket represents TLS.
toHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Returns a String representation of a specific byte array as an unsigned integer in base 16.
toShortString() - Method in class
Returns short String representation of this Candidate.
toShortString() - Method in class
Returns a short String representation of this CandidatePair.
toShortString() - Method in class
Returns a short String representation of this Component.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Returns a string representation of the token.
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.attribute.ReservationTokenAttribute
Returns a string representation of the token.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this agent.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this Candidate containing its TransportAddress, base, foundation, priority and whatever other properties may be relevant.
toString() - Method in enum
Returns the name of this CandidateExtendedType (e.g.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this CandidatePair.
toString() - Method in enum
Returns the name of this CandidatePairStae (e.g.
toString() - Method in enum
Returns the name of this CandidateTcpType (e.g.
toString() - Method in enum
Returns the name of this CandidateType (e.g.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this check list.
toString() - Method in enum
Returns the name of this CheckListStae (i.e..
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this Component containing its ID, parent stream name and any existing candidates.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of these statistics in a concise format.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this harvester containing its type and server address.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this harvester containing its name.
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this media stream.
toString() - Method in enum
Returns the name of this IceProcessingState (e.g.
toString() - Method in enum
toString() - Method in enum
Returns the name of this NominationStrategy.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Returns a String representation of this message.
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class
Constructs a new String by decoding a specific array of bytes using the UTF-8 charset.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingServerSocket
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.DelegatingSocket
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer
Returns a String representation of this MergingDatagramSocket.SocketContainer.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.Connector
Returns a String representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Returns a string representation of the ID
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Returns a string representation of the ID
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Returns a readable representation of the report.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunFailureEvent
Returns a String representation of this event, containing the corresponding message, and local address.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunMessageEvent
Returns a String representation of this event, containing the corresponding message, remote and local addresses.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.StunTimeoutEvent
Returns a String representation of this event, containing the corresponding message, and local address.
toString() - Method in enum org.ice4j.Transport
Returns the name of this Transport (e.g.
toString() - Method in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Constructs a string representation of this InetSocketAddress.
totalCandidateCount - Variable in class
The number of non-redundant candidates that this harvester has discovered during all its harvests.
totalPacketsAdded - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
totalPacketsAddedHistory - Variable in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
trace(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
An alias for Logger.finest(String).
TRANSACTION_ALREADY_ANSWERED - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Thrown when trying to send responses through a transaction that have already sent a response.
TRANSACTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Thrown when trying to send responses through a non-existent transaction That may happen when a corresponding request has already been responded to or when no such request has been received.
TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The length of the transaction id (in bytes).
transactionID - Variable in class org.ice4j.BaseStunMessageEvent
The ID of the transaction related to BaseStunMessageEvent.message.
transactionID - Variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
The transaction ID is used to correlate requests and responses.
transactionID - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction
The id of the transaction.
transactionID - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunServerTransaction
The id of the transaction.
TransactionID - Class in org.ice4j.stack
This class encapsulates a STUN transaction ID.
TransactionID() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Limits access to TransactionID instantiation.
TransactionID(boolean) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
Limits access to TransactionID instantiation.
transactionID - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.TransactionID
The id itself
transactionTimedOut - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.StunClientTransaction.Retransmitter
Scheduled runnable to time-out STUN transaction
translateAndSetInterestOps(int, SelectionKeyImpl) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
translateAndSetInterestOps(int, SelectionKeyImpl) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel
translateAndSetReadyOps(int, SelectionKeyImpl) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
translateAndSetReadyOps(int, SelectionKeyImpl) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel
translateAndUpdateReadyOps(int, SelectionKeyImpl) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingServerSocketChannel
translateAndUpdateReadyOps(int, SelectionKeyImpl) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.jdk8.DelegatingSocketChannel
transmit(SSegment, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
Transmits given segment
Transport - Enum in org.ice4j
The Transport enumeration contains all currently known transports that ICE may be interacting with (but not necessarily support).
Transport(String) - Constructor for enum org.ice4j.Transport
Creates a Transport instance with the specified name.
transport - Variable in class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
The variable that we are using to store the transport that this address is pertaining to.
transportAddress - Variable in class
The transport address represented by this candidate.
TransportAddress - Class in org.ice4j
The Address class is used to define destinations to outgoing Stun Packets.
TransportAddress(String, int, Transport) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Creates an address instance address from an IP address and a port number.
TransportAddress(byte[], int, Transport) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Creates an address instance address from a byte array containing an IP address and a port number.
TransportAddress(InetSocketAddress, Transport) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Creates an address instance from an InetSocketAddress.
TransportAddress(InetAddress, int, Transport) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.TransportAddress
Creates an address instance from a host name and a port number.
transportName - Variable in enum org.ice4j.Transport
The name of this Transport.
transportProtocol - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
Transport protocol.
trickle - Variable in class
Determines whether this agent should perform trickling.
trickleCallback - Variable in class
The callback that we will be notifying every time a harvester completes.
TrickleCallback - Interface in
We use this callback to feed candidates to ice4j user applications that support trickle ICE.
triggerCheck(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Either queues a triggered check for triggeredPair or, in case there's already a pair with the specified remote and local addresses, puts it in the queue instead.
triggeredCheckQueue - Variable in class
The triggeredCheckQueue is a FIFO queue containing candidate pairs for which checks are to be sent at the next available opportunity.
TRY_ALTERNATE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Try Alternate error code.
tsecr - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
tsval - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
TURN_METHOD_ALLOCATE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN allocate method code.
TURN_METHOD_CHANNELBIND - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN ChannelBind method code.
TURN_METHOD_CONNECT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN Connect method code.
TURN_METHOD_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN ConnectionAttempt method code.
TURN_METHOD_CONNECTION_BIND - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN ConnectionBind method code.
TURN_METHOD_CREATEPERMISSION - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN CreatePermission method code.
TURN_METHOD_DATA - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN data method code.
TURN_METHOD_REFRESH - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN refresh method code.
TURN_METHOD_SEND - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
TURN send method code.
turnCandidateHarvest - Variable in class
The GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest which has harvested this GoogleRelayedCandidate.
TurnCandidateHarvest - Class in
Represents the harvesting of TURN Candidates for a specific HostCandidate performed by a specific TurnCandidateHarvester.
TurnCandidateHarvest(TurnCandidateHarvester, HostCandidate) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TurnCandidateHarvest which is to represent the harvesting of TURN Candidates for a specific HostCandidate performed by a specific TurnCandidateHarvester.
turnCandidateHarvest - Variable in class
The TurnCandidateHarvest which has harvested this RelayedCandidate.
turnCandidateHarvest - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest which has harvested GoogleRelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.relayedCandidate.
turnCandidateHarvest - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
The GoogleTurnCandidateHarvest which has harvested #relayedCandidate.
turnCandidateHarvest - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket
The TurnCandidateHarvest which has harvested RelayedCandidateDatagramSocket.relayedCandidate.
TurnCandidateHarvester - Class in
Implements a CandidateHarvester which gathers TURN Candidates for a specified Component.
TurnCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TurnCandidateHarvester instance which is to work with a specific TURN server.
TurnCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress, LongTermCredential) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TurnCandidateHarvester instance which is to work with a specific TURN server using a specific LongTermCredential.
TurnCandidateHarvester(TransportAddress, String) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new TurnCandidateHarvester instance which is to work with a specific TURN server using a specific username for the purposes of the STUN short-term credential mechanism.
TurnDatagramPacketFilter - Class in org.ice4j.socket
Implements a DatagramPacketFilter which accepts DatagramPackets which represent TURN messages defined in RFC 5766 "Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN): Relay Extensions to Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)" and which are part of the communication with a specific TURN server.
TurnDatagramPacketFilter(TransportAddress) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.socket.TurnDatagramPacketFilter
Initializes a new TurnDatagramPacketFilter which will accept DatagramPackets which represent TURN messages and which are part of the communication with a specific TURN server.
twoDigFmt - Static variable in class org.ice4j.util.Ice4jLogFormatter
typeName - Variable in enum
The name of this CandidateType instance.


UDP - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.RequestedTransportAttribute
UDP_BLOCKING_FIREWALL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Indicates that UDP communication is not possible.
UDP_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTCPBase
udpConnectors - Variable in class org.ice4j.stack.NetAccessManager
All Connectors currently in use with UDP.
udpMessage - Variable in class org.ice4j.PeerUdpMessageEvent
The Peer UDP Message associated with this event.
ufrag - Variable in class
The user fragment that we should use for the ice-ufrag attribute.
ufrag - Variable in class
The local username fragment associated with this candidate.
ufrag - Variable in class
Ufrag for the local candidate.
ufrag - Variable in class
Ufrag for the Google Talk candidate.
UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Unauthorized error code.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.ice4j.stunclient.StunDiscoveryReport
Indicates that NAT detection has failed or not yet initiated.
UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Unknown attribute error code.
UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Unknown attributes attribute.
UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.ice4j.StunException
Means that the the reason that caused the exception was unclear.
UNKNOWN_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Unknown optional attribute.
UNKNOWN_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
unknownAttributes - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
A list of attribute types that were not understood by the server.
UnknownAttributesAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The UNKNOWN-ATTRIBUTES attribute is present only in a Binding Error Response or Shared Secret Error Response when the response code in the ERROR-CODE attribute is 420.
UnknownAttributesAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.UnknownAttributesAttribute
unmodifiableAuthorities - Variable in class
The list of CredentialsAuthoritys registered with this manager as being able to provide credentials.
unregisterAuthority(CredentialsAuthority) - Method in class
Removes authority from the list of CredentialsAuthoritys registered with this manager.
UNSUPPORTED_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Unsupported Transport Protocol error code.
update(long) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.QueueStatistics
update(int, long) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.RateStatistics
updateCheckListAndTimerStates(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Updates all check list and timer states after a check has completed (both if completion was successful or not).
updateClock() - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Interrupts clock thread's wait method to force time update
updateRemoteCandidates() - Method in class
Update ICE processing with new Candidates.
UPNPCandidate - Class in
Represents a Candidate obtained via UPnP.
UPNPCandidate(TransportAddress, LocalCandidate, Component, GatewayDevice) - Constructor for class
Creates a UPNPCandidate for the specified transport, address, and base.
UPNPHarvester - Class in
Implements a CandidateHarvester which gathers Candidates for a specified Component using UPnP.
UPNPHarvester() - Constructor for class
UPNPHarvester.UPNPThread - Class in
UPnP discover thread.
UPNPThread(String) - Constructor for class
USE_CANDIDATE - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Use candidate attribute.
USE_CANDIDATE_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
USE_COMPONENT_SOCKET - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property which specifies whether the per-component merging socket should be enabled by default (the default value can be overridden with Agent.createComponent(IceMediaStream, Transport, int, int, int, KeepAliveStrategy, boolean).
USE_DYNAMIC_HOST_HARVESTER - Static variable in class org.ice4j.StackProperties
The name of the property which specifies whether the dynamic port UDP host harvester should be used by Agent instances.
USE_TLS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Use TLS error code.
useCandidate - Variable in class
A flag indicating whether we have seen an incoming check request that contained the USE-CANDIDATE attribute for this pair.
UseCandidateAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
This class implements the USE-CANDIDATE attribute This attribute is an extension to the original STUN protocol This is used only during an ICE implementation This attribute serves as only a flag, it does not have any data so the data length is zero
UseCandidateAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.UseCandidateAttribute
useCandidateReceived() - Method in class
Returns true if someone has previously raised this pair's useCandidate flag and false otherwise.
useCandidateSent - Variable in class
A flag indicating whether we have sent a check request that contained the USE-CANDIDATE attribute for this pair.
useCandidateSent() - Method in class
Returns true if someone has previously raised this pair's useCandidateSent flag and false otherwise.
useHostHarvester - Variable in class
The flag which specifies whether Agent.hostCandidateHarvester should be used or not.
useHostHarvester() - Method in class
Checks whether the dynamic host harvester should be used or not.
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
Username attribute.
username - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MessageIntegrityAttribute
The username that we should use to obtain an encryption key (password) that the MessageIntegrityAttribute.encode() method should use when creating the content of this message.
username - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
Username value.
username - Variable in class
username - Variable in class
The username of this LongTermCredential.
username - Variable in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateDelegate
USERNAME_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
UsernameAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The USERNAME attribute is used for message integrity.
UsernameAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.UsernameAttribute
usernameEquals(byte[]) - Method in class
Determines whether the username of the LongTermCredential used by this instance is equal to a specific username.


validate() - Method in class
Marks this pair as valid.
validateAttributePresentity() - Method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Verify that the message has all obligatory attributes and throw an exception if this is not the case.
validateChannelNumber(char) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.ChannelData
Determines whether a specific channel number is in the valid channel number range defined by the TURN RFC.
validatedCandidates - Variable in class
Map that will remember association between validated relayed candidate and a timer.
validateFingerprint(FingerprintAttribute, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.message.Message
Recalculates the FINGERPRINT CRC32 checksum of the message array so that we could compare it with the value brought by the FingerprintAttribute.
validateMessageIntegrity(MessageIntegrityAttribute, String, boolean, RawMessage) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Recalculates the HMAC-SHA1 signature of the message array so that we could compare it with the value brought by the MessageIntegrityAttribute.
validatePair(CandidatePair) - Method in class
Adds pair to that list of valid candidates for its parent stream.
validateRequestAttributes(StunMessageEvent) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Executes actions related specific attributes like asserting proper checksums or verifying the validity of user names.
validateUsername(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.stack.StunStack
Asserts the validity of a specific username (e.g.
validList - Variable in class
An ordered set of candidate pairs for a media stream that have been validated by a successful STUN transaction.
validListContainsAllComponents() - Method in class
Returns true if this stream's valid list contains at least one CandidatePair for each Component of the stream and false otherwise.
validListContainsFoundation(String) - Method in class
Returns true if this stream's validList contains a pair with the specified foundation and false otherwise.
validListContainsNomineeForComponent(Component) - Method in class
Returns true if this stream's validList contains a pair that is nominated for the specified Component and false otherwise.
value - Variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.MagicCookieAttribute
Magic cookie value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.EnShutdown
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Option
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SendFlags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.WriteResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ice4j.Transport
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.EnShutdown
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Option
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SendFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.WriteResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ice4j.Transport
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
virtual - Variable in class
Specifies whether the address associated with this candidate belongs to a VPN interface.


WAIT_TIME - Static variable in class
Wait time in milliseconds.
waitForResolutionEnd() - Method in class
Blocks the current thread until all resolutions in this harvester have terminated one way or another.
waitWhileInRead() - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPInputStream
warn(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
warning(String) - Method in class org.ice4j.util.Logger
Logs a message with level Level.WARNING, if that level is loggable according to the log level configured for this Logger.
wnd - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.Segment
wrapped - Variable in class
The IceSocketWrapper that this instance wraps around.
write(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl.PseudoTcpOutputStream
This method blocks until all data has been written.
write(byte[], int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Writes count of bytes from the buffer
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Writes data into the buffer.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
write(ByteBuffer[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.BaseDelegatingSocketChannel
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.GoogleRelayedCandidateSocket.TCPOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.socket.TCPOutputStream
write_notify - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Monitor object used to block threads on write operation.
write_pos - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Current write position
writeLimit(int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Limits desiredWriteCount to what's actually available
writeOffset(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Writes count bytes from data to the buffer without affecting buffer's write position
writeOp(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.util.ByteFifoBuffer
Utility method for write operations
WriteResult - Enum in org.ice4j.pseudotcp
The result of write packet operations
WriteResult() - Constructor for enum org.ice4j.pseudotcp.WriteResult
writeTimeout - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.PseudoTcpSocketImpl
Read operations timeout in ms
WRONG_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.ErrorCodeAttribute
Wrong Credentials error code.


xmit - Variable in class org.ice4j.pseudotcp.SSegment
XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
XOR Mapped address attribute.
XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
XOR_MASK - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.FingerprintAttribute
The value that we need to XOR the CRC with.
XOR_ONLY - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
XOR only attribute.
XOR_ONLY_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
XOR_PEER_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
XOR peer address attribute.
XOR_PEER_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
XOR_RELAYED_ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.ice4j.attribute.Attribute
XOR relayed address attribute.
XOR_RELAYED_ADDRESS_PRESENTITY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.ice4j.message.Message
XorMappedAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute is only present in Binding Responses.
XorMappedAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.XorMappedAddressAttribute
Creates an instance of this attribute
XorMappedAddressAttribute(char) - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.XorMappedAddressAttribute
XorOnlyAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
This attribute is present in a Binding Request.
XorOnlyAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.XorOnlyAttribute
XorPeerAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The XOR-PEER-ADDRESS attribute is given by a TURN client to indicates the peer destination address of its relayed packet.
XorPeerAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.XorPeerAddressAttribute
XorRelayedAddressAttribute - Class in org.ice4j.attribute
The XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS attribute is given by a TURN server to indicates the client its relayed address.
XorRelayedAddressAttribute() - Constructor for class org.ice4j.attribute.XorRelayedAddressAttribute
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